😥 sob.: Well he's a proper misery He's... - Lung Conditions C...

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😥 sob.

64 Replies

Well he's a proper misery

He's becoming quite a drip

Stumps around grunts and growls

He's giving folk the pip

Where's that pleasant Mr Don

Who was so cheerful all the time

He's talking proper English now

Without a sign of rhyme

He lost his little partner

Who was always by his side

He'll be back just as he was

Once he's broken down and cried.

64 Replies
Tree20862 profile image


Hugs and prayers for peace and healing.

sassy59 profile image

You’ve suffered a tremendous loss

Of your best friend, such a shame

A companion who knew she was the Boss

Dear Midge, that was her name

Sad to say she went away and left you so bereft

What to do? Where to go? There’s really not much left.

But hold on Don! Don’t give up

Wipe those tears away

We’re all here, just for you

Each and every day.

It’s understandable to be grieving Don, take your time, we’ll wait. Thinking of you you lovely man. Xxx💖💖💖💖😘

Jomo46 profile image
Jomo46 in reply to sassy59

Well done sassy. You wrote exactly as I would have, if I had the talent

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Jomo46

Thank you Jomo, you’re very kind. Xxxx

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to sassy59

Gosh, spot on, Carole, hope this lovely poem comforts our man, Don ❤️ xx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Yatzy

Thank you Penny, I hope so too. 💜❤️xx

Blackbird8 profile image


A big hug and a huge hanky from me and Twinkle. 😪💔

CDPO16 profile image

Such a loss can't be easily overcome and it is very early days after the loss of your dear Midge. The pleasant man is still there under the shadow of sadness, to return when the time is right xxx

Izb1 profile image

Don, it sometimes does you good to let go and have a good scrike, but remember we are all here for you, we miss Midge as well, time my friend is the greatest healer eh! x

Fruitbat2 profile image

Hope you feel better soon and the sadness fades 🌤

SORRELHIPPO profile image

If we could not let you grieve, what sort of friends would we be? I have always found that my grief has been in direct proportion to the love I felt. For me dogs have been the most grieved for, as they never criticised or expected things of me (other than food), If it helps write the grief out in your poems, do not feel you have to be anything for us.

skischool profile image

I can hear midge barking she saying it's good to cry

But don't forget the good things in life like steak and kidney pie

Remember the good times we had together ,i loved my life with you

You where a very good master and our lives where never blue

But my time had come as they say and you saved me from more pain

But when we meet again on that astral plane we will be mates once again :)


Johnsel profile image
Johnsel in reply to skischool

Oh goodness Skis you have me in tears. Carole x

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to skischool

Aaaw thats lovely Mike x

RoadRunner44 profile image

You keep on posting those poems Don and release those pent up feelings of sadness, loneliness and grief. It will help you through this difficult time.


Angelagone profile image

I expect you'll cry a river before you're done dear Don. There's nothing wrong with that, letting all your grief for Midge come out. I hope you ve got someone you can talk to, your daughter or a friend and of course there's us lot on here, though I know we are a poor substitute for actually talking to someone. Lots of love and hugs.💓💓

madonbrew profile image

Aww Don, our hearts are sad with yours because we know how important Midge was and what a great loss she is to you! And I guess it’s bringing up a renewed wave of grief for your wife, from your beautiful photo and words from the other day. It’s ok to cry!!! I went through years of counselling to figure that out 😂,but really it’s ok to let those tears flow!!!! And once your eyes are red and puffy & you think to yourself ‘oh my days, what on earth do I look like!’ , then find something that will make you smile again! A funny memory, a song, a picture, poem, us crazy ones!

And maybe there will be lots of waves, and that’s ok!!! As long as you find the moments to smile and rest upon the sand too!!!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Dee x🤗

Spacecat1 profile image

Do sorry for your loss. Goodnight Midge sleep well in the stars.😒

Lemon7 profile image

Sending good wishes your way. Such a sad time for you.

HungryHufflepuff profile image

The pleasant man is still very much here, just feeling sad. And we're all sad for you as we feel your sorrow. Sending you huge amounts of good wishes 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑

moogle profile image

Don don't feel life you have to entertain us all the time. <3 Sending love and virtual hugs your way.

