Hi diagnosed copd 2016 on 2 inhalers just joined this site hope to find out and maybe help people out.
Newby: Hi diagnosed copd 2016 on... - Lung Conditions C...

Hello, Welcome to our very sociable forum. Why not tell us a little more about yourself and if you want, please ask any questions that are bothering you. I have been a member since last June and found it was one of the best things I have done. It is friendly and knowledgeable and there are poems and photographs regularly posted that will make you smile at the contents or amazed at the beauty on our doorstep . It all adds up to lifting our spirits by becoming a member. Best wishes. Chrys.
Hi Chrys well I’m in my 70th year and as I posted earlier I was diagnosed with copd in 2016,I was still working in the transport industry only worked 3 days a week and loved it but had to give that up when I was told I had glaucoma in both eyes(get your lucky white heather)but I got my private licence back and still love driving,I play(badly) a little golf but have to use a buggy I enjoy walking my two Jack Russell’s but can’t go far but it gets me out,I’m on two inhalers ventolin and Trimbow which help
I hope to be able to contribute to the forum when I can so thanks for the welcome
Welcome. This is a great place to be part of. Take care and speak soon Maz
Hello and welcome 😊
Hi Lorynsue
I too am a newbie 😁. What a lovely group and so helpfull.
Thank you Kippys yes the forum and the people in it sound a good lot,it’s good to be able to talk to someone with similar symptoms and also how their social life work given their illness,I know copd is a progressive illness but if you can get help from Doctors and nurses and advice from forums like this it can make it easier in some cases to manage
Thank you to everyone who has welcomed me to the forum
Welcome to you Both, , Lorynsue, & Kippys, Dougie & Lorraine. We are a Friendly Bunch and here to Support each other, Enjoy The Journey with us. Lots of Love. Carolina. XXXX
Hi. Welcome.i have copd too. I was originally diagnosed in 2008 .but it got really bad in 2017 when I was rushed into hospital couldnt breathe properly turns out I retain c02 so have to wear a mask in bed and my copd had got worse some days are a struggle especially this time of year when I tend to get more chest infections. How are you doing. What has the hospital said too you. Keep warm look after yourself
Welcome from me too! I have received enormous help and support since I joined.Its wonderful to have people who really understand to share your struggles with .xx
Hello and welcome
Hello and welcome.healthunlocked is a very friendly place to be.
Hello and welcome another newby. You will find this site very helpful x x
Hi & welcome to the forum. None of us is medically trained but can share what suits us as individuals and offer some advice on what mixes of treatment suit/don't suit.
COPD is a fairly wide ranging heading, covering a number of ailments,at least one being emphysema, what do have? To have survived since 2016 with only 2no inhalers is no mean fete well done. Many of us have had this disease for a number of years and have had a number of treatments/medicine changes, It sounds as if you are keeping fit, eating well & managing your problems well enough.
Keep well.
Hi IKeith yes I do only have 2inhalers but over the years I’ve tried a few I was on trelegy ellipta but I was going through a bad spell breathing so the copd nurse at my local practice has put me on Trimbow, 2 puffs morning along with ventolin and same at night ventolin is as required during the day.
I sometimes waken during the night can’t get a breath it’s terrible but my wife who’s a retired nurse got me a small fan from Aldi’s I switch it on near my face and can breath ok
Thanks for the welcome
Hi again, I have a small 6" fan for use outdoors so the use of said machine during the night sounds fine.
Keep well
Hi no I’ve never been tested but my brother uses a machine at night for sleep apnea I will ask next time I’m at copd nurse,thank you
Hi, I am new to the site as well and find it very helpful and affirming. Hope you keep well and enjoy the "chat".