Not seen any posts from her for a few days now, Hope she is not ill. Missing her
CASPIANA: Not seen any posts from her... - Lung Conditions C...

Yes, she is normally a regular poster. Last posted a reply in the British Liver Trust, 6 days ago. 11 days ago on here. Hopefully her absence is nothing sinister.
Thanks I'm sure she will get in touch as soon as she can maybe she is very busy just now.
Thank you 2greys , I am doing okay. xx 😊👍
Magic stuff, I think we all need a little "me time". Especially when we find something interesting to follow, escapism at it's best
Agreed. Hope you are well 2greys . 😊
3rd day into a nasty chest infection but I think I have turned the corner of it now. I feel much better this morning. My breathing will now actually allow me to eat something, not that I have felt hungry. My Spo2 has risen to 92%, no longer in the danger zone so thankful for that. In another couple of days I should be back to my "new" normal self
Easy for me to say, but take it easy . A day at a time. I hope you feel loads better soon. xx 🌻🌸
Hi Joyce, The Last reply I had from our Cas, was 10 days ago with her "Village Finale" I would normally see her on other posts giving her best advise as per usual. I think her last one was on Emily61, will have a Look, I can send her a "Chat" Message which I will do Now. xxxx
Thank you I saw that post. It would be good if she'd had some good news but maybe she just wants some time to herself at the moment . Will you please let us know if you hear from her xxxx
Thank you so much Carolina. I am okay, just been a bit busy with one thing and another. I am also making clay miniatures. It's time consuming, and tiring but so enjoyable. I missed you too. xx 🌞🍀💕
Hi Joyce, cas is ok I heard from her 2 days ago. ,take care jane
Thank goodness for that, you had me a bit worried there, love hearing from Caspiana and seeing her little villages x
Thank you Irene. 😊 I have been busy making miniature clay items. I hope you are doing okay too. xx 🌼🌱
Hello Joyce. Thank you for asking after me. 😊 I am okay , just been having some quiet time AND expanding my craft experiences. I am working with clay now. Very interesting and extremely enjoyable! I have missed all of you too. xx 😘💕
So pleased to hear you are ok Cas. Thank you for letting us know, sorry for disturbing you. Hope your new clay models will be as good as your village and hope you can share some photos on here 🍄🍀🌸🌼xxx
Glad you're OK, Cas. Looking forward to seeing the results of your labours.
Thank you very !such Ergendl . I am still such a novice, so not very good. I will definitely post some pictures though. I hope you are well? xx 😘
My thoughts exactly. Good wishes and prayers to her whatever the situation. Let’s hope it is a temporary absence as I certainly miss her posts.
Oops I’ve just read the posts below. Glad all is well with you
I'm doing well. Had bronchitis for a while, now over it. I was blessed with my third grandchild, Olivia Ruth.
My husband and I are selling our home and relocating. He is a director at a mental health facility. He has been offered another position in a different city. So it's bitter sweet.
We had a storm with so much rain a big tree limb fell on our's been hectic.
Working more hours because our health insurance went up. We pay 1200,00 a month and it's keeping us on a tight budget.
Hope everyone is doing well and I apologise for not being more active on hear. Bless all of you on here. You are a wonderful group of people!!!
Good to know Cas is ok 🌷😘