I know I promised I would never leave here, but the forum is no longer the one I joined and I am no longer the person I was then. I should really have gone when I posted the message to which this link refers but I couldn't bring myself to leave the many good friends I have here. This time will be easier because I've really nothing left to say except goodbye. healthunlocked.com/asthmalu....
The finally.: I know I promised I would... - Lung Conditions C...
The finally.
I was surprised and saddened to read this Don. I hope that you will change your mind and stay with us but if not I wish you well. With much love Carole. I will miss you xxx
I will miss you ….your photos , your reminiscences , your advice , and especially those poems with the twist in the last line .
You must do what’s best for you …..take a break ….and hopefully return if you feel that’s right .
Take care best wishes to you and Puss.
Oh dear me Don, that’s a real shame. Has someone upset you? You are welcome to pm me anytime. I’m the mistress of discretion.👍Very sad to see you go as you make me smile a lot. You’re such a lovely person. Don’t leave us just pop in when you feel like it. We’re here for you as always.
Lots of love, Carole xxx😞☺️🙃👍❤️💜💋
Did Don reply to you Carole? I am so sad that his name now shows as hidden which means he has left and wont be coming back. I rather hoped he might leave this open and return when he missed us. I cant believe that he is unhappy enought to leave x
No he didn’t Irene and he’s now left the site. Such a shame. Maybe he just felt he had nothing left to say. Hope he returns one day. Xxxx💙
So sad Do has left but like you Carole I hope he returns one day Have a good night and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌻🌻
I wish he had replied to you Carole, I am sure this may have been down to his age and just hope he returns at some point. I feel so sad that we have lost so many lovely people. I sent a pm to HungryHuffepuff the other day as we havent heard from her for a while and she hasnt replied and hope she hasnt left as well x
Yes I wished he had replied to me but he probably just wants to be left alone. I hope he returns one day as we all love to hear from him. Time will tell.
I’ve been wondering about HH too as she hasn’t been on for a while. I hope she replies to your pm. Take care Irene xxxx
I’ve sent her some PMs too but she hasn’t replied which is very unusual for Huff 😟 I really hope she’s ok!!!
Me too, its worrying as she lives out in the sticks on her own. I am just hoping she is just having a break x
I am so sorry to hear this Don and it won’t be the same without your funny rhymes. Maybe you could pop in from time to time like I do to see how everyone is doing. You will be missed x😘
Don I’m saddened to read this. Although I don’t always catch up every day the days that I do always find great pleasure in your posts. Thank you for those. You’ll be missed.
You will be missed, do hope that you have a change of heart, your poems are always a good read with the pun at the end, will miss them so much. Perhaps have a break and pop in from time to time! Wish you well whatever you decide to do. Take care and lots of best wishes.
I can’t believe what I’m reading , I’m only hanging on to the forum to look out for your contribution’s…🤷♀️ It’s changed a lot over the years and we’ve seen many friends come and go, sadly some never to return 😞. I admit the forum has changed a lot of late but I thought you were one we could rely on to throw in one of your little ditty’s and cheer us up. Please re-consider and hang on in there a little longer, even just to repost some off your past contributions most of us are to old to remember them (like me) so there just as funny and uplifting the second time around. Xxx Peg
Why do you feel this way Don? You are so well liked on here and we all love your poems. It is sad that you will be leaving us but I wish you well and hope that you will pop in from time to time. Please look after yourself and stay happy x
I hope this decision is one you ll reconsider given time Don but if you really feel this is best for you then I wish you well and you will be in my thoughts and prayers 🥰 I , like many on the forum am still reeling from the loss of Skischool, between you and him the humour has often spurred me on during dark days and I’m so sad that you’re leaving but I know that is selfishness on my part , you must do what’s best for you …. ( but please come back 😩) Much love Val xxx

I'm so very sorry and sad to hear you are leaving us Don, please don't go just pop on now and again to let us know you are a well. Yocan pm me any time, even if it's just to rant and rave (not that you do that) lol. Who willale us smile with your poems like you do. If you are leaving I promising your two little scarecrows are being very much loved and looked after. If you do leave I wish you all the luck in the world and thank you for being such a good friend to me. Have a lovely day and take care of Puss. Thank you again and always remember we are all here for you. Don.😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌻🌻💖💖💖😻😻💖
Oh Don, I’m sorry to read this, I’ve always especially enjoyed your poems and your sense of humour.Perhaps just step back a bit and pop back in when it feels right.
