After waiting a month from our last visit to Papworth and my last post on here we are going back tomorrow to get the diagnosis and treatment plan. We are anticipating IPF.
Since we last went we had an extra appointment with the Thoracic department at our local hospital, which had been booked in error by them. However far from the waste of time it could have been the doctor there had time to talk to us, she asked if we had any questions, and probably wished she hadnt. Since my last post Dad still isnt coping well with having an expiry date so just said he wanted to know how long he had got?! From here she explained that 3-5 years was the median expectancy but to try not to get hung up on that because there were so many variables. Just to try and make the most of every day and not just sit waiting.
My brother has bought him an electric scooter, he has been out on it but needs to gain confidence. He has started going for lunch with my mum to a local pub where they play friendly bingo. We stumbled across it by mistake and have been regulars for a few weeks just for fun.
I still go over once a week at least and tomorrow I am taking him and my mum to papworth. I have a cold, runny nose and mild cough, no aches and pains. I have bought myself surgical masks to wear and am hoping it will be a nice day so we can sit outside so I dont pass anything on. I also have anti bac hand sanitizer which I use religiously. Typical that I should get it now.
I am really concerned about spreading my germs to him or anyone else, but I really havent got an option and need to be there for them both...any advice gratefully received. Also can anyone give me an idea of what we should expect tomorrow from the hospital, what are the chances of treatment being offered and when will it start?
My dad is 74