The Stylus.: My stubby twisted fingers... - Lung Conditions C...

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The Stylus.

46 Replies

My stubby twisted fingers

Don't like my mobile phone

They never do as they are told

And think they're free to roam

And so I bought these stylus

To poke the keys I need

Which makes it that the keys I want

Are almost guaranteed

Now I have numerous stylus

Which I like spread around

So how can it so often be

That not one can be found?

I'll tell you now what happens

And why one can't be found

They all agree to meet together

Their owner to confound!!

46 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

Love it Don , have a lovely day and take care 😊 Bernadette xx xx 🌈

LoncinLad profile image

Welcome back Don, good to see your back and in fine form.

in reply to LoncinLad

Thanks LL, just having a quick fag at the back of the bike sheds. 😉 Remember those days? Wish I'd never done that now.

LoncinLad profile image
LoncinLad in reply to

You and a good few more of us I have no doubt

Great Don - top o the morning to you :)

You will have to have a word with those stylus

not playing by the rules

Social distancing is required

maximum of twos.

Happy day to you - I have the same prob with those stylus ;)

Angelagone profile image

It's like ventolin inhalers. You can scatter them about the house and they will all end up in one place...the last place you look, of course.

corriena profile image


Dilly2 profile image

Thank you Don my fingers have a mind of their own shall buy one 😉

in reply to Dilly2

Amazon, 5 for £5 or 9 for £7.32, they will still end up in the same place no matter how widely you spread them. 🤷‍♂️

Jaybird19 profile image

Love it and yes i agree they do get together to confound.

But when I do find them why will only one of them work -- and its always the last one!

sassy59 profile image

Hope they’re social distancing Don. 😃

Great poem as always. Stay safe xxx🌈💖❤️

Pantani profile image

Another brilliant ode Don. I think we all identify with the stubby finger syndrome. 😁👍

Hacienda profile image

Brilliant. Been looking for mine all morning, then I lose HU on my Mobile. so can't send any Emojis. Thanks Don.. I'll carry on Searching.

skischool profile image

I have a brand new chomebook which has a little space

To insert the stylus in it and save the human race

From hunting for your widget which has a mind of it's own

Now mine nestles in its litte hole,never more to roam

But being a two fingered typist i prefer the old fashioned way

So that crafty little sylus can just sleep in there all day. :)

in reply to skischool

And I hope you can still do that 25 years hence. 🙂

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

In 25 yrs time Don should i reach ninety two

i'll be doubled up in knots and probably unable to put on a shoe. :(

in reply to skischool

I'll knock you a fiver off then. 🙂

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

Very kind of you kind sir,i think reaching the three score and ten would be an achievment for me,recently we are not a family famed for grandparents however came from better stock and both passed away in their nineties not a millions miles away from you in Birkdale. :)

in reply to skischool

You seem very keen to point out to me that you know where I live. Is this some sort of threat? Should I alert my security guard?

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

You are in a strange mood lately Master Po,i was just respecting the nice part of the Lancashire that you live in,a place where i enjoyed many childhood holidays,albeit in the converted shed of my grandparents garage,resplendent with creepie crawlies of a monstrous size. :)

Sharp5Flat13 profile image
Sharp5Flat13 in reply to

I have been attending webinars from the company that designed my DAW (digital audio workstation) for the much needed short cuts, et. al. Save was command S but I kept hitting command Z when blurry eyed which is undo last edit. I learned how to reassign so now Save is simply S. I do enjoy your poems, Don. Inspiringly uplifting!

This looks familiar Don, is it a new one. I can relate to it though. XX

in reply to

The ink was still wet!

RoadRunner44 profile image

Nice one Don. I can't get on with a stylus anyway. But you are right, when you want one you just cant find one. Nice to hear from you.


watergazer profile image

Lovely Don. X

Oshgosh profile image

Have you asked Midge if she’s tidied them away.

in reply to Oshgosh

She doesn't even put her own toys away. 🙄

lucy40 profile image

Don you've described my problem exactly. My right hand is next to useless. Today I was so looking forward to my dinner. Lamb shank vegetables roast spuds and I made a Yorkshire pudding. As I was putting it out first off a potato dropped on the floor. Oh well no big problem but then half my yorky slid down the side of the cooker! 😕 followed by some colourful language ha ha

HungryHufflepuff profile image

Their cousins the Pens have the same behavioural traits and all congregate in gangs in dark corners

Katinka46 profile image

Oh yes. True of so many things. Scissors? I know I have loads but somehow they spirit themselves away just when I need them.

Love to you both

Kate xx

Caspiana profile image

My problem is pens. In particular my favourite one that I use to record my blood pressure, FEV1 , weight etc. twice a day. I swear to goodness it takes off at will. I get so mad looking for it. yesterday it wound up in my pocket and I have no idea how. xx 😱

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to Caspiana the same. Put it down to Lepus fog.please can I ask you a question.

2 weeks ago, couldn’t keep any food or fluids down,n vomiting,n diarrohea.

After 4 days ,getting worse,the GP Snt me to ANE in emergency ambulance.

They were concerned about1 my steroid levels

2 immunsupreasnts; my beng taken for 4 days.

Gave me fluids,mrhine IV STEROIDS.

Sent me home next day to recover

I had a phone appointment with my rheumatologist on Wednesday.

She advised putting steroids up from 12mg duo to 15 mg.she will ring n 1 weeks to check how I am.

Possibility of face to face appointment with her and ILD Cnsultant if no better? CT SCAN,as they can’t yet work out a safe way to do spirometry.

Since then,don’t fel any better,spend more time lying down than anything else.

Not hungry or thirsty,but keeping stuff down by using anti emetics.

Increasingly. Short of breath.

Sorry for lengthy post,trying to be brief!what I need t ash you is- through your joutrney,have you had anything like this and if so,how did you get over it?

Am waiting for a call from GP,at 9am will rheumatology Nurse practiiiner.

Thanks for reading this

in reply to Oshgosh

I think I'm right in saying that styluses won't help in any way. Sorry.😟

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to

Sorry,Don,a m just trying to get advice from Cas

Have a good day

in reply to Oshgosh

Cas isn't going to see it tucked away down here, you need to address her direct for her to see it. Sorry I can't help you myself. Take care.

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to

Ah.... But I did Don. 😁 I forgot to say that's a really nice picture of you and and Midge. xx 🙋🐶

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Oshgosh

I sent you a message Oshgosh . Hang in there friend. xxxx 💕

Corin1950 profile image

Although I try to have a place for everything I don’t always put things back. Sometimes I think the Gremlins have moved in. I’ve never used a stylus so maybe I just won’t bother if it’s another thing to go missing.

Take care Don


in reply to Corin1950

I spend a great deal of my life looking for misplaced stuff. Sometimes it catches me off guard and turns up to be exactly where it should be.

SORRELHIPPO profile image

Did you hear or read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, there was a planet where all the lost Biros went to live, I think it was biros and not socks.

Sharp5Flat13 profile image

Thanks, Don.

Jomo46 profile image

Great again Don

X jo

Jamesmum profile image

Great xxx

Dedalus profile image


AndrewT profile image

Dear Don-1931,

Brilliant, I bet that they 'end up' with All those 'Lost Socks'😋.

Thanks for the laugh.


Blackcat99 profile image

Think they may be having a socially-distanced party with all my pairs of 'lost' specs? 😉

Take care!

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