Wishing you all the best xx
Nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Goan dinne no day that, stay right where you are, cause you would be missed. you are wun O the nice guys
Hello Don, I'm sorry but I don't know what you are referring to. I do know that some people on here seem to get the wrong impression of what we are all about and can be hurtful and argumentative.Most people though are friendly, helpful and supportive. We are the ones who will miss you terribly and we are the majority.What will we do without your poems, wisdom and fabulous sense of humour.
Please think again. You have so many friends here. Please don't allow a few idiots to spoil it for everybody. X
No, no, no, I’ve not been upset by anyone, except those that changed the charities name of course, I’m pretty thick skinned in that respect. It’s the fact that great changes have taken place and I’m too old to keep up with them anymore. I came to receive help with my breathing and received that in abundance. I stayed because I found I could entertain members with my writing and I think I have done that until recently when I dried up. My thanks to all who laughed at my jokes. 😍 Don & Puss.xx
Oh Don. ♥️ Why don't you just give it a rest and come back when something inspires you.

Agreed. 👍

Oh... please stay... I love reading your poems!! It always brightens my day!!They always make me laugh which is great for the lungs!!! You write so well and is very much enjoyed!

Dear Don, As a relative newby I can't tell you how much I will miss you. I always look forward to your lovely poems and they give me a lift and a smile every time. But of course you must do what feels right for you. But if you ever decide to come back I can imagine everyones delight xxx

Sorry to hear you've left Don. For me, nothing has felt the same since we lost Mike. He was such a huge presence on the site and of course you knew him a lot longer than I did. I wish you well, my old love ❤
So sorry to see you go take care
Oh Don 😢 That’s a sad post to read! I’ll miss you! It does feel a bit different at the moment! Maybe like the others have said, just pop by to say Hello sometimes. Look after you and your precious cat!
Dee x
Hello Don.Ive noticed yr absence of late.im very sorry u are leaving.i hope no ones upset you.
I love yr poems too.theyre uplifting & always make me laugh.
I do hope u can reconsider + perhaps take a break, & pop in & out as u wish.
Sending u lotsaluv xxxxxx
Awwww Don! I just had to explain to my granddaughter that I had been crying because some old geezer, whom I'd never met, was leaving some kind of in the air family and that it had made me feel sad🤷♀️ I can't really say much more than that my dear Don, except that I (we all) will miss you terribly 😘 and wish (selfishly) that you would change your mind! Look after your unexpected friend Puss, with much love and hugs, Laurie xxx
Hello Don. 🙂👋
You know better than I do , everything evolves. Even we do. Like you said, you are not the person you were when you joined and in turn this forum is not the one we both joined years ago. But logic would dictate this to be a natural progression. This place is made up of so many different people. Different backgrounds, different situations, different health problems all different but all the same in wanting to share some kind of fellowship and companionship.I believe you and I are here for the same reasons. People come and go and one day you and I will go too, and guess what ? The forum will continue to evolve without us. But that day is not here yet. I know you enjoy this place and your friends here. And I know also how much your contributions mean to everyone here. It is your choice but don't just leave because the atmosphere is different. Different can be uncomfortable but it is not always bad.
However, if you are set to do this, I will always wish you well.
Your friend,
Claire xx 🍀
Ho Don.NO PLEASE!!!! I look forward so much to your posts. They really Brighton the day. Please, please don't go.xxx
Dear DonYou have made a fantastic contribution to our community here. We shall all miss your poems, your wisdom and wit.
With love and all best wishes
Kate xxxx
Very sad to see this. Possible with the strength of feeling and genuine warm thoughts that are heading your way you will reconsider. If not I wish you all the very best.
It is difficult to give a "like" on this post. I like you Don but don't like the propect of you leaving this group. I am not sure what is up but a feel a huge sense of loss and capitulation. I think the posts here tell you that you will be missed and that you can share your darkness with us here. Hope you change your mind Don.
