Lockdown for some. : Hi all well just... - Lung Conditions C...

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Lockdown for some.

Pokermon profile image
21 Replies

Hi all well just listened to Boris and it seems this time round we just have to take care and we will be fine. I still have to attend college as they say its safe? Even though had more cases every day before half term

Do I feel reassured no only ace that I feel safe is at home. Sorry for the moan feeling better than I did so tablets working. Xx

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Pokermon profile image
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21 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Glad you’re feeling better Pokermon and stay home if you feel happier and safer there.

We will get through with care and attention from everyone. Wishing you well. Xxxx

JerryMaren profile image

Yeh I totes get wot u mean Pokermon. We can’t sheild this time so that meens no food boxis and if the sit is bad enuf for lockdown then why keep the schools open 2?? I gotta go 2 colege and my sisters gotta go 2 school but we’re not alowed 2 see eche other agane 😢. I’m prety angrie actully 🤬🤬

Pokermon profile image
Pokermon in reply to JerryMaren

Glad iam not the only angry one. Stay safe.

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to JerryMaren

Not drilled down to the fine detail Charlotte but if you work closely with the do gooders you might fall under the following if they can become your support bubble.

"Support bubbles for people who live alone and households made up of single parents and children can continue"

We will work on it for the immediate future and find ways and means to keep your access to the munchkins.

Ski's and the frgrant one :)


JerryMaren profile image
JerryMaren in reply to skischool

Yeh I gess. Thanks skis x

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to JerryMaren

You know we will find ways and means to make things happen so sleep easy tonight grasshopper,i bet the munchkins have tired you out in a nice sort of way. :)


JerryMaren profile image
JerryMaren in reply to skischool

Yeh they did and yeh it was good but now I’m like was that the last time? 4 how long? It’s just rubish innit

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to JerryMaren

It won't be the last time,trust me and work with the foster people,they may need a little guidance but there are always ways to make things happen. :)

I'm surprised he didn't just say "take care and try not to die".

Pokermon profile image
Pokermon in reply to

Love that so true.

benney123 profile image

i see this a lot people just hearing what they want he said if you are in the vunerable people stay at home as much as you can he also said work from home if you can and in that vunerable and if you can stay off work any way

Alberta56 profile image

Stay safe; that's the main thing. You don't expect Boris to look after your health, surely. There is lots of support -and good sense - on this forum.

Best wishes to you and to Charlotte.xx

Pokermon profile image
Pokermon in reply to Alberta56

It's confusing that's all I meant if your retired it's a bit easier to take care but having by law to go to school or work it's harder.

Jandm profile image

Hi Pokerman. I’ve listened to it as well. I take from it, that although schools and colleges etc are staying open, there was a section when he mentioned about shielders - ‘work from home if you can, or if that’s not possible...don’t go to work’. I think that would cover you from not going to uni as well 😃

Whatever you choose to do...be safe

Pokermon profile image
Pokermon in reply to Jandm

Thanks take care. Xx

Superzob profile image

Lot of sympathy for your position - only discussed the same problem with my son yesterday. We decided it was inevitable, when uni students went back, that their infection rates would rise dramatically because social distancing would have been difficult and X-contamination of common surfaces almost impossible to avoid. That said, if they self-isolate as required, and don’t travel home, the “outbreaks” should be largely contained.

Primary school children seem to present less of a risk, not because they don’t catch it, but because they recover quickly and are therefore contagious for a shorter time. The difficult areas are secondary school and college students, as they tend to be home-based, but travel to sites where they mix with others, potentially increasing the risk to themselves and those at home when they return. My son and I concluded that it would have been preferable for lessons to have continued online for this group but, if that was not possible, then the hands/face/space mantra is actually a good one. This is because, if the science is right, then those precautions will work, regardless of the situation you find yourself in. However, I would add that, as the emphasis has been on face coverings to protect others, if you want to protect yourself then you should opt for FFP2/N95 face masks - more expensive, but offer much better protection.

Good luck whatever you decide.

cofdrop-UK profile image

Hi dear Pokermon,

I know a great many of us are in the extremely vulnerable (were shielders) group and now we are being virtually ignored and left to get on with it, without the original help for those who needed it.

My heart however goes out to those of working age, who cannot work from home and whose employers are not making provision for their needs. I especially feel for the young vulnerable people like yourself sweetheart.

Some of the medical and teaching sector are discussing their misgivings about high schools and colleges staying open, but then you have others who want them to stay open. So very confusing for you. There are lots of teachers and school staff off too in primary but it appears they will stay open. It is so difficult as nobody in an ideal world would want children and young adults to sacrifice their education, which is more likely to happen in more deprived areas.

I wonder if you have a disablement and chronic illness advisor at college, who should be helping you by whatever means to keep up with your studies in a safe way, whether that be by internet or whatever. It is not acceptable that you feel you have to go to college for fear of covid and of falling behind in your studies. I feel it would be an idea to discuss with college how best you can stay at home at no detriment to your studies, at least for the duration of this lockdown.

I hope this gets sorted out for you and the best will come out of a bad job.

Let us know how you get on.

With love


Pokermon profile image
Pokermon in reply to cofdrop-UK

Thanks will try and speak to someone tomorrow on phone as they have cancelled tomorrow's lessons due to staff illness. Thanks for your kind words they help. Stay safe.

Jaybird19 profile image

This is almost like being told to use our commonsense again . The are not able to put theselves into other peoples shoes so do not understand the problems that arise. Do what you have told us . Phone and speak to someone . You would be wise to stay home and try and do some work there if they can guide you. Some colleges locally already have one week there and one week working at home as routine this year, so should be capable of planning something and may already have thought of that so that you can work at home and stay safe.

Good luck

quebec profile image

Hi pokermon, we’re grappling with this too. My daughter has bronchiectasis and is in college- they’re doing alternate weeks on site and remote learning. The college has a learning support service who are helping us - the plan is to move her to fully remote learning if the infection rates are high. We had to provide a letter from the consultant to say that her condition would be adversely affected by infection. Is there anyone in your college who could help you with this? It doesn’t entirely solve our problem- we have other children in secondary school, and no way of remote education for them unless we deregister them from school and they would lose their place. So they can still bring the virus home. I don’t know if that’s your situation too, but I feel for you. This situation sucks, and it’s going to be a bumpy winter. Her consultant also advised vitamin D and multivitamins with zinc, so we’re all taking those and hoping for the best. Keep us posted on how you get on. Best of luck, take care.

Pokermon profile image
Pokermon in reply to quebec

We're going to try and talk to college tomorrow it's only the three of us at home and all shielded last time as all at risk . Hope you all stay safe. X

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