I am interested in how fast/slow everyone’s COPD has progressed. I was diagnosed 11 years ago, wasn’t told what stage. Have had yearly review but never told my fev 1 reading until last year, it was 52%. I had my review yesterday and was told it’s now 45% meaning I’m now stage 3. Is that change in a year a normal or fast progression?
Progression of COPD: I am interested in... - Lung Conditions C...
Progression of COPD

I honestly don't want to know what stage I am at, I would much rather live my life. Take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx
Me too Bernadette. I don't want to be defined by a number! I was called in about a month ago to see a doc I have never seen before in the surgery. I was feeling quite perky ,it was a lovely sunny day ... I smiled at the new doc as I sat down and said 'You wanted to see me?' He leant back in his chair and cheerfully pointed out that I was at the end of my life and that there was nothing more they could do for me so it would be easier if I signed a DNR so that paramedics would know not to Resuscitate me. I was shocked but I laughed and said I had no intention of dying for a long time. He wasn't happy!
Good for you, stay positive and have a wonderful day take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx
What a terrible thing for anyone to say but especially a doctor. If they have nothing helpful to say it would be better they said nothing. My dad's doctor told him the same, why don't you just give up. And he did. Then a new doctor came along and told my dad there is still hope so don't give up, get up and start living again. And he did. What a difference a doctor can make. In good ways and bad. I don't know if this is a new ploy to decrease the surplus population by telling the old and the infirm to just give up and die. Good for you for having the courage and presence of mind to stand up to this doctor.
Thankyou HH. I admit though I laughed I was reeling inside. He was so insistent that I sign this DNR . He said that way the paramedics would know how to treat me when they were called as that was bound to happen. FGS I was fit,well as fit as severe emphysema allows on oxygen.How could I go to see him about any health issue now knowing he wants me to die. Scary.
Is the DNR some new directive in the NHS as they seem to be pushing it at every meeting with my elderly mum - she went in with a grazed hand and they were talking about her having a DNR! She might get run over by a bus before that so I wish they would leave people alone - who needs to think about death all the time.
Yes it made me wonder especially as I was called in to see the doc...it wasnt a conversation that came about during an appointment made by myself! That’s what made it feel so ominous to me. In the last 2 years I have seen a dr twice and both times at their request. This doc was new to the practice and to call me in specifically to say what he did was so shocking. I fretted for a couple of weeks . As I told him I’m 75 and there isn’t any chance that I will die for at least another 10 years but he still wouldn’t give in he rang the reception desk and asked them to get leaflets on dying for me. The poor girl was flustered as she couldn’t find any but I said I didn’t want them anyway so not to worry. I wonder if he talks to his mother or relatives as he did to me? 😩
Here are the maths from a British medical perspective,our lung functions reduce as we age in both healthy people and those with lung conditions,have fun i couldn't be bothered to drill it down but your decline seems about 3% more than a normal healthy person so nothing too dramatic and you might possibly be able to reduce that progression or decline just by some simple lifestyle changes.
I like to be pro active and know everything I can about COPD. I do understand though why people choose the Ostrich head in the sand approach.
Were you given a reason for the drop in FEV1? Often infections can scar the lungs causing more loss of lung function. We're all different and some deteriorate quicker than others.
I agree you have to live life to the full within the limitations imposed by the illness but it is a progressive illness and loss of lung function is unavoidable so you have to adjust. You might slow it down a bit with good diet and exercise. Many people go on for years with it. Keep on keeping on!
I was diagnosed with the emphysema part of COPD about 25yrs. ago but had symptoms for a few years before then. I don't take any notice of my fev which when it was last done was 25%, I just go by how I feel. I am on oxygen 14/24 and when I am out, i haven't had a chest infection for about two years. I go out on my mobility scooter two or three times a week,but I say as I have my oxygen I breathe my own air not share other peoples! I look after myself (or rather my husband does) and just plod along. Oh by the way I am 76 going on 40. Ignore the pessimists go with the optimists. Keep smiling
Carole x
What a disgusting doctor. I would given him a right ear bashing. Stay positive enjoy life. And make sure u dont see that plank again. People like that blow my blood pressure. BRIAN
I was first diagnosed with COPD due to Emphysema 29 years ago and it has progressed slowly over the years. I managed to carry on working until I was 52 when I had a bad chest infection and thought that is it so I took early retirement. I then found out earlier this year I now also have bronchiectasis and my lung function is now standing at 19%. I also use oxygen which helps me get out and still enjoy life so I do not personally think about lung capacity just how I feel every day. I try not to dwell on what if, and just wake up and if feeling good then its a good day and if not feeling so good ok take it a bit easier. I wish you well.
So true iv had mine since s baby op st thirteen still hear at 72 a bit worse in last 10 years but wT eluded u expect I must say you must look after your self and dry no smoking and a good diet s must