Heres my best friend ( my grandaughter) we had a conversation the other day about why shes only 4 , ha ha shes so funny and melts my heart
Happy friendship day everyone - Lung Conditions C...
Happy friendship day everyone

Such a cutie soulboy. Our granddaughter starts school in September. Where does the time go?
Thanks for sharing. Xxxx

Bless her, she is lovely. My best friend is my Ang whom I've been friends with for forty years 🤗 xxx
Lainey starts full time this Sept too
very cute💕X
What a little charmer, it's surprising what they come out with sometimes, I often think our little ones are more astute and worldly than we think. X
She is a little madam at times lol
Oh she is cute. It’s funny the conversations you have with grandchildren they do melt your heart and cheer you up. My grandson is 12 and very grown-up. I can see you treasure your moments with her x
I bet she does Melt your Heart SB, such a Cutie and a wonderful age for "Why" Why" questions galore . Enjoy every Moment. Love n Hugs to you Both. XXX
She is gorgeous soulboy, what a lovely age, enjoy every minute with her, it goes so quickly x
My grandson is also starting school in September. Time flashes by these days.
Speaking of what they come out with, here's my favourite - "my friend Phoebe is a vegan". "Is she?" says his dad, "do you know what that means?"
"Oh yes. It means she only eats vegans"
His dad is now compiling a collection of these gems for posterity.
My daughter came home one day and said a new girl had started school and her name was " lonely" and could she play with her , i said that couldnt be right but she was adamant she was right, she said the teacher said " will you play with her shes lonely " lol
What a lovely smile your granddaughter has it cheered me up just seeing her photo. I bet she wraps you round her little finger. 😉

She does don lol
Awww bless her ..... she is lovely . I hope life treats her well 💐
If life doesnt I'm sure she will tell it to
She's so beautiful and cute🌺🤗....a d why is she only 4 ?
Oh Dave shes lovely. Whst gorgeous big eyes. Bet she can twist her Grandad round her little finger. Enjoy her company. I had my llot over today. Such fun we have with them don't we Maz

We do , shes so inquisitive
So lovely
What a delight your grand daughter is. How blessed you are. Happy friendship day to you. And thanks to those who shared some funny things their family have said. I had a good laugh.
Happy friendship Day to you all 😊
Shes a beauty! My great niece informed me quite seriously that she used to be a baby..