Oh , Don am sad you are leaving us. As well as your jokes and rhymes, I will miss your life experience as well as your experience of lung problems. Xx
I'm very sorry you're leaving Don. You have made me smile so often and I hope you are ok Don. I dip in and out of the forum because some days I can't get round to it. However, if you feel departing is right for you then I wish you all the luck in the world. Xxx
I was very sorry to read your post, Don. I’ve not been a member of this forum for very long, so am not aware of how much it has changed but one thing I do know for certain is that I will miss your posts and your humour! That was something that brightened the most challenging days! As other respondents have said, it would be great if you could pop back now and then but you sound like a chap who, once he’s made a decision, will stick with it, in which case, I can only wish you and Puss the black cat all the very best and thank you for your wonderfully entertaining contributions to the forum, TC xx
Oh Don You have made me smile and chuckle since I’ve joined this site I’ve learnt so much from you and others I don’t often write on here but I will miss you please just pop in and out
I will miss your poems and humor but you must do what is best for you. Take care, stay safe xx
A True Gentleman it was an honour to know in cyber land x🌹
Your tongue-in-cheek wit, your humor, your twists at the end of your poems, your shared experiences - please don't leave us Don. Maybe a break would be sufficient to have you and Puss renew your interest? I sincerely hope you have not been offended by anyone here. You have been an inspiration to me to approach aging with grace and candor and a wry smile. You and Puss will be sorely missed. Stay well Don. We'll be thinking of you, always wishing you the best and hoping to hear from you again.
I can only echo what everyone else has said. Will miss you lots. Love you, Chris xxxx
Hi Don
I wish you all the best in any new direction you take, or in any burst of freedom from HU.
You have crafted many fine verses and shared them here to delight us all. But surely the muse is still with you?
But as Cas says, this place evolves and yes it has changed but my hospital volunteer stories will still appear occasionally. People's willingness to support each other remains. There's no finer testimony on here as members referring to you as *a gentleman." I salute you.
Oh Don,nooooo.......!! Have a rest if you need to but please don't disappear!I feel we are a family here and I don't want to lose anyone especially you. I don't think you realise how valued your contributions have been You are under absolutely no obligation to entertain us or anything else,just being there is enough. We need our valued members.x
Sorry to hear your going Don, your posts have long brightened my day.
Oh no Don How sad is this for us all? I look forward to your wisdom and humour. Please let us know now and again that you are ok. Wishing you all the best, always. Diane x
Dear Don. It has been said by all your friends on here. Can I just add my tuppence worth! I will miss your wonderful rhymes and words of wisdom. Just you take care of yourself and Pus too. I wish you all the very best. Love Carol xxx ❤️❤️❤️
I get it Don, fare thee well. The atmosphere has changed, as hypercat said a couple of days ago (and I’ve been here as long as she has I think) but over the years the “feel” has changed many times as people come and, sadly, go. I was missing for a couple of months there but I’ve been looking in again. I’ve never felt the need to announce a departure but I’ve quietly taken a back seat many times over the years. You must do what is best for you but there is an always-open door here. Best wishes.
I have little to add to all these comments, I will miss you and your humour, just take care of yourself (and Puss of course).
Oh Don.😪 I wish you felt otherwise but respect your decision. That doesn't mean I won't miss you cuz I will, very much. If you decide to revisit now and again you can see how much you'd be welcomed. 🌷❤️
Sorry to read this Don, you always cheered me up and like some of the others I hope you change your mind. If not I wish you and Puss all the best in the future.
Dear Don,I am so saddened to read your farewell message. I would like to say thank you for all the many poems and advice you have given us all over the years.May you enjoy life with puss and be worry free. Love Rose X
So sorry you’re leaving. I’ve enjoyed your poems so much, so thank you. You’ve brightened up the days of many people on here and you will be sadly missed. I do hope you’ll pop in from time to time rather than leaving us completely. Take care xx
I hardly say much Don but like lots of others I will miss you your humour brightened myself up along with other you really will be missed x
Sending you hugs much love and all good wishes for the future Don.You have brightened up many a long night with your awesome poems.
Thinking of you x
I shall miss you, Don. Do come back when you're ready. You've a big bunch of friends here who'll hang out the party bunting when we see you again. In the meantime, be whatever you feel you need to be, do whatever you feel you need to do xx
I’m still fairly knew here and feel gutted you’re going. I so enjoyed every post of yours. Looked out for them. You have the gift of uplifting and inspiring people. Beautiful man come back!!
This is very sad news Don. I do understand that this forum is not the same anymore. I was on the brink of leaving a few months ago but decided to stay after receiving all the lovely messages.
Now I only check the site every now and then and I don't let it consume my life. Some members spend all of their time on here, commenting on every single post. Theres a lot of living to be done and at our age we dont need to waste precious time.
I will miss you ,as you always brought a smile to my face with your poems and witty comments. I miss Carolina aka Hacienda and her sense of humour. It seems many on here now dwell so much on their condition and only feel sorry for themselves. Posting the same thing day after day.
I just scroll past these now and dont read them as I am a very Positive person like yourself and find these posts depressing.
