There i s a very long explanation about name change to which we cannot answer . Posted and turned off with no opportunity to say anything. We have said all how we feel about this but there is one other minor detail which i really hate . Not just the name but that eye popping colour and you cannot avoid it . It drags my eyes to it even tbe small round circle of electric purple and cerise . !!! Enough to send you to the cardiac group for advice on treatment . The colour of death .
Purple : There i s a very long... - Lung Conditions C...

If replies had been allowed things might have descended into chaos Jaybird. I’ve seen it happen before. The powers that be know how we feel and I’m still thinking BLF🎈regardless of any other signage. You can’t miss the colour that’s for sure. Xxx🎈💝👍
I think the reply facility was turned off as there had been so much already said by forum members about the change. As Sassy said things could have escalated badly. We must accept the change but we don't have to like it.
It was posted with the reply facility off ie at . same time . They had already answered I know , but now. " This is it You will do as I say ". I will have to wear my sunglasses ! I do find those colours obnoxious .
Funnily enough it wasn’t turned off on the asthma site. Did they have a premonition we are trouble I wonder 😉
Yes I know it was posted in that way. I still think that we are stuck with it.
I hate purple anyway, it’s a colour I associate with grief and mourning. In Victorian times respectable widows would progress, after a suitable period, from full black to purple, then on to lighter mauves. Purple is definitely not a symbol of hope!

Oh exactly

Oh dear - I am staying at a Premier Inn this weekend.
I think the new logo is rubbish as well!
I rail against purple as it’s link with “older age ladies” rankles with me, but I really loathe the header slogan of “Fighting for Breath”.
Whilst I may do that at times, it is very negative for me, and I hate being reminded of how awful I feel when things are bad.
Of course I’ll just get on with the change, and my criticisms are minor issues, but I still don’t like them!
I suppose it is meant to grab your attention so I suppose you could say it works. I agree with the fighting for breath as a negative portrayal (although sadly true)When I think to tv campaigns the ones that would draw my support, if I didn’t already have a monthly subscription set up, are the BHF ones. So positive. Showing how the research funded by them has saved and could save lives.
On the other hand, the only ones I can recall about lung conditions always involve smoking and people on oxygen, usually with a child in the picture somewhere. The message to me, is don’t smoke. Nothing to do with look what our research has achieved. Please help us do more.
Same with cancer research ones, that highlight successes in treatment - together we can beat cancer.
What is ALUK tag line? “ Fighting for breath” What kind of a response will that evoke in the general public I wonder.- Yep. I know. Sad. Shouldn’t have smoked.
Worry not Jaybird as long as we still have our forum and support each other,share information and generally look after our own tribe they can play politics,muck around with supposedly catchy slogans and generally make a complete fools of themselves because invariably within our bunch we have the expertise that only sufferers of the various lung diseases over a long period of time can aquire.
🙃😻👍 x
Ah, yes skis, but will we still have our forum, in the same form as it is now, in the longer term? On the asthma forum there are no jokes, or daily rhymes, or Sunday poems, or wildlife photos. No horses with silly names. No sheep either! No querying of lung-related government policy. No personal appeals for shopping items. Definitely no anarchic humour! It’s asthma, asthma and more asthma. Yawn 🥱

I don't think i will be seeing the longer term outlook of this situation but i do hope the forum stays as it is,i am quite happy to tone down my act politically but obviously not to the point of submission and the world needs more horses with silly names and homeless sheep that eat brussel sprouts.even if they don't have Asthma.

Any chance we could start up our own forum? (admittedly, I have no idea about how these things work!) - with lots of friendly support, silly jokes, sheep & horses galore, and lots and lots of archaic humour, please!It is so sad that some people, who may not even have any personal knowledge of the subject, can just take over and enforce their ideas on others, without any attempt to see different points of view. (a microcosm of the world today ?🤔)
It's because this forum is so unlike the Asthma Forum that it is more than likely that the plug will be pulled in the near future. Money raising is is the main object of the people running this site and providing entertainment is not part of their remit.