Hollyjt profile image


judes profile image

Don, I feel your pain, give yourself time to grieve, a good weep is always good. along with the smiles when you remember good things.

You are a great and wise man we’re here to support you as you have supported others in our journeys.

Sending you much love and gentle cyber hugs



r0yalalbert profile image

Poor Don,Its sometimes not easy to cry and let things out.It makes you feel bottled up inside.Hopefully time will heal the pain.Sometimes when i go downstairs at night,igo to tread over our Hunnies bed.Its not been there for 30 years.Still miss her,but look back on her with love.Same as you do.Love Rose x

Awww feeling for you Don :(

You know little Midge would be wanting to do her healing magic on you if she saw you so sad you have a good cry Don, let it all out.

Then remember to find that happy inside with the memories of special little Midge.


Kimlu profile image

Dear Don - I'm so sorry for you. Take care of yourself. xxx

Katinka46 profile image

Love and hugs, dear Don


knitter profile image

Grief is the price we pay for love .....a quote from the Queen . ❤️❤️❤️

Thinking of you , and thanking you for your inspirational rhymes , often humorous always apt .

And look at the budding poets that have been inspired to reply to you......a inspiration in both ways.

Lynnetp profile image

The pain of losing our dogs is very real. A grief not to be rushed or brushed aside. It will run its course & the tears will turn to love and smiles of remembrance ❤️🐶

Sending lots of love

Lynne xxx

Johnsel profile image

I really feel your pain Don because this will happen to me soon, Rosie is 15, I just cannot imagine life without her. Loads of love Carole and Rosie xxx

Mollie01 profile image

Love and hugs Mollie xx

HighGables profile image

Let them flow Don, it’s natural and healing. We feel your pain Don and cry with you. Jax

Collie4 profile image

I do know how you’re feeling, have been through it.

It will get easier, but it is still so raw. Like everything , as you know, it takes time to feel better and then think of the happy times.

Take care, and take comfort from those of us who have lost beloved animals.

Stay safe.

Patk1 profile image

Good to cu back with poems.xx

Ergendl profile image


Croydonia profile image

Oh Don, I’m so sorry that you’re sad without your little Midge, but with our support and love you will be happy eventually. This isn’t a good time to be alone, but we’re always here to listen to you. Take care..

Aingeful profile image

It's important to get your feelings out Don. Grieving is natural and helps us cope. This year from hell has made every sadness worse. Dont feel under any pressure to be poetic or upbeat at the moment, just be you.xx

Gingerapple profile image

Big hugs Don, I feel you!😥❤❤❤

Cheriebobo profile image

Hi Don.. Let the tears flow because there tears of love for a lost frend I know u said u don't have it in you for another wee friend. But Don u have.... There's another wee old pal needing u out there. To share cuddles tears, your poetry. And the van. Please think about it soon, u still have loads of adventures to go on. My 3 woofs are what keep me going. Your not betraying your wee pal only giving a good home to another to share your love and. Life with. Keep safe. Xc

Shirleyj profile image

Oh Don, just cry and mourn for your little Midge. When my little Jack russell JJ died, I cried for months, there's still not a day that goes by that we don't mention her, she was the best dog you could have (just like Midge). We eventually went on to have another 2 dogs, but my little JJ will always be in my heart .💕

watergazer profile image

Dear Don let your grief come out, cry as much as you can, Midge has been your companion by your side the last 10 years and what a friendship and bond you had. Like others I too miss Midge and her little ways . Seven years on and I still miss my Sam and will touch or talk to his photos every now and again. It's understandable you're not as cheery as before but you will get there. What wonderful thoughts and poems have been written above. Take care (((HUGS A PLENTY))) Anita xx

leo60 profile image

Oh Don ❤️ Xxxx

Dedalus profile image

It's so good that you can vocalise your grief and not try to bottle it up inside - you make us laugh and cry at the same time with your wonderful poems; it gives the rest of us a huge gift, so thank you for sharing Don. Sending hugs and deep affection x

HollyBoyd profile image

Sorry I can't respond in rhyme, but my heart goes out to you and just wanted you to know we are thinking of you xxx

Thepainterswife profile image

You’ll get there Don 👍😘. Xx

Ladyindistress79 profile image

We always had two dogs and it is heartbreaking to loose them. We were very lucky with ours they all died from old age. So sad they do not have a longer life. Now I am on my own I decided I would not have another dog as there is a good chance I would be the one to go first. You always have the memories to look back on and all the photos you took. So sorry for your loss.

