I have very severe copd. Does anyone else have a lack of appetite?
Lack of Appetite : I have very severe... - Lung Conditions C...
Lack of Appetite

I have periods of low appetite but try to eat something light instead of nothing e.g. yogurt with chopped up fresh fruit. I find eating smaller frequent meals are managed better as eating a larger portion makes me more breathless.
I rarely feel hungry and eat because I have to rather than because of wanting to. It makes it hard sometimes knowing what to have when one doesn't have an appetite or enjoy eating. I have nutritional supplement drinks and I find it hard to face those some days.
I feel that eating smaller meals would be the best way forward. Try to have good nutrition and maybe the supplement drinks as CDPO16 mentioned. Take care xxxxx🌸
I have a poor appetite due to both copd and various pain conditions. I eat little but often and try to get as much protein and calories as I can into each snack as possible. The best advice I can give is to ask your GP to refer you to the community dietician for advice. There are lots of little tricks they know to improve matters. It is a matter of finding what works for you.
Early last year I was struggling to eat and lost an alarming amount of weight.Some days I only managed a boiled egg! Since I was put on a low dose of steroids, I am eating everything bar the kitchen sink!!😀
I have Aspergillosis and COPD my weight dropped low enough to be classified as suffering from disease based malnutrition and I was referred to the hospital dietitian. I am on a high calorie diet with high calorie supplements, and my BMI is now just getting out of the under weight bracket. Mention it to your GP or consultant and see if you can get a referral to a dietitian. I eat small meals and try to snack through out the day.
I have severe COPD as well and often have trouble eating. When eating a cooked meal it is often cold by the time I’m halfway through the meal. Some foods are easier to eat than others but I have to avoid having too much dairy due to excess mucus always at the back of my throat. Little but often is the best idea but I find I can eat more in the morning and lunch time than early evening and night time. Very sympathetic to your ills and hope this goes to show you are not alone. There are many of us in this situation so take care and try to look on the bright side.
I have COPD and other conditions,since my medication was adjusted I hav a bit more appetite.Small meals are better or a snack.
When my appetite was really bad I ate muller rice,cornflakes and milk.
I also tried to eat cheese every day- I think there’s inflammation on the British. Lung. Foundation.
I do find that I struggle eating meat,it seems to take a lot of chewing and gives me
iAds of mucus.