I have been thinking I ought to phone Dr to get the go ahead to take ABs and Pred for a couple of days. Feel okay by midday (at rest) but rough first thing and all night. Taking pred at this time of night is probably not the best idea but I am really struggling with SOB. Now it is Saturday I am stumped. Could someone please confirm that these emergency meds are for emergencies and that I can take them without "permission" in this circumstance. Ta
Emergency meds: I have been thinking I... - Lung Conditions C...
Emergency meds

If you have been prescribed emergency meds then the whole point is so you can start them when not able to contact gp.Otherwise you wouldn’t have them at home!!
You would have thought so but I was told to ring Dr to check beforehand. Well, thanks for your kind reply. I am taking them now. Thanks again
My GP told me the same so I was a bit unsure when to start them too! But like the others have said, and I have now learnt, is to start them and let your GP know ASAP. I think it’s basically because if you’re unwell enough to need your rescue pack, your GP would just want to make sure you’re not too poorly!!
I was told that having them at home was to allow me to start immediately after talking to a doctor or respiratory nurse. I was told not just to take them without that conversation.
I really couldn't have waited until Monday morning. Thanks
I phoned 111 last time and was connected to a local doctor who authorised the meds. This was Boxing Day !
I didn't think of them. Sounds like a good alternative at bank holiday time
Yes I think the emergency meds are for you to use your best judgment and take them as a rescue pack. I hope you start to feel better soon now that you’ve started taking the meds 🤞
I agree with the comments already made. I have been told to ring my doctor's surgery to let them know when I take my emergency pack of meds. Just ring your doctor's surgery on Monday to inform them and to get a replacement emergency supply. I hope that you soon feel better.
Absolutely 100 % take them.. Rescue packs are just that especially on a weekend dont wait till Monday for a GP .
Hope you feel much better soon rest and pop your feet up drink plenty take good care of you 💜💙
Hi Stamford 1234I did the very same thing last week as I had a terrible cough and it went to my chest felt rough for nearly a week before I started them. My gp is contact able via online so I told them I have started to take them and I received a call to confirm that it's the best thing to do and they replenished my antibiotics and prednisolone at the same time,a week on and it was well worth it.
Hi, I hope you are feeling a bit better today.....if you are still short of breath and struggling ring 111, and I would contact your health professional tomorrow .Do you have an oximeter, if so check your O2 levels .
I'd be taking the prednisolone for a couple of days unless signs of infection. If no difference then begin abs. Do you have an oximeter and thermometer at home?
Yes, take them when you need to, just inform your gp when you speak to them again so they keep it in your notes. I had to take mine recently for a flare up. Prednisolone do help. Best to take with breakfast if possible. Stay safe.
Bevvy is 100% right and don't forget, as soon as you start them, to re-order the pack from your GP.
Good luck
Thanks, I will give them a ring in the morning
I didn't take my emergency med straight away, because it seemed all wrong without the doctor's say so. I'll know better next time- I was quite ill.
Hi Stamford 1234,As someone who has frequently needed both of these, I must recommend that you seek professional guidance.
Given how scary it often has been for me to feel "alone" at these kinds of time, if you are unable to get help elsewhere and particularly with SOB, I suggest you call 111 for them to advise.
Very best wishes to you
I think you should have a simple check list to help you decide. Mine is check colour of mucus clear white ok, yellow not too good, green bad. That would tell me to start ABs, I also take my sats after I have got up and if I continue to wheeze I may start preds. I also take my temperature every day. Speak to your doctor or respiratory nurse for advice on setting up your own check list. I hope this helps. Take care jct1x