Come on Don - we are lost if your sense of humour goes down the plughole.
I think I'm still in shock! What an appalling mess. Unsuitable colours, sticking plaster used to resemble characters, and worst of all suggesting an aim can only be achieved by fighting. The British Lung Foundation had over 50 thousand members and they deserved better.
Depressing isn’t it. Their needs from a support forum are so different. The majority of asthmatics, not all of course, are able to work and live normally between episodes, without many limitations. Their lung function is not deteriorating year on year, and very, very few are housebound and dependent on the internet for social contact, or even particularly limited in their lifestyle choices. This is not to minimise the effect severe, uncontrolled asthma can have, but that is actually quite rare.
Anyway, we provide our own entertainment so fingers crossed we’ll be left alone for a while yet!
I think what was more relevant to those making the change is that in broad terms people with asthma are younger and more affluent. The workers running the forums, this one in particular, have been let down down as badly us members. Having two separate forums won't make much sense to those so out of touch but responsible for making savings.

i would imagine that the actual costs of running the forum may be subsidised or even paid for by Health Unlocked and that the charity's gain more from running them by way of donations from both the members and their family and friends,that is why i also feel that our original forum is relatively safe as long as we don't overstep the mark and put them in a position whereby they feel they need to close us down?We can have fun and be critical but there is a limit i believe in what we can get away with?
You’re right, the asthma population is generally younger, and youth is everything these days. I no longer go out in Brighton as I honestly feel invisible! I love the youth and diversity of the city, but I’m not joking, if you’re over 50 you don’t feel welcome anywhere. It isn’t inclusive to older or less able people at all. Cyclists are everywhere on the pavements and stick a middle finger up if you remonstrate. I had to travel miles for my covid jabs as the centre in Brighton had no disabled parking. I think we’re expected to shut up and stay indoors!
Well I took the driving assessment, ungraded my iPhone to the latest model, bought some new joggers, chucked my BLF merchandise stuff in the recycling bin, and am trying to look like a normal 45 year old. But it isn't working very well if I'm honest!
There are up to 29 different kinds of purple. I think they could have done a wee bit better. 🤗
I agree Cas. Lilac is my favourite colour, but purple is depressing . xxSheila 💕
I like purple myself, but it depends much on the shade. I think Lavender is a beautiful shade of purple. I am going to have some in the garden. Purple in Japan is the color of warriors and symbolizes nobility and strength. xx ♥️🎈
That's interesting I will tell Darcy my Granddaughter. She loves Japanese dishes also and her Mum takes her to Cardiff where they have Japanese Restaurants. She loves Ramen noodles and Boba tea .Lilac or Purple is her favourite colour also.xxSheila 🥢🥢
Why purple, when Great Ormand Street already use it. Would cost them a fortune to change now.
Didnt know that but purple still means death to me.
It's actually the colour of repentance in the church and I don't feel I have anything to apologise for. Lament maybe.
Hi Jaybird, Cas has kindly displayed 2O different shades of purple, some of which may have been kinder. However, I choose *rasin" in bottom left. Rasin the dead!😱
Agree with everything said, can just imagine the Bright Young Things in the PR department saying we need a snappy title, saying it how it is, nothing nationalistic like, well, “British” or fuddy duddy and solid sounding such “Foundation”! The colours needs to be dramatic to grab attention not comforting or restful. Same with the line summarising our aim, make people sit up and pay attention! Negative? Insensitive? No just hard hitting to to get our “mission” over! Apologies if I come over as a grumpy old git ( probably true!) and hope after this I am still allowed to be part of the group!
Did anyone else get an email yesterday asking if they like the new name?Here is a copy of my reply:
'Dear Sarah Woolnough,
Unfortunately, I have indeed seen the new name and logo and, frankly, I don't like them one bit!
Many people with lung conditions are NOT fighting for breath, but are living active and fulfilling lives. Those who are fighting for breath, don't want to be reminded of it constantly.
The British Lung Foundation red balloon was uplifting and gave hope.
'Fighting for breath' makes it sound as though we might as well give up now!
I don't know how the name Asthma + Lung came about. Were people with lung conditions consulted in any way? I know I wasn't and there are many others on the Forum who would say the same thing.
Asthma IS a lung condition. To give it perceived priority over other lung conditions such as COPD, Bronchiectasis, Cystic Fibrosis, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and many more may potentially prevent people with those conditions accessing the site for valuable information.
I'm sure it's too late now to do anything about it, but, for heaven's sake, in future, think a bit more about the people who rely on the site for information and support.
