Timmy, our tortoise has come through hibernation unscathed, he’s over a hundred years old and I worry every year that he won’t make it but here he is, happy as can be on this nice sunny day. He’s had a nice bath to wash away all the soil from him digging into the ground and his shell has been oiled and he’s now re-investigating his domain, A lovely sight to see amongst all the doom and gloom and a sure sign spring is on the way.
A little something to brighten your ... - Lung Conditions C...
A little something to brighten your day.

Welcome back Timmy, lovely to see you looking so smart. 👏😀
Lovely, heart warming photo. Where does he actually hibernate? You mention soil, but it wouldn't be warm enough to hibernste outdoors in UK. Perhaps you live in another country. I used to have a tortoise some years ago so has yours got an interesting history?
He buries himself in the garden , then, when we’re certain he’s fully asleep we get him out and put him in his little box with lots of straw and cover it with blankets to insulate him. Not sure of his history, we bought him from a pet shop for my daughters 1st birthday 42 years agp before the import restrictions were implemented .

How smart do you look Timmy, welcome back it's lovely to see you are alright. Have a lovely weekend Celato6 and take care of yourself and your family 🤗 Bernadette xxxxx
A big hello to Timmy, lovely to see him. He’s brightened my day.
Hope you’re doing well. Xxxx
Yes, he’s certainly brightened our day , it’s always such a relief when he wakes up in the spring . We’re ok, self isolating and not killing each other ( yet) hope you both are. X
Takes me back to my childhood had a tortoise. Went missing one autumn. And coming home in the summer could never find out where he hibernate.
Does Timmy communicate with you in any way? Show that he’s hungry or anything?

It sounds a bit daft but he does , I go out to see him every morning and pick him up to my eye level to say hello, he always pops his head out as if to say good morning back. My neighbours must think I’m crazy if they hear me talking to him but I know he knows me and responds when I talk to him.
We had a tortie called Tommy (my maiden name was Tomlin).He had a 'T' painted on his shell. One year mum couldn't find him, even though searching the entire garden and the next door neighbours garden. After spending the winter bewildered and perplexed as to what had happened to him, she noticed some digging. On investigating, she found Tommy half in and half out of a hole. He finally emerged, fit and well after spending his hibernation in a self dug nest. Mum always made sure she put him in his box in plenty of time to hibernate safely in future. He was still exploring HIS garden long after I'd married and had my own children.
Raising a glass to you Timmy,and here's hoping you get to have another 100 sleeps,don't expect the telegram any day soon ,the sender appears to be rather busy hibernating themselves at the moment. x
Ahh he’s cute how do you know how old he is?
That’s brilliant
What a lovely post CELAT06 . Timmy looks well albeit still a little sleepy. I can imagine you must worry about him over the winter. So pleased he is up and about again. This post made me smile 😃 and I felt like there is still some pleasant news out there, so thank you. xx 💕😘
Nice one! I enjoyed seeing that.
Thank you so much for your post about Timmy. He looks wonderful and is obviously very well loved and cared for. xx🐢
Aaaw he looks lovely and how nice that you have had him so long, hes really part of the family, thanks for sharing x