Bad indigestion stomach ache tight diaphragm ppi not working any help greatfull
Indigestion: Bad indigestion stomach... - Lung Conditions C...

I think it would be best if you contact your GP with regard to this problem. He/she is best placed to advise you about this.
They just said take ppi. Thanx
Not very helpful. Perhaps speaking to your pharmacist might help. They can often be a good source of advice. Otherwise I would try and stress to your GP just how much difficulty you are having. Hope you get some solution.
NHS information:
Home Remedies:
Perhaps its not indigestion - the NHS link explains some if you read all the info.
If you think it might be constipation too boot - then helpful hints are warm bath, drink plenty of water, if you have senokot in, eat prunes, lots of fresh veg and fruits. Exercise, eat less bread.
Your symptoms do sound more like constipation.
Hope you find the pain eases soon.

Thanx for the help
I have laryngopharangeal reflux and gastroparesis. I can’t take ppi medication now due to risk of fractures and pneumonia. I now take Gaviscon advance liquid which helps keep reflux in the stomach by creating a raft on top of stomach content. Famotidine an H2 inhibitor is useful when l take antibiotics as these really effect my stomach. Also high dose multi strain probiotics to replace good bacteria. At night if reflux is an issue a wedge in bed helps both breathing and reflux l have found.
If it is more trapped wind, you could try simethicone brand name Deflatine. It is supposed to ease bloating etc.
I was advised to follow an alkaline diet and to avoid certain foods. No coffee, chocolate, alcohol, onions, tomatoes, garlic,fried foods. Instead vegetables, avocado, oats, banana, fish, chicken breast, whole meal bread and cereals, rice. Some find removing dairy or gluten helps too.
I hope you find some relief soon.
Take care and keep safe.
Hi John 645
I suffer with very painful indigestion but usually I can check mine back to something I’ve eaten. It has been checked out thoroughly and they didn’t find any reason for it. I’ve always had to have a very low fat diet or it sets it off. Ive been on 20mg of Omeprazole twice a day for a long time. I was on ranitidine but they’ve had problems with it and have taken it off the market.
If it’s really bad there is treatment out there. Go back and see someone else.