Hi got copd and asthma classed as clinically extremely vulnerable. Phoned my doctors asked about vaccine was told I wont get it for a while said I am 6 inline yet government. said I am 4th inline now I've heard younger people than me getting it very concerned . It's the doctors who keep saying its age before illness putting me in a different categorie.
Vaccine still waiting : Hi got copd and... - Lung Conditions C...
Vaccine still waiting

Are you shielding? If so then yes you in group 4 like me. Just be patient band you will be called. Age seems irrelevant for CEV. I am also waiting. Remember we told should be vaccinated by mid February which still couple of weeks away.
If you haven’t received a txt, email or letter this lockdown confirming you need to shield, the first thing to do is speak to your GP and establish which group you actually fall into: being told to shield in the first lockdown doesn’t mean you are still classed as CEV now, as the list changed in the summer when they felt they had a better understanding of what was going on. In some cases, people were taken off the list even though they shouldn’t have been - I’m CEV as a result of autoimmune stuff, was eventually told to shield in May of lockdown one, then nothing heard again even though I remained CEV throughout according to the relevant guidelines. Queried it with the GP when Boris announced this lockdown only to discover I’d been incorrectly taken off the list by someone in the summer, which was why I didn’t receive a letter or txt in November. I was immediately added back on and got a call yesterday to arrange my first dose for Sunday. If you HAVE had a letter confirming you’re CEV, it’ll just be a case of waiting to be contacted: I suspect the order where we are for those under 70 but CEV is being determined alphabetically rather than by age. I’m 37, but 6th letter by surname.
Also, it might be worth me saying that anyone who’s previously been on the shielding list continues to get priority access for shopping deliveries etc. even if they were subsequently taken off, so priority delivery isn’t helpful as an indicator that you’re still officially classed as CEV.
A pharmacist going through the CEV list in the summer tried to take me off because she did not understand bronch or know my conditions. Luckily the practice manager saw what she had done and put me back on. However, I am 70 and still waiting. Very aware that different practice groups are going at different rates. Happy that you are getting yours!
The call came out of the blue, partly because I know there are 80 year olds in our county that are still waiting. My best mate’s dad in the neighbouring county is 80, CEV, and completely housebound, and there’s no sign of him or his wife who is 75 getting vaccinated, either. On one hand, I do actually feel bad that I’m getting it when others much older than me aren’t, but at the same time, I’m not responsible for the system, and if I refuse now, however noble the reason and without going into detail, it’s genuinely going to cause us serious issues with Bod. She’s also got an inpatient stay booked for 3 week’s time, and although we’ve already done 3 admissions since March, for the first time, with the current situation, the idea of being on the ward unvaccinated really worries me.
You really mustn’t feel bad and certainly not refuse the vaccine. You of all people cannot afford to get the virus and you are definitely at risk when having to visit the hospitals. This is a case of the system working with common sense. (Or a dose of good luck for you which has been a long time coming). You have a hard job without the ongoing worry of catching covid and the consequences for you and Bod if that happens. You have so much respect, love and support from your friends on this forum. Take your vaccine and keep on keeping on. XXX
Thanks, LP. Things are particularly tough going at the minute, so your kind words are very welcome. x

I received a letter last lockdown telling me to shield clinically extremely vulnerable
In November? Have you had one this time?

Then it’s a case of waiting for the call as the others have said, and you have the reassurance that they are aware that you’re CEV. If they achieve what they’re saying, everyone in group 4 will be vaccinated by Feb 15th, which really isn’t that far away.
If you have received the government letter or email at the beginning of this latest lockdow, stating that you are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable, you are in group 4. I am 70 and CEV and am also still waiting. Try to be patient and stay calm in spite of silly people trying to wind us up.

I am 71 & CEV and like you still waiting but added to my anxiety is that my area is the lowest in the country when it comes to the vaccine roll out so am not expecting to get it by 15th Feb target date. Having said that I know someone under 60 who is not front line, has been working from home throughout and has had the vaccine albeit a different area to me but just some 20 miles away.
All depends on your post code, Suffolk are still on the over 80s, but we have just got a major vaccine centre open. The opening was delayed since before Xmas. I’m 70 and CEV but not expecting my call for vaccine until early Feb. If you have had a recent letter from PHE telling you that you are CEV you will be in group 4, it’s not down to your GP. In my area it is the GP commissioning group that is organising the vaccine rollout not local GPs. Our local GPS are dealing with care homes and the house bound only.
Ours too.
I have asthma and copd too but I am not classed as extremely clinically vulnerable either. I checked with the BLF nurse, I will be in group 6 as well,
See my post healthunlocked.com/blf/post...
CEV only covers SEVERE asthma and COPD now. I think that was one that got changed in summer. Think it’s dependent on how many steroids courses you are on/have had and what doses of inhaled steroids. Unless you are classed as having severe asthma/COPD then you’ll be group 6. But if you got CEV letter then group 4...
It’s all on gov..UK website. I don’t know how to attach links but look on the official government website and it explains it all.
Copd and asthma clinically extremely vulnerable letter on christmas it's the doctors saying I am 6th ??
Can you take a copy of your letter to your surgery and show them? I know it’s horrible having to fight your case when you already know but if you take your letter to show them, then surely they can’t dispute it?
I phoned them back up with advice off here ,ie ask them again where abouts am I inline for vaccine . Anyway she asked me my age I told them she said not this lot next one I said that's wrong as I am CEV and previously taken steroids and I am on primadone ,they was silence for a minute she said can I phone you back back I said yes ,anyway 10 mins later she says we have acknowledged your at risk and you should get a phone call with in a couple of weeks 👍
I imagine you will be getting it very soon. I'm ECV and have received a text saying my appointment is on Sunday morning. It's won't be long now.
I’m 79 next week, Shielding as I’m going through Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer . Diagnosed last August, surgery September, had 4th/6th Chemo last week... Radiotherapy due about four weeks after Chemotherapy finishes - I’m still waiting to hear something.

You should off had vaccine but now , ....
I just got text this afternoon. Going Saturday
Hope you get yours soon as this confusion is bringing peoples moral down.