It can be hard to include exercise in our busy lives, despite the best of intentions. There are a lot of reasons people don’t exercise, and a lot of misconceptions about exercise. Here are nine common misconceptions about exercise and what research actually tells us.
Things people say about exercise that... - Lung Conditions C...
Things people say about exercise that aren’t true.

Guilty of number 2! I'm on my feet all day and I thought that makes up for my lack of exercise. Obviously not. I really must get motivated to exercise especially now knowing that being on my feet doesn't compensate for anything. Also I'd heard that anything less than 20 minutes of exercise doesn't count for anything, so it's good to know that even just a few minutes of exercise does count. I need to dig out that BLF exercise handbook.
Happy birthday! I think you’ve misread it. Being on your feet all day IS good exercise, which was good news for me too because I don’t really do formal exercise but I do move around a lot and try to walk quickly.
A simple, well written report! Useful.
Hi 2greys and thanks very much for this information report about exercise and other things.
I did know some things on the report but it did open my eyes on other things that I may have been a bit worried about.
Plus the right one for your age
My lack of exercise is a mix of laziness, the excuse that the days pass too quickly and stupidity. I do know what I should do (worked with Physiotherapists for years). Find it difficult to be my own personal trainer, as every time I think about exercise, I end up finding a book I must just read now.
Sorry pal I tried to click your link for the sake of a good argument but it wouldn’t even come up probably cuz whoever wrote it was full to the brim of s***,. Yes exercise is hard it’s why it’s called WORK-it’s not called leisure. Yes time has to be set aside, yes it has to be a priority. It won’t kill you BUT skipping it COULD, same as deep fried food which won’t kill you at first but over time will clog your arteries an eventually your heart will stop working much sooner than if you ate healthy. Excercise doesn’t mean you have to kill it like a beast at the gym everyday but a body in motion will stay in motion much longer if you keep moving it. I have personal friends missing arms or legs an if you saw one of them hoping with a crutch or pushing themselves up a hill in a wheelchair you might see excercise in a whole different way. Dude, I know you still work so you get it- get up get moving please don’t try to sell the rest of these people on just sittin it out. Oops guess you posted that where the wrong person read it! Good luck w/that. Do your RESEARCH try Pilates no excuses there. Love your show sounds like Archie Bunker
Thanks 2greys. I agree with the article. Any exercise and activity is better than none ( use it or lose it I say)