So I had a stabbing pain in my heart ... - Lung Conditions C...

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So I had a stabbing pain in my heart and had labs done two days later. Yay. My baseline is 10-11. Now nearly 78! Yikes. What up.

Maricopa profile image
22 Replies

The specialist all chill says take another labs in two weeks. Hahaha. If I’m still here

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Maricopa profile image
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22 Replies
Caspiana profile image

Oh no Maricopa. 😑 It seems you have quite high levels of inflammation. Now they need to find what's causing it. Have you had an infection? Did they check your lungs for fluid and your heart? My number sometimes go up due to Rhuematoid arthritis or viral infection flare up. They usually don't do anything unless I have other symptoms, usually it goes down after the flare. I hope they find the source and treat it promptly. Do take care.

And of course you will be here. 😕


Cas xx 🍀

Maricopa profile image
Maricopa in reply to Caspiana

Does your cpr go as high as mine! The other night I felt a very severe stabbing pain in my heart area. I think it was my heart. Idk. I was turning on my side to get up and pee. Is my cpr dangerous high Cas???

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Maricopa

Hello again. My usual CRP is relatively low , usually under one percent. But at my last clinic it was 66. So yes it was way off the charts. I also have heart issues with high BNP, Brain natriuretic peptide. A BNP test is a blood test that can measure the levels of protein that is made by the heart and blood vessels (BNP). BNP levels are usually higher than normal when heart failure is present. Have they tested your BNP? When was the last time you had an echocardiogram? Anything under a hundred on a BNP test is considered normal. Pre transplant mine was between eighteen and twenty, it is usually about three hundred plus nowadays. They need to do diagnostics really. When are you seeing them again? xx 🌿

P.S. I don't think your CRP is dangerously high, or else your doctor would have hospitalised you for sure.

Maricopa profile image
Maricopa in reply to Caspiana

I get new labs in 12 days. I nearly fainted with that stabbing pain the other night. I hit the wall. I’m still in pain. It’s better but if I turn my head yikes. My cholesterol has gotten as high as 500. Tryglicerides bad. So the recently started me on a statin callus rovustatin sic?

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Maricopa

You should not suffer in pain and there any way to bring forward your appointment?

Bevvy profile image
Bevvy in reply to Maricopa

Have you spoken to gp about this pain? Any new pain should be investigated especially in heart area. Please get it checked.

Shrimpy-13-22-25 profile image
Shrimpy-13-22-25 in reply to Maricopa

Hi Maricopa, reading yours and others comments it seem that you are having a hard time getting the right treatment. Please contact PALS, (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) as they may be able to help. Hope you get correct treatment soon

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Shrimpy-13-22-25

Mari lives in the U.S. 😊 Maybe a different ball game.

Maricopa profile image

I’m not seeing a test for bnp. I had an echo in 2016 it showed EF 35 and left ventricle failure

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Maricopa

That was five years ago. 😳 I am surprised you have been left in this state.

Maricopa profile image
Maricopa in reply to Caspiana

I know. They don’t even have me prescribed o2 yet and at rest I’m at 91-93. Moving at all I’m consistently at 80/83. Many times 70 has been the lowest. But I can’t move without it going down to 83 for several yrs

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Maricopa

Could you chase them up? It sounds like you need a thorough check up all around. 😞

Maricopa profile image
Maricopa in reply to Caspiana

I will call tomorrow. Last time I mentioned I need oxygen was told I’m a co2 retainer. Hmmm. But I’m not doing well. At fev 1well over a yr ago in the mid 20’s. Plus I’m alpha one ZZ. IM JUST being ignored

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Maricopa

Sigh.... 😞 No good. Some retainers cannot be prescribed oxygen and some can on very low litres per minute. I am also a retainer. Before transplant I was on two LPM. They warned me I was not to increase it. It did not help with the breathlessness to be honest, but it gave a little sense of security. I suggest you ask someone to help advocate for your health if you find it is all too much for you on your own. You cannot let this situation continue. Is changing your doctor a possibility?

Maricopa profile image

Cas I respect you! I know you are very intelligent. You have thoughts about this. Share. PM me if you’d like!❤️

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Maricopa

I respect you too Mari. 💓 Having said that, I am not a doctor, so I can only offer moral support. Please let us know the outcome of your conversation with your doctor. Sending hugs. xx 🙋🐕

Alberta56 profile image

I do hope they sort you out and quickly. You should not be left in this state. Thank heavens for Cas. xxxx

Tia4209 profile image

Troponin levels are usually tested if you have heart/ chest pain an elevated Troponin shows the heart is under stress. I have seen many people on here talk about prescribed oxygen use and using CPAP at night to remove excess Co2 maybe you could ask if this would help you?

In Nov 2020 I had a Takotsubo heart event, Takotsubo is a Japanese word I believe which means Octopus pot it was named this because of the shape the heart takes during an event. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy leads to Left Ventricle ballooning and usually a reduced EF mine was 36 , it has recovered a little since then but not back to normal levels. My Takotsubo event was caused by severe abdominal pain.

EF and heart output are usually measured by Echocardiogram ( which is an ultrasound of the heart).

I hope that you get some clearer answers and support in the near future.

Izb1 profile image

I agree with everybody on here Maricopa to get checked out asap. I have had my crp as high as 88 but only when I had a bad flare up with rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation was high. It seems like you have a few problems that need looking into. I wish you all the best and hope you can get sorted soon x

anng18 profile image

Hi Macricopa,

My CRP went up to 265. The Dr. didn't know why, even though my temperature was high, and was going to send me for a variety of scans. It turned out that I had pneumonia. With the correct courses of anti-biotics etc., which I received in hospital, it finally went down. Dr. apologetic as she had told me my chest was clear!

CRP is very volatile - sounds like you have an infection.

Maricopa profile image
Maricopa in reply to anng18

I read it can get that high with pneumonia. But I don’t think that’s it. I’ll get new labs in a few days and see where it’s at. It’s confusing how they say you are at high risk for an heart incident if the crp is 3. So when it gets super high I expect my heart to explode. Lol

Kristicats profile image

With your readings and other factors I.e chest pain O2 sats, inflammatory markers,low Fev1 I would want a second opinion asap! Re stabbing pain I would be phoning emergency services.

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