I have not had COPD confirmed yet. I want to know of you can have some easy breathing days and then bad ones with COPD. I'm thinking if your lungs are damaged they don't improve and then deteriorate day by day but don't know. Can anyone help please
Confused : I have not had COPD... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi and welcome to the site, try not to worry we all have good and bad days, more good than bad at least in my case I can't comment on others. Have a healthy lifestyle and take excercise butin moderation don't overdo it. And please try to stay positive. Please keep posting as we are a great bunch of people who care and help each other, have a good night and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
Thank you. I'm scared and unsure if i have COPD or not. Can you have one day with no breathing issues at all as I often do and still have COPD?
It's really hard to answer because everyone is different. Plus there are members with one or more of several lung diseases at different levels from mild to very severe &/or on oxygen. I dont have copd although many members do and I'm sure there'll be more along to tell you their experiences (we're all patients).
Most people with lung disease are affected by different things which give us bad days ie change in the weather, fumes, chemicals, chemical smells, pollution levels where we live, humidity, smoke, perfume, diesel or any combination of those & loads more.
Most of us would reccomend quitting smoking if you do, clean up the air you breathe in your environment, stick to a healthy diet, healthy weight, exercise regime that's right for you and you could well live to your 90s.
There's lots of info on this forum about all the lung diseases including copd if you have a delve. In the UK copd is either emphysema or chronic bronchitis.
Thank you. I think I just need a diagnosis for this breathing difficulties I've had since September. Doc. Thinks COPD but until confirmed nothing really happening. I'm glad I've found this site. Thank you for replying
Welcome to the forum Rhiacat. Hope you get a definitive diagnosis soon. Take care xxx
I am in exactly the same state as you x my COPD has not been diagnosed for sure yet . Some days I feel like I don’t have any problem - I swim a mile 3/4 times a week and walk miles BUT at night I often feel wheezy and I know that my peak flow is low - 200/250 x I use an inhaler morning and evening as advised by my doctor. Nevertheless I am very anxious and feel vulnerable as I don’t know what the future holds if I am diagnosed .
Hi and welcome, I hope that you get a definite diagnosis soon and can then get the advice you need on how best to deal with it. Best wishes.
Copd seems to be mostly different for everyone. I was diagnosed with emphysema about 12 years ago and I'd agree with the advice on here. I exercise and try and eat healthily. I belonged to a choir and found the singing to also be a useful way of opening up my lungs. I keep a food diary (it's how I found that too much sugar can affect my arthritis) and that has helped me identify things such as nitrites (a preservative) that can affect my breathing. My attitude is that I'm trying to stay well enough for long enough that someone will come up with a treatment. Good luck! (and stay positive)
Yes, good days and bad days. By all means seek opinions all round, this is a great site. Don't despair, just look after your body a bit better. Healthy diet, exercise
Oh, I pressed the wrong button and got cut off. Not very helpful sorry but was going to say for me exercise is key and don't let it get you down and stay off Dr Google, much of it is outdated rubbish.
Yes... I have good and some breathless days! For me it depends on the weather and emotions!! Please do not worry and enjoy life! Once I stopped worrying about my COPD and started not monitoring my breathing constantly my anxiety was relieved .... which helped my breathing!
Hello Rhiacat. I was diagnosed just over 2 years ago with severe copd and no further investigations. I did ask to see a respiratory nurse. Who can assess you better and prescribe drugs which will help you. I find I am worse with my breathing when I get up in a morning for a hour or so. . Just try to keep motivated and enjoy life the best you can. There's some good people on here and we all support each other. Take care with this latest virus as well Brian
Hi. I was diagnosed with COPD nine yrs ago. The only thing i find difficult are stairs & hills. I still work getting up at 2am to work in a supermarket. Hope you get sorted soon. X
Welcome to the forum. A lot of lung problem management is self help. There is plenty of advice on the BFL web site, if you can't get to talk to a human being. A lot of us find exercise is the key. Gentle if you can't manage anything too stressful. Don't bother on bad days- your body is telling you to rest. COPD isn't the end of the world; it means readjusting your lifestyle a bit, but try to cut out the bad or boring bits and make sure you leave room in your life for plenty of little treats. xxx
The COPD is a umbrella term for multi lung problems and different ways it effects people
ì went from where you are now knowing nothing about COPD to pneumonia to drain in lung with in months 3 years on fighting to breath everyday
yet others have normal life for many years and only doing some things a bit different now because of their lungs
Just stay positive you can't worry about things you don't have or read into info is not always a good thing yet for you to do
Take care wish you the best hun Caroline
Hi, I have a Asthma/COPD crossover and find that Yes, there are good days and bad. Winter brings on the worst days with Cold weather and Wind. But, then very warm days aren't great either. So Spring and Autumn are my favorites. I've had it over 20 years so I'm adjusted to it now. But you've not had it confirmed yet so try not to worry.