People should be at the centre of change, not on the periphery. We should have been consulted. If you believe we were, then you clearly have no knowledge of how to reach people with lung conditions as there are a great many on the Forum who have been shocked by the new image.
I understand the need to make the charity economically viable, but did it have to come to this?
Yours, sadly,'
I doubt I will receive a reply, but if it makes even just ONE person think a bit harder before implementing the next change, I will have achieved something.
xx Moy
Well said Moy. Wonder if you will get a reply? I received that went to my Junk Mail!! It mentions 'fight' or 'fighting' at least 4 times. Somehow reads/feels really aggressive....
Have to say that I dont find the purple worse than anything else about the new logo. I think it's all rubbish for the many reasons that friends have said here and on other posts/comments.
But we are all still here and as always drawing strength and support from each other (including what we feel about these new changes). What I am wondering about is what members from the old Asthma UK are feeling and thinking about it. Presumably they are present now on this new forum too and reading our comments. Id love to know what their take on this is. Would our critique of the foregrounding of asthma over other lung conditions and our annoyance about how the amalgamation of the two forums has happened make them feel unwelcome? I really hope not and know no one here would want that. Of course many of us have asthma too - we just want equal priority to be given to other lung conditions.
Sending greetings to everyone from the late asthma uk forum
Well said Jean and we don't want it to become a them or us group but we would like them to take life a little less seriously,lighten up a bit and try to be a little less grumpy.😂x
I wouldnt know who the Asthma UK folk are Mike, unless they say so. We've all been pretty grumpy havent we? I may have missed some stuff while my laptop was at the menders.
I belong to both forums but joined Asthma UK first as I am a Brittle Asthmatic. I take exception to being grumpy, at least I wasn't until I read that. I think with regards to Fighting for breath, someone thought they were being clever and should be taken as a double meaning. They and we are fighting for breath by raising money for research and shouting out about lung conditions and many of us literally fight for breath all the time but we don't give in to the fight. Hope I'm making sense. I'm really cross that there was no proper consultation process with us, it makes it feel like something has been done to us yet again.
Well welcome to our section of the "conjoined group". I haven't looked at asthma section so wouldn't know about being grumpy! I understand your interpretation of fighting. but I don't like the use of this aggressive term . I have found this site to be an escape from the stress and worries of our lives. I hav e learnt so much more about my lung condition than ever been told by a doctor so so value it . But also value the lighter side . Living alone is not easy w ithout contact with people and this is contact .and yes something has been done to us without consultation again. We will just have to make the best of it ! and ignore that aggressive purple.
The lung forum and the asthma forum are still operating separately Jean. There were some comments on the latter but not the amount that there were here. It was suggested that perhaps they weren't as affected because asthma is listed first but some were unhappy about the implications for members with lung disease other than asthma.
Of course I understand your last bit Carole. But if there are still two forums that answers my query. But is it just ours that has the Fighting for Breath logo? I'll take a look at the other one. Do we still search for BLF, and Asthma UK then? All seems very confusing to my addled brain! Hope you're doing ok
Hah!! We have now the Asthma Community Forum AND the Lung Conditions Forum. Well you probably knew that To my mind that's even worse. What are they thinking?
Yes, sorry that I didn't explain it very well Jean. Not sure that any of us know what they were thinking. Maybe their brains are addled too, I know mine is!
I've had an up and down winter now lingering into early spring. Hope you are as well as can be xx
I feel a little sad that BLF has gone as its been round longer than Healthunlocked, in respect of Asthma Uk I am a member of this group and receive notices from the charities head office but did not realise that so many respiratory groups were uniting for financial purpose I thought they were just working in conjunction to fight for better treatment ect for respiratory illness in the future. However a merge seems to have occured and out of the funding all change on logos and paperwork at vast cost that could be going to vital research into treatments or prevention. Anyway that's my opinion as a lung illness sufferer for many years , with a family history in respect of Asthma.
Me too jaybird19.not gd 4my eyes
NAME CHANGE My one career was in financial services. Initially our letterheads showed that we were members of NASDIM. Then rules changed and were regulated by Financial Services Authority, so had to buy new letterheads. Few years later name changed again to Financial Conduct Authority, so letterheads changed again. We were small independent company and had no say whatsoever in changes, although we agreed they were long overdue.
However the new name, logo banner etc of this site is still taking some getting use to!
Only catches me out occasionally when I forget to blink !still flinch though.