I am interested in communicating with any members who have asthma and emphysima.
Acos: I am interested in communicating... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi Emily61,
I have COPD and asthma- its an umbrella term for all the lung things really!
Sorry to hear you have both.
Welcome aboard-share on here and you will always get support.
Love Jan 🌻x
Hi is your copd emphysema?

I have Moderate COPD doctors tend to put it all under one umbrella if you are on the severe end they might call it Emphysema.
On this site we are all at different stages
My emphysima he said is mild

Well thats good!
Keep positive-walking is important and healthy diet.
Hope you find the help and support you are looking for.
Are you newly diagnosed?
May this year but suspected since Jan
Ps have had lots of support since January on here...my anxiety aside wanted to connect with individuals who specifically have asthma and emphysima as a diagnosis..
Hi I have Asthma, Emphysema and Bronchiectasis with a bit of Fibrosis. Started with Asthma then diagnosed with the umbrella term of COPD until I had a CT scan all classed as mild as I have been able to keep them under some sort of control unless I get a chest infection.
Not had ct scan and this is why one reason I worry..i have ectopic heart beat Dr said nothing to worry about low bp. I worry about that as no one seems to think any of this is anything to worry about..my fev1 is 79% when dond May but I don't know if that's my asthma component. Consultant said mild emphasiuma but had no ct scan and he refused to give me one.

Not everyone has a CT scan Emily! Take it as a good sign, spirometry was obviously enough for your Drs to make a dx. Be happy you don’t need further investigation.

Hi Emily with an FEV of 79 you really do not need to distress yourself with all this worry but should focus on maintaining for FEV with a good nutritious diet and exercise. Also try at all cost to avoid infections as these cause scarring to the lungs which lowers your FEV over time. Make sure you have a rescue pack of antibiotics and steroids at home.
Some people on here swear by Vic's First Defence which is a nasal spray you can use if you suspect you may be starting with something or as a preventative.
Do not get hung up on having a CT scan as there are NICE guidelines for giving them as they expose you to radiation which isn't good.
" Concerns about CT scans include the risks from exposure to ionizing radiation and possible reactions to the intravenous contrast agent, or dye, which may be used to improve visualization. The exposure to ionizing radiation may cause a small increase in a person’s lifetime risk of developing cancer."
Take care and try not to worry as it really doesn't help.
Have a good weekend
Hi think it is because I don't know if the 79% is my asthma as I know my emphysima might not be the 79%

The 79 is your FEV ( forced expiratory volume ) which ideally should be 100. The minus 21% is caused by your lung problems whether it be asthma or emphysema or both .
FEV does decline with age too even if you have no specific lung problems.

It’s also worth remembering Emily that 80% of the predicted FEV1 is considered perfectly normal & you’re just a sliver away with 79%.
I have primary intestinal emphysema and severe asthma I was diagnosed with at the age of 47 I’m now 55 the emphysema hasn’t got worse the asthma as got worse but don’t worry we’re all in the same boat and there’s nothing to worry about any questions you can get answered here so most of all what you need to remember is don’t worry everything can be sorted do not stress out over this illness
Good luck
Stephen 🤓👍🏻
No!, No!, RedSox you’ve misinterpreted what I meant! Not “happy” as in take it or leave it but more personally to Emily & her anxiety.
It seems to me anything suspicious / unclear is monitored by CT but not everyone is dx’d that way.
Here in the UK it is NICE that dictate treatments.
Thanks for the explanation
Redsox, you really must get you head around this CT thing here in the Uk,our spirometry if done correctly in a hospital setting is more than adequate enough to diagnosis copd and also whether it is restrictive or obstructive and also gives the consultant sufficient information,together with chest x rays to determine its nature be it either Emphysema or Asthma/Bronchial biased or even a cross over of both,only when patients conditions are deemed more severe or something doesn't add up is a CT scan normally performed or if the consultant feels it necessary to aid him/her in the management of the patient's condition.
I am not at all saying that either our system or that followed in the USA is best practice but merely stating how it works here across the pond.
Hi Emily61, I have asthma and emphysema. I was diagnosed 3 years ago though ct scan after finally getting my diagnosis after being breathless for 8 years. I was being treated for asthma all that time. If you need some one to chat to I am hear. Keep well. 👍🌸🌹
Hi how do you know if it's a asthms flare or copd flare
I will have to disagree with the statement"Spirometry test no matter how effective and efficient can not distinguish between Bronchitis and Emphysema" as i reckon that spirometry combined with chest x ray can do exactly that but the joy of this forum is that we can agree/disagree without falling out and still respect each others opinion.
My test was not just based on a spirometry...the diagnosis was based on single breath defusion test

Single breath diffusion is one of the Spirometry tests Emily.
It the consultant refusing me one
And this is why I want a ct scan so I am clear on my disease...it may sound stupid but saying your fev1 is great does not mean my emphysima is mild hope I am making sense
It was not the spirometry that determined my emphysima but the single breath diffusion test
I was told that I have emphysema and "some" asthma. I just went to my pulmonologist last week for new breathing test, x-ray and 6-minute walk. I never know what's bothering me, the asthma or the emphysema. I get very confusing answers about that. My spirometry numbers were quite good, yet I feel terrible. I have never been offered a CT scan. I often wonder why.
I don't know which bothers me more was hoping for some ideas...I have good days and bad days
RedSox I'm beginning to think there could be a big difference between chronic bronchitis and emphysema. For instance, my inhalers are Spiriva Respimat, Symbicort and Ventolin. Never once in the 2.5 years since diagnosis has any inhaler given me any relief whatsoever. I've virtually quit using Ventolin, because, what's the point? I've largely given up on Symbicort as well. I mean, if it does nothing, why take it? I still use the Spiriva daily. I use Symbicort sometimes and Ventolin occasionally. I have never been offered a CT scan.
There is a difference
I have had asthma since I was a baby and noticed changes to my breathing a few years ago, with problems going up the mountains (altitude) and also feeling breathless but knowing it was not asthma. Diagnosed last year with COPD as well. My multiple bouts of pneumonia over the years had scarred my lungs. I am a calm asthmatic and this is what has enabled me to have a pretty good life and why I am still here. Try and do things you enjoy and keep on moving. There will be down days but think of them as temporary and that there will also be good days. Do what you can and don't worry about the numbers too much until you need to.
Not bothered about the numbers it's touching base with people who have both trying to a establish if it's a good idea to ask for a scan, or not. And how acos people know which is being triggered. My worse times are morning afternoons well late afternoon I am not too bad...I get puffy walking up stairs or inclines and some times puff just walking about.
Right I was asking how acos people were diagnosed how they manage there condition and if a scan would be more appropriate
Throw reflux and chronic sinusitis into the mix and it creates a whole lot more problems with breathing so sometimes on here I hear people with much lower lung function coping fine but others not so regardless of fev numbers so try and isolate each diagnosis Emily
This is bloody true acid reflux crippled me today
Oh and to top it off I work in health care and one of our client who I looked after today has shingles just hoping I don't get it
Hi Emily61, I have had shingles, when they go away they lie dormant in the nervous system, until you get stressed or unwell, then they come back again. 😒
I read on here you could have shingles vaccine which I thought how coincidental but to young to have it
No I'm only 44.i know young for my condition. I'm fine Emily 61.hope you are plodding along.
No I don't mean you're 70, I meant Dr said for vaccine you have to be 70 to have it.. that's put a smile on my face...no I am 57
OK I'm rather daft. Lol. Well I've got a lot of years to go yet. 😅👍