Sunrise this morning ( sunday ) 🌞 - Lung Conditions C...
Sunrise this morning ( sunday ) 🌞

I was thinking of you earlier this evening while watching the photographs chosen this year for the BBC calendar in aid of children in need on the Countryfile programme. Yours put most of them in the shade in my opinion. Hope I haven't insulted any of those photographers if they happen to follow this forum.
How is it you get these unusual skies in your part of the world. Just amazing photo.
I think everyone has the same sky just seeing it and being there at sunrise 💜💜
Not everyone has a cloudless sky! Lots of wet and windy mornings here. It's been like winter here, which doesn't bode well for the Official Winter, as it's already extremely windy day after day. Over the weekend part of my roof ripped off leaving a hole. Thank goodness for the kindness of neighbors, two of whom not only fixed it but provided the tools and materials necessary.
Thats amazing HH. Some people are just kindness itself 🙂. The wind must have been appalling so hope you're alright i yourself. Stay snug and warm - its chilly enough down here in SW England!
Completely exquisite! Look at the tones, contrasts and textures you've evoked! Just wonderful! Must be in running for local or national competition prize, surely? Many thanks indeed for sharing this truly wonderful view on a colder Monday morning!
Oh that is SO beautiful Blackbird 8. Your photos are amazing! xx
That view is beautiful! Out walking at sunrise- the first golden hour. Awe inspiring!
Gosh . You do manage to find some splendid skies. Lovely.
Is the dark foreground the gloom of pandemic leading up to the light of recovery?
I would prefer just to see the light and so would do my favourite thing and crop it!
I want to forget all this gloom.
That's a very descriptive sentence 'the dark foreground of gloom.......', Jaybird. It would be wonderful if the light of recovery was here.
I would like to put all the gloom behind us too, as, I'm sure, would the vast majority of people.
I could burst into song "Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day" comes to mind, cheered me up no end , thanks BB x