I wish you well Don , and hope you have many happy years ahead of you.
Sending Hugs and hoping you will drop in now and again to say hello. xxSheila 👍💕⚘🙏
Hi, like your post, and agree it’s so sad Don going, I try to be positive, hope I haven’t bored people, this forum is valuable for those of us who live alone and whose friends have nearly all died. Jean xx
Oh Jean you havent bored anyone, so pleased you are able to chat on here as it must be so lonely living alone. If I lived near I would pop in and visit you and even take you for a run in the car.
I hope you can find some clubs like Age Concern who have meetings regularly and even trips out. That is if you are able to go out.
If not then continue with your posts and hopefully you will get lots of replies as there are many friendly people here all with a lot of experience and advice .
Have a good day in the sunshine.
Lots of love xxSheila 💕⚘🙏👍
Sad to hear that you are leaving, you will be missed Don but I wish you well and will miss Reading your funny poems about life.take care of yourself x❤️
Oh Don, I will really miss you and your funny rhymes. The forum has changed, as things do, but all your old friends are still here. Time to take a break maybe, but hopefully you’ll return to us. You’ll be greatly missed.
What a horrible start to the day when I saw that you are leaving us, Don. Could hardly believe it. I have relied on you and your poems to make me smile, or to burst into giggles. Yes, there have been some unfortunate instances of people using the forum to vent their own unhappiness by being abrasive and unhelpful, but thankfully they’re few and far between. So sorry that this has contributed to your decision to leave. Like others, I hope you might feel able you pop in occasionally and let us know that Puss and you are doing well. Take care 😘
Oh, Don, I have been on this site for my husband who had copd etc. When he died, six months ago, you said don’t dare leave this site and now you are leaving yourself. You have helped me with your poems but now I shall have to leave as well. All best wishes to everyone.
Don, my very best wishes and thank you for all of your amazing contributions to the site. There is such a lot of changes that you have dealt with over the last while and have dealt with them all so positively that I am sure that you have put thoughts and feelings into this. So for the meantime have some fun with Puss.
I shall think of your punchlines often in particular situations and send you happy 😃 thoughts.
So sorry to hear that you have left the site Don,you will be missed so much, and where am I going to get my Sunday chuckle from if I can no longer read your poems? As many others I send love and best wishes to you.
Sorry to see you go. Could you not just lurk in the background and come back later xx
That’s a real Shame I do love your poems and the last line that makes us Laugh . Perhaps you can pop in and out with a few Gems Sometime. Meanwhile Take care & enjoy the Summer with Puss who is a doppelgänger for my Binkscat xx
Oh dear. This has saddened me and I hope as others that you’ll pop in from time to time. You may never read this but I wish you well Don and Puss. I always looked forward to your posts. Things do change and this can be off putting sometimes. Take care. 🥲 I hope you are well x🤗🤗
That’s so sad.😦
Hi DonI will really miss your poems and your wonderful outlook on life. You really brightened my day and for that I thank you a thousand times over.
You are obviously greatly loved and cared for by this forum. May the future hold you close to its heart and hold and protect you in its gentle loving arms.
I will miss you
Give Puss a tickle under the chin for me please. You yourself can have a tickle behind the ears. Ha ha.
With sadness I say goodbye to someone whom I never really knew but who made me smile both facially and mentally when reading his poems and seeing pictures of his beautiful Jack Russell Midge and then his cat called Puss.
Bless you Don and take great care of yourself and Puss.
Hopefully we will all hear from you now and then.
Love Bardear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
As you know Mr.D and Puss, that since i lost my parents- my father absolutely ,is in my mind everyday. I've read the posts every day and liked my favourite ones but not able to find much to say really. Imiss you and will drop in from time to time if that's ok.So Mr D and Puss, many MANY .violent outbursts of laughter no more but I'll treasure the ones that picked me up when i was miserable or unwell. X
In a different universe maybe we can get altogether all of us and our pets and have a huge party. !!
🐿😷🌈 xxx
We've lost one half of our famous duo already this year, please don't let us lose another, hope to see your rhymes again very soon.
So very sorry. Even tho I don’t post a lot I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. You will be missed. Did you find another forum🐞
Don, The site may have changed but the one thing that I know is that your contributions are the first that I look for and that the site will be far less attractive without them than with. However, if you do decide to leave, thanks for the poems and all best wishes for the future. Take care.
I know you probably won’t read this but I hope you do and know how many lives you’ve touched simply by being you. I wish you nothing but the best. 💐 Please don’t forget the forum door is always open.