Petition to grant visas to Ukrainian ... - Lung Conditions C...

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Petition to grant visas to Ukrainian refugees

80 Replies

Please sign and share if you agree

I’m so ashamed of the Home Office’s inhumanity towards these exhausted and traumatised people

Ps: a report from Mark Easton, the BBC’s Home Editor in Calais:

“On Monday, one family followed by the BBC was sent from building to building across Calais to track down promised British support. When they eventually found the right place, the Home Office representation amounted to three men at a trestle table in a deserted departure hall at the port, with bags of ready salted crisps and Kit Kats. The family were advised to make an appointment for 15 March, about 200 miles away in Paris.”

It’s absolutely disgusting for the Home Office to pretend to care, when clearly they’re throwing brickbats in the way of these brave war refugees. I’m fuming 😡

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80 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Signed Hanne xxx

in reply to sassy59

Thanks Carole, knew you’d be first 😊x

Signed. The Home Office has never been fit for purpose and Civil Servants are useless. No matter which govt. In 1975 two guerrilas in cable jumpers came to the small house that I was renting as a refugee from the war in Beirut at 10pm. They tried to take away my 3 yr old daughter as an illegal alien 3 wks after I had given birth to her brother because her visa had run out. They tried to get up the stairs and only stopped when I screamed that she was only 3.

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to

That's appalling, but not at all unusual, I fear.

in reply to

Good grief, how terrifying! I do think Patel has set a new low tho.

in reply to

Thank you for signing btw 😊

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to

Little pom that must have been so frightening .

in reply to Jaybird19

It certainly was. All because Ted Heath had declared that children born abroad of British mothers were denied British citizenship. 5 years and many problems later a conservative MP persuaded the labour home office minister to register her British as a special case. This is why I feel so much that the Ukranians should be allowed free entry. Only those who have lost everything due to war can understand how awful it is and the last thing they need is this bureaucratic nonsense.

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to

Omg Littlepom! X

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Appalling! Xx💜❤️

Firefly25 profile image
Firefly25 in reply to

I can only imagine how terrifying that must have been for you!

Alberta56 profile image

I've signed, though not sure whether I have already signed it on one of the petition pages.

in reply to Alberta56

Thanks! I don’t think you can sign twice. There’s another one on, maybe that was it. Don’t think that one has many signatories tho

Kelly100 profile image

I agree. Thank you for sharing x

in reply to Kelly100

Thanks for signing. I’m afraid the current Home Secretary is a very cold hearted woman

Kelly100 profile image

I’d also add de-humanised and vile sadly x

in reply to Kelly100

Agreed. The language I’d really like to use wouldn’t be suitable for the forum 😉

Jane2005 profile image


in reply to Jane2005

Thank you, Jane

Ian1967 profile image

Hi Hanne62, signed but it really is a disgrace that we have to force Priti Patel, the daughter of Ugandan immigrants, to take people from a European country warzone, where we as a country and NATO member are unable to get involved in protecting them, for fear nuclear armageddon, it really is the very least we can do.


in reply to Ian1967

I feel the same, that we might’ve expected better of someone with her background. She’s admitted before that her parents wouldn’t have been allowed into the country under the new points-based system.

But these of course are refugees anyway!

Jaybird19 profile image

Thank you Hanne and ha ve signed and passed it on to others .

in reply to Jaybird19

Thank you!

Damon1864 profile image

I've signed Hanne ha e a. Good night and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌹

in reply to Damon1864

Thanks, Bernadette, and the same to you x

cofdrop-UK profile image

Signed lovely and shared. Seems like they are going to put a visa place closer to Cal (70 miles away. After all they have been through 70 more miles. PP makes you feel ashamed.💕🎈

in reply to cofdrop-UK

It’s disgusting isn’t it? There are no words. Thanks for signing etc x

madonbrew profile image


in reply to madonbrew

Thanks Dee

SORRELHIPPO profile image

Will go on when finished reply, I was listening to my usual World Service, when they did a story on two coach loads of children, who were receiving specialist treatments for cancer (and their mothers) arrived in the border state (Poland I think). There were Cancer Specialists on hand, as well as other help. The children were being triaged, and some would be going on to German Hospitals, to continue their treatment. I did wonder if we had offered anything towards this.

in reply to SORRELHIPPO

I doubt it. I’m sure the Telegraph or Daily Mail would’ve publicised the fact if we had. Thanks, SH 😊

peege profile image

About to sign right now and thanks so much for sharing the link ×××

in reply to peege

Thanks, peege x

Cloudancer profile image

Agree we need to offer our support to these victims of this atrocity.Yes the our civil service is woefully I'll prepared to handle such an awful crisis.

