Has anyone out there with the above suffer with chest infections and of so do they get pain in the lower back and shoulder blades please? I have struggled with COPD for 16 years and many infections but currently have an acute one giving me these pains which I have never had in the past with similar episodes. Any feed back welcome with thanks.

I have had lots of infections but never with the pains you describe. You probably need to explain your symptoms to your GP. It could be something unrelated causing the pains, even indigestion, but it should be investigated. I would recommend that you ask for an appointment.
It is my GP that has told me the pain is lung infected related.
Well, just go with that and expect that the treatment will work. It may just be a particularly nasty infection that the antibiotics will cure. If not, then asking for further investigation would be a good plan.
I have had pleurisy a number of times. One of the symptoms of that is pain in back underneath shoulder. Sounds like gp has it in hand. But you need to look after yourself and rest as much as you can. It can take a while to recover but key is to 1. Take meds and take care of yourself.
Hi, I have the same problems, the shoulder blade thing has been going on for some time now but the lower back pain certainly coincided with repeated chest infections which are still being investigated and pre-date covid by some time.We have a support group here called Live Well With COPD which (when we could meet) were a great help with exercises and information; during lockdown the groups Facebook posts gave samples of exercises which we could do at home and I adapted some to suit myself, I do these in the morning, only takes a few minutes, and I like to think they help, but if like yourself I overdo things a little then I do suffer later!
Have you tried the British Lung Foundation's website? I'm sure they have examples of exercises that may help you.
Thank you and yes to all that. I have never suffered chest and back pain from the many infections over the years but this time I do and they go on forever it would seem. At least with all the feed back today I am getting a better picture of what is happening to me. That in itself makes me feel better.
I have had pain in shoulder blade area due to infection in lungs.also I have lower back probs anyway,but with coughing/ expectorating with infection,it really jars my back,causing painI hope yr on antibiotics.rest up x
Thank you for that because it leaves me feeling a little better in a weird sort of way knowing a fellow sufferer has had a similar experience.
I'm glad you have treatment from gp, was it phone consultation or face to face & using stethoscope to diagnose the infection? If stethoscope he/she should also have heard pleurisy if you have that too - I've had both at the same time so sympathise, its painful and you feel wretched. Hope you have at least 10 days worth of antibiotics, preferably 2 weeks but don't hesitate to contact gp again if still poorly 2 days before your abs are finished. I know its hard to breathe deeply when your chest hurts but its so important. Placing a rolled towel under the arm of the painful side can help (in my experience (advise from a physiotherapist) ).
Good luck, I hope you feel better soon. P
Thank you. First consult was face to face followed by 2 more tele consults and nurses call in at lest once a week. I have so many other issues ; I had 2 heart attacks last year and mini strokes and I have spent 19 days in ICU 5 years ago and Pneumonia twice and i could go on but wont. Thanks again and I will try to keep on top of it.
I have had the pains in the back ended up in hospital with a bad chest infection . I suggest you get it checked out take care
Thank you for the advice.