I have said before I work in a supermarket.the stress of this job with the virus is messing me up.people don't wear masks ,some. Do but some don't.people don't care .i stay as far away as I can .i wear a mask and gloves.i as u know was told I have copd more then 2 years ago.i never have any breathing problems but my worrying is getting much worse about my job.very soon I am taking a week off.i have to cause my patience at work is almost gone.outside of work I tell people who don't respect my space to back up and I do it forcefully cause people don't care how I am going to continue on with my job without losing my patience or my mind I have no idea.any suggestions would be appreciated
JOB. STRESS: I have said before I work... - Lung Conditions C...

I understand. I’d be quite anxious myself.
I thought masks were to be worn by people in supermarkets? It’s so difficult if that’s not happening. You’re in a difficult situation and I’m unsure what you can do. Xxx
There is as yet no advice for shoppers to wear masks in England, Sassy, as far as I know. They are just supposed to keep to the social distancing rule. I don't know what policies supermarkets have adopted for their staff.
Hope lives in the USA where I’ve read their president wants masks worn by shoppers etc. Mind you I expect each state has their own ideas.
Take care and stay safe xxx 😘👍
So glad that you're taking a week off hope132.. you really need a break from the stress.
Don't forget stress lowers your immune system so I hope you're taking extra vitamins and minerals. If you can only afford 1 then Vitamin D3 is a good one.
People like you are amazing , I for one give you a massive THANK YOU for what you do and understand how frustrating it is when people are so dismissive of shop workers health.
Very best wishes to you xxx
I applaud all the shop staff like you who keep working in such adverse situations. As for masks we have been constantly told by doctors that they are a waste of time unless properly made and fitted. Apart from that where do the general public get them from? They are as rare as Unicorns teeth especially as they should only be used once.
Maybe wear a badge like I’ve seen on the internet saying if you can read this you are too close