Alberta56 profile image

Wanted to rhyme, but Sassy and Skis have said it all. Take care of yourself, Don. Do whatever

feels right for you. 🧡🧡🧡xx

MoyB profile image

Now, get the photos out and have a good cry. Then remember the fun you had with Midge and all your road trips you did together, not to mention the poems she posted on here!

After that, settle yourself down with whatever you enjoy - Skiis mentioned steak and kidney pie - well, why not?! Treat yourself to a nice glass of something to go with it then find something good to watch on tele for a bit -and NO, I don't mean the COVID update, although that IS quite funny sometimes if you have a perverse sense of humour like me!

The days will pass and you'll find your own 'new normal' as you know, but you'll never forget those you've loved and lost. I like to think we'll meet up with them all again one day and hope that thought gives you some comfort too. (Mind you, there are one or two I don't particularly want to meet again - maybe I'll need to take my mask with me when I go to meet my maker!)

Big hugs to you, Don.

xx Moy

pegbl profile image

My heart goes out to you ...❤️Xxx

Gingeros profile image

❤💙😢 stay safe x

dunnellon profile image

So sorry about your Midge, Don. Our pets become such a wonderful part of our lives. They deserve to be mourned and surely it wouldn't be heaven if they weren't there to greet us when we enter. Hubs and I still cry when talking about our last dog and he's been gone 16 years. Hugs to you.

Yatzy profile image

That’s a lovely poem, you’ve had us all in tears!

You know what they say, Don......grief is the price we pay for love ❤️ you’ll be feeling it sorely now, but there’ll eventually be light at the end of the tunnel, where we’re all standing waiting for you....one day 🌹xx

Kristicats profile image

It’s going to take a lot of time and tears Don. 3 amigos then 2, now 1.It’s going to be so strange without your mate and unfortunately not much to take your mind off your loss at the moment. Hope you have some company even if only by video calls etc. It’s good to talk.

So sorry Don it’s very difficult to know what to say. I’m sure Midge wouldn’t want to see you sad. How lucky for both of you to have spent such a long and happy time together. Take care. Cx😘

crashdoll profile image

People who haven’t loved and lost pets often don’t realise the depth of the grief. Our furry companions are with us most of the time. They’re ever present, both physically and emotionally even down to things like, oh I must get home to feed the dog”.

I don’t believe the old adage that time is a great healer. It’s been 18 months since I said goodbye to my dog and I miss him terribly. That said, with time, you do begin to draw comfort from the happy memories and their funny ways. I still look back with sadness but I am able to remember happy and funny times without feeling overwhelming sadness. At the beginning, even happy memories were overcast by the sadness and grief. Be kind to yourself xx

LittlePaws profile image

💙💚 xxxx

ninelives profile image

Humongous virtual hugs.

Thinking of you -it's early days yet Dom be gentle on yourself.

Patsy164 profile image

Don that is so sad 😭 big hug 🤗 xx

poppylachat profile image

So sorry to hear about your little companion they bring so much happiness to our lives sending a big hug.xxx

Nicholatracy profile image

You have such wonderful memories of your little dog. She couldn’t have had a better home. Please stay strong Don 🐞

Dilly2 profile image

Just give yourself time Don

Hope you start feeling life is worth living again soon 💞💞 xx

wheezyof profile image

Grab those tissues and have a good cry. I'd make you a cuppa if I could, I'd let you cry on my shoulder too. Lots of hugs xxx

Karenanne61 profile image

Oh Don I'm so sorry. Sending hugs. ❤❤❤

maggiewhiteley profile image

Oh Don I know how you feel, it is so hard to deal with the loss of such a true and loyal friend. You kind of lose your mojo eh? But all of your HU friends are here for you. I can't tell you how relieved I was to see your post, take care of your self Bard of HU cos we need you

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