We seem to be in general agreement that vaccinating ourselves is a necessary safeguard against corona virus infection. Effectively, we are arguing for a form of human enhancement, But, is such an enhancement a moral duty? Should governments and society in general, make or compel vaccinations as an ethical imperative? I believe that this ought to be the logical outcome of the current pandemic crisis, and its solution. I am clearly speaking for human enhancement here as a necessary and sufficient condition for a successful outcome of the battle against Covid-19 infection.
Vaccination against Covid-19. An Enh... - Lung Conditions C...
Vaccination against Covid-19. An Enhancement technology?

Vacination is optional and possibly those who have the anti bodies won't need to have it.
I agree though some humans would benefit from enhancement
Have a superb weekend everyone.
Enjoy it as best you can.
Compulsion is always difficult and usually fails. In 1853 all babies in England were required by law to be vaccinated against smallpox. By the end of the decade two thirds of babies were being vaccinated and smallpox had declined dramatically. However, deaths of several babies following vaccination led to the rise of the anti vaccination movement. There were prosecutions and people were jailed for refusing to have their babies vaccinated. In Pairis, where there was a widespread belief that the government were using smallpox vaccination to kill off the poorest in society, there were violent riots. Eventually the element ofcompulsion had to be removed. Smallpox was eventually eradicated through voluntary uptake of vaccination.
Unfortunately the anti vaccination movement is still thriving, as proved by the rise in measles cases brought about by refusal to have children given the MMR vacc.
The argument for strong herd immunity through vaccination against covid - 19 is very strong. In these modern times of widespread and easy communication, education and persuasion should prove a better way to convince people to use their rights and concerns to protect themselves and their families than compulsion.
No - flu vaccine makes me really ill- mandatory vaccines are against the law They put a lot of rubbish in these Vaccines and for example the USA pays out billion of dollars in compensation for vaccine damage. No
I can’t decide what I think. It goes against my instincts but on the other hand, crash helmets and seat belts are compulsory so why not vaccination. Hmm 🤔
Maybe the difference lies in the fact that seat belts and crash helmets protect from outside of the body. Vaccination introduces something into the body. I still lie in the pro vaccination camp.

Good point Littlepom, about the internalisation of vaccine delivery as opposed to seat belts etc.My observation on vaccines is that they are human enhancements, an add-on, of sorts but also internal to the body, unlike spectacles, dentures and hearing aids. To my mind this is a fundamental distinction, hence the moral question about ethical obligations to comply with vaccine delivery, and the duty therewith to go along with vaccination. despite Perrythomas's understandable comments about the adulteration of vaccines in the USA.
Your point on smallpox vaccination and its unfortunate history is excellent and a reminder that things have a way of righting themselves despite adversity and superstition.
I am pro vaccination but definitely anti compulsion.
Me too. Though I think it’s very wrong not to protect children. Why should they suffer cos their parents are irrational anti-vaxxers? One of my neighbours has refused all immunisation for his 4yr old. Mind you, when pressed he said “oh well the other kids have all had them so he’ll be ok”!

Our generation had the diseases first hand and know only too well how serious they can be. So we made sure our children were inoculated against everything. Thankfully my daughters are sensible and have followed the same policy with the grandchildren. It's an interesting point though, should it be compulsory for children with nitwits for parents ?
I think it should. We don’t own our children. They’re like books borrowed from Life’s great library! The deal is, we look after them to the absolute best of our ability, which surely must include the best medical care known to science. It’s not always right but at least it’s evidence based & not conspiracy theory

My youngest daughter is outside cleaning the car. Just told her shes a book borrowed etc. ....😀