Hi. My name is Sandra. I am aged 70. In January of this year I was diagnosed with 2 lung nodules after a CT scan performed as I was breathless. I would like to hear from other members in a similar situation. Thank you.
Lung nodules: Hi. My name is Sandra. I... - Lung Conditions C...
Lung nodules

Hi Sandra, if you look right under "Related Posts" you will see other post discussions about lung nodules.
quote from medical news today:
A lung nodule is a small growth on the lung and can be benign or malignant. The growth usually has to be smaller than 3 centimeters to qualify as a nodule.
Benign nodules are noncancerous, typically not aggressive, and do not spread to other parts of the body.
Malignant nodules are cancerous and can grow quickly. They can spread to other nearby tissues and distant organs.
Doctors usually call growths that are larger than 3 centimeters (cm) lung masses, and these typically have a higher chance of being cancerous.
read more here: medicalnewstoday.com/articl....
If you are unsure about your nodules and are concerned do chat with your doctor, and do read more on the medical news today article as it goes on to explain that nodules are quite common and less than 5% turn out to be cancerous.
Hi. It is dependant on the consultant. Normally what will happen is that a restaging CT scan will be ordered for about 3 months time to see if their are any changes. If there is any further growth then you will go on to having a PET scan to see if they are malignant or not. It is also very likely that there will be no change, they may also shrink or even disappear. As Bkin has said 95% of the time they are benign and absolutely nothing to worry about at all.
If, a big if, they are malignant, take heart that they have been discovered at a very early stage, eminently treatable, there are a few treatment options and you really can be cured, it is not an automatic death sentence. I and a few others here can testify to that.
I was told many years ago that I had nodules but that they were of no clinical significance. As others have said they are relatively common so I wouldn't worry too much.
I have several nodules dating back to 2012. One is 7mm. I’m fine!
Hi there Abc1471.
I had a 6mm nodule detected when scanned during a bout of pneumonia in the May and it had totally vanished by the following February, never to be seen again, so as others have said not always an issue. 🤞
Take care and stay safe.
Hi SandraI too had a CT scan in January this year which showed incidental findings of 2 lung nodules. I was supposed to have a follow up CT scan 3 months later but this was delayed due to the virus and went ahead in May, due to an increase in one of the nodules a CT scsn will be repeated again in January 2021.
It all depends on the nodule assessment and size in diameter as well as volume, including the make up of the nodule.
For example
Nodule size: <5 mm diameter or <80 mm3 volume means a patient would be discharged.
You can read up about all the usual protocol on how lung nodules are managed at the following link:
If you are unsure about the diagnosis of your lung nodules then I would suggest you contact your GP and request a copy of the clinical letter from the hospital informing them of your results.
I had a scan in December 2016 for something else and they found the nuodules in my lungs which they did a biopsy which showed they were cancerous. They said it was good that they had been found at an early stage so they could do something about it. March 2017 I had part of my lung removed. At first I had 3 monthly check ups, then moved to 4 monthly check ups and am now on 6 monthly check ups. I know from experience how worrying it is but sounds like yours have been found early and the nodules could turn out to be non-cancerous. I have learned through this journey that lots of people do have lung nodules and in many cases they are not cancerous. I guess I am just trying to re-assure you that it is not necessarily a death sentence and i hope yours are the non-cancerous type.Will be thinking of you and hoping for a good outcome.
Best wishes
I had a scan two weeks ago and apparently they found a 4mm nodule and there is a 6mm ground glass on my upper lung. Like you I am very worried. The report on my scan said the ground glass might be infection or inflammation but a six month scan is been done to check on everything. My specialist wouldnt scan me for a while, and I had gone private for this one. So I am relieved as if there is something wrong at least now they will know and it won't be missed. Everything happens for a reason, and if there is something to worry about at least it will be caught early. It is such a worrying time but hopefully all will be okay.
Thank you.
I'm afraid can't help, but some great advice for you above. Would just like to say hello and welcome
Thank you. Glad I joined.
I have a number of nodules -all non-cancerous .Since I'm on a transplant list they checked my newest one after 3 months. No change. Good to go.
Best Wishes!
That’s good news. Thank you for replying.
I have them too and the nodules haven't changed in size for years. All good & Dr happy so please try not to worry yourself too much at the moment. Wishing you all the best
Thank you so much.