Does anyone here use or has considered using alternative treatments for bronchiectasis, i.e. herbal or the like, Sea moss was recommended to me for lung conditions, so I purchased some from Amazon, I have been taking it for about a week now, I can't say as I've noticed any difference at the moment, it may be useless or it may just take time, who knows but I'm always willing to try different things, I also have acid reflux and I tried probiotics from Holland and Barrett for it sometime back and they did make quite a difference, so I use them all the time now. Anyway it would be great to hear everyone else's experience with alternative options.
Alternative treatments for Bronchiect... - Lung Conditions C...
Alternative treatments for Bronchiectasis

I tried slippery elm powder for acid reflux but couldn't stand the taste of the porridge you have to make with it. Some people say it's great when tried in tablet form. I'm now back on prescribed omeprazole, which has its own issues.
Singing and doing singing exercises involving the diaphragm can help by giving you greater control of breathing, strengthening the muscles and helping to move any mucus. It also makes you feel good.
Ergendl I do find the probiotics to be very good for my stomach, it may be worth trying them, before I took them I used to get up most days feeling sick, since I have been taking them that feeling is now rare, I also take the esomaprazole which obviously helps.
I just need to get the Bronchiectasis under control, as I said I have just started taking the sea moss but it's early days yet, apparently it has iodine in which you have to be careful of large quantities, obviously I will monitor it ☺️
I have started drinking fresh ginger snd lung wort...used years ago lung wort is used to relax your lungs and the ginger is good for circulation....i drink it instead of tea a little of both along with a bit of honey into hot water and drink...nice taste and can say it has helped after couple of days.
Thanks Nelson, can you please tell me what is lung wort and where I get it from, I do drink hot water with honey and lemon added, I just started adding a sprinkle of ginger although I am guessing it's not as good as fresh ginger. Many thanks.
My wife, a long term sufferer of bronchiectasis, was prescribed low level azithromycin three times a week starting 2 years ago. She has not had a break out since, a wonderful result.
TwoDrifters, does that antibiotic your wife takes 3 times per week stop the breathlessness/deep breathing problems and the nausea ? as I have seen a few people mention it on here and I'm thinking of asking my GP to prescribe it, as I don't think I will get an appointment to see a specialist for sometime because of the current climate 😒
Ive not looked into alt therapies but do take multivitamin and mineral supplements to try improve immunity,which is impaired.sometimes when not acutely ill,i take echinaceea for samd reason.