Looking for breakfast this morning first frost ❤❤
On a cold and frosty morning - Lung Conditions C...
On a cold and frosty morning

A lovely photo, capturing the moment perfectly. Thank you.
Have a great weekend. Xx 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Beautiful, I so love Horses. This one is the same colour as my Daughters Horse, She is called Carisma, a Spanish Horse & she is Beautiful. Thanks for Sharing. XXX

What an amazing picture thank you for sharing, have a good weekend and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx
That's superb photography ....so clever.
Love your skills 💕x
That's amazing!
How on earth did you manage to be in the right place at the right time to capture this one?
Oh Its wonderful!
Hi RR quite a common site this time of year when food is more sparse before spring you will see the ponies stretching and standing high to find greenery to eat
You are very privileged to experience this behaviour. But you know that don't you?. You instantly recognise a situation that will capture a special moment. Very special gift!
How beautiful is this horse!! What a great photo.
Beautiful photo Blackbird6. Thank you. x
It's a lovely photo. Horses and dogs are my favourite animals. Thank you for sharing it. Take care. xx
A beautiful 🐎 horse caught in a moment of time. So good!
( you realise i cant keep sending you all my photos for you to pretend they are yours). Members will start to question how one person, so busy with walking 5 or 6 dogs, could possibly take a picture📸 whilst all those hounds are pulling you left, right and centr? Discretion is my middle name so i wont breathe a whisper to anybody ok? 🐿🥜🐘💄🕵️♀️💕
Squirrel squirrel I cant thank you enough for keeping stoomm about you being my secret photographer personage you know I appreciate it always...
My hounds are mostly off lead as the majority have great recall and respect for forest livestock which is most important for the furries I walk ... if they are rude and unsociable ..no walk lol but i must admit in recent months ones of my arms is longer than the other and I'm starting to knuckle drag 😂😂🤷♀️🤷♀️💞💞💞👅👅
Ah ha, i see where you are going here to throw the scent off me as the real phographer📸 but i think the "knuckle dragging" statement may have revealed our hidden weapon .......... 🦍 .......... yes the big Gorilla suit you often wear as you ambush your way through the undergrowth 😂. I'm sure I've already reminded you to always try and keep your longer of your 2 arms, lifted up from the floor because it does dragg something terrible and the dogs get spooked by it👻👻😜!!!!!!! Still lets just be grateful for small mercies afterall ,nobody has a clue what we are up to ( including you & I 😂😂). If only they knew eh? 🐿🥜🐘💄📸🔍💕
I am now a fully shaved and very itchy gorilla...its very uncomfortable feeling like a peeled banana that's been burnt....that's my description I'm sticking with it ....
That's not my knuckle that makes the dragging sound as well you know squirrel it's due to having very small legs that cause the problem and now I'm just chatting away not knowing where this is going as I know damn well I'm feeding the fire with fuel 😂😂😂 and one doesn't mind as one knows its Sunday and apart from roasting beef and potatoes I'm staying home today to rest and recuperate before Monday comes 👅😂😂😂💞💞
A rest WELL deserved dear Blackbird6, well deserved. Roast beef and all the trimmings no doubt. Im just shouting to my son to tell him, people do still have a Sunday roast because generally , after all cooked, plated and eaten , Sunday is consideted an afternoon of rest (people of our sort of age etc). We are very lucky to have my best friend(another partner in crime)comes iver with purs already done bless her. I pay and she shops and cooks
She gas only one son living with her so its only cooking for four. Plus more time to spend with my bestie! So i will leave you know:-
You've shaved all your Gorilla 🦍 bits, dug yourself a lovely hole that no doubt either you or i will fall fowl to it in a day ir two, got your Sunday roast beef cooking away so its all looking 🔍good. Rest up, feet up and chilax(that's the way the younger generation say it i think). Chat soon xx🐿🥜🐘💕
Didnt realise horses ate from the trees Blackbird, wonderful photo x
Wow what “breed” of horse is that? Or is that just what’s most commonly referred to as a wild horse? Love it
Lucky you, Blackbird6. Wild horses couldn't drag me away.