What safeguards should be in place to ensure genuine refugees are given safe haven whilst protecting our nation from those who would seek to cause harm?

Tykelady profile image
Tykelady in reply to Cloudancer

There is a valid point there Cloudancer but I fail to see how we are unable to accept genuine refugees from a warzone yet are forced to take in ever increasing numbers of illegals. I don't however want to start a controversy over this so hope that the members will accept my view as a genuine concern.

in reply to Tykelady

I don’t want to start a controversy either, definitely not, but would just like to point out that under international law it is not illegal to travel to another country and seek asylum there.

Ps: also, I don’t think we should dehumanise people by calling them “illegals”. Whatever their reason for wishing to come to our country, they’re all human beings

in reply to Cloudancer

I don’t think there’s much doubt these people are genuine refugees, is there? They’re women, children, the elderly and disabled. There might conceivably be a few spies amongst them, I suppose, but we don’t seem to have much success in keeping spies out anyway, if the ease with which those two in Salisbury sailed in and out of the country, poisoning people on their way, is anything to go by

Carrie61 profile image

Signed and shared x

in reply to Carrie61

Thank you!

Spoticus profile image

Signed, that’s just disgusting x

in reply to Spoticus

Thanks, Spoticus

Firefly25 profile image

Signed. I read that story too, and was horrified! Thanks for sharing the link x

in reply to Firefly25

Thank you, Firefly

MoyB profile image

Signed. xx Moy

in reply to MoyB

Thanks, Moy x

Ergendl profile image

Signed. The Government and Civil Service response is appalling!

in reply to Ergendl

The difference between the rhetoric in the House of Commons and the reality makes me ashamed. Thanks for signing

Lilylung profile image

Signed it ..

in reply to Lilylung

Thanks, Lily

teenieleek profile image

Signed it.

in reply to teenieleek

Thank you, Teenie

leo60 profile image

Signed. I was listening to an MP last night (forget his name!) calling for Priti Patel to be sacked! Hear very hear!!It would not be a moment too soon Grrrrrrrrrr xx Also, I have a spare room in my house ...... xx

in reply to leo60

Roger Gale started it but there’ve been quite a few senior Tories now, complaining about her.

Thanks for signing!

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to

She should have been sent packing over the “alleged” bullying, in my opinion. True colours and all that 🤷‍♀️ Xx

Snackjack profile image

Signed xx

in reply to Snackjack

Thank you!

glds100 profile image

Signed. they should have officials in Calias sorting this.

peege profile image
peege in reply to glds100

Absolutely. It's a humanitarian crisis and they're trying to get to their families here

in reply to glds100

All they seem to have are empty tables with no Home Office staff around! It’d be funny if it weren’t so tragic. Thanks for signing, glds

Lupino profile image

Signed Hanne, and posted on Facebook. Thanks for posting. 👍x

in reply to Lupino

Thanks so much, Lupino x

Doggie123-UK profile image


in reply to Doggie123-UK

Thank you

CDPO16 profile image

Signed Hanne but how many will suffer while this petition awaits being debated in parliament 14.03.22 and while so many try to go the official route in the meantime? At times I'm ashamed of my country.

teenieleek profile image
teenieleek in reply to CDPO16

Me too. I’m ashamed but I’m definitely Scottish today (our wee headmistress was vociferous in her condemnation of the British government’s slow response), other days (when she’s doing something I object to) I’m definitely British. Nice to have a choice 😂 even if it’s only in my head.

in reply to CDPO16

I feel the same, especially when you compare our treatment to the refugees with other European countries.

Sara_2611 profile image

Ive signed it also

in reply to Sara_2611

Thank you, Sara

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to

Youre welcome

Sara_2611 profile image


Gingeros profile image

Signed 👍

in reply to Gingeros

Thank you!

LINDA70 profile image

I'VE Signed and forwarded to 5 others.

in reply to LINDA70

Brilliant! Thanks, Linda

DJS6 profile image

Signed xx

in reply to DJS6

Thank you!

Dedalus profile image

Thank you Hanne - signed.

in reply to Dedalus

Thanks, Dedalus

Titian8 profile image

Signed it. I agree that Patel should get sacked plus so should the unbelievably incompetent Liz Truss .

in reply to Titian8

Ugh, I can’t bear that incompetent, duplicitous woman. She’s ruthlessly ambitious though, and would do anything to become Tory leader

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