A luxury when I was small. Our village shop displayed a few rolls of shiny. hard " tracing paper " It was easy to see when people expected company to visit as one would be gone. Newspaper was cut up and used daily and that was it. My sisters and I were remembering only last week the utter joy of finding a tangerine wrapped in tissue paper ! Our Mother would carefully smooth it out and folded it into a little box, we children never got to use it though. They say that the Financial Times was best to use, I wonder if we find ourselves cutting squares again ? PollyX
Toilet Rolls: A luxury when I was small... - Lung Conditions C...
Toilet Rolls

That was my task to cut squares of newspaper and hang them on a string. I also had to make spills to light the fire from folded paper.
I used to collect the tissue wrappers from citrus fruit and stick them in a scrap book....they used to have coloured pictures on them.
Financial Times is pink....very posh .
I think you raise a good point. When peoples priorities turn to toilet paper as a cannot live without item then the world as truly gone mad. I can remember but not with fondness the IZAL paper and the squares of newspaper and to tell you the truth cannot remember when soft paper came in.
We only said this when the Toilet Roll Madness was seen in the Newspapers, I said to the Newspaper you will be Next hanging in the Loo like the old days. I think for me it was "The Liverpool Echo"( No posh Papers) we folded it and tore it into squares, Ready to go. We have to laugh at this Modern Paranoia . Have a Good Safe Sunday Everyone, Be Like me, stay indoors. xxxx C.
Yeah, but you couldn't blow your nose on it. ๐
Gosh you have bought back some memories. During the summer the summer holidays we used to visit my nan in Manchester (we lived in Yorkshire ) . My brother and me got to stay with her we loved it remember the tracing paper and nan used t get us to cut up the newspaper for her and when we went to bed we had to take a bucket upstairs and put on the landing just in case we needed to go during the night. Nan didntwant us using the outside toilet during the night. And she always carried pack of the toilet tissue with her on our days out. Those were the good old days.
I think the toilet paper was called Izal! When did the soft stuff become available, do you remember?
Gosh I didn't think anyone else either remembered this or had, had to use it. My Mam used to put string through one end and hang it on a nail. Can't imagine what the colour of our bums but I do remember the colour of the bathwater on Sunday bath night. Eh what a long way we have come.
Iโm only 68 but I remember the shiny stuff. At home and at work as a MOD apprentice Cut up squares of newspaper in my Grandparents outside toilet. The only one on the property. Oh the joy on a cold winters morning . Not
Daily mirror , we use to give it a rub first , to soften it up .!!!!
OMG I remember that toilet paper and having an outside loo. Remember the days when Jaffa oranges were wrapped in tissue and when the take away fish n chips were wrapped in newspaper.....
My grandfather was a greengrocer and we always got a bag of peas in the pod when we visited, as a treat instead of sweets. I loved the peas in the pod., I grow them myself now each year just so I can have my pod popping snack when in the garden.
Terrific..itโs a true statement!
Can anyone please explian to me why the toilet roll shelves are empty in our supermarket? What on earth have toilet rolls got to do with Coronavirus?
So glad those times have gone, the shiny paper still brings tears to my eyes x
Seen rogues selling them on Ebay ยฃ21 for 9rolls of cashelle, they should be publically shamed xx