Fatty tissue has been found in the lungs of overweight and obese people for the first time.
Australian researchers analysed lung samples from 52 people and found the amount of fat increased in line with body mass index.
They said their findings could explain why being overweight or obese increased asthma risk.
Lung experts said it would be interesting to see if the effect could be reversed by weight loss.
RedSox, interesting, huh? PFTs are the most confusing tests!!
Take care....enjoy the weekend
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I am absolutely no expert but it sounds like the effects of Mesothelioma. 2greys, I thought you were on holiday and recuperating?
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Just a habit. On the way home now, will be
sort of, recuperating for a few weeks yet. Not one for hanging around doing nothing.
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If it doesn't kill you it keeps you going! You are an inspiration. Enjoy
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