Moderate, severe copd people can you ... - Lung Conditions C...

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Moderate, severe copd people can you tell if you were a long time to progress to that stage from mild.

Lemon7 profile image
63 Replies

I am newly diagnosed mild copd. Age 63. I think I would benefit mentally coming to terms with it if anyone can reassure me they took a long time to progress. My fear is not that I may die quickly but more deteriorating rapidly and having poor quality of life. I know you can't tell me what will happen to me but if anyone on here stayed mild a long time before progressing to next stage it would give me optimism that I may also.

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Lemon7 profile image
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63 Replies
2greys profile image

Speaking for myself, I was first diagnosed as severe, so I cannot help in your quest, there are many others here, in that same boat of a late diagnosis.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to 2greys

Thank you for replying anyway. All the best to you.

jabber profile image

I also was first diagnosed as severe. I went straight on to oxygen, but that was eleven years ago and I was a bit younger then than you are now. My quality of life is not poor, in fact I feel fine. I am not breathless and I can do anything I want to. I've never wanted to run marathons!

I don't feel as though my lungs are deteriorating, even though I've now reached a milestone age where age-related deterioration might be expected. I know when I do force myself to exercise more regularly I feel stronger all round.

Once diagnosed, we are stuck with the label, but we don't have to let it rule our lives. Please try not to worry so much about what might or might not happen. Take your meds, exercise, eat healthily. Enjoy your life.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to jabber

Thanks so much for that. Good wishes to you.

jmsutt73 profile image
jmsutt73 in reply to jabber

Thanks so much for your wonderfully uplifting post! On oxygen a year and five months, the cannula still bothers. If it is a soft, it sometimes feels as if it closing off my nasal airways entirely. A hard cannula often feels, well, too hard. Again, thanks for a strong shot of positivity. J

Snop67 profile image

I was diagnosed 6 yrs ago I am now 70 and it is still moderate so I feel pretty good about that.When first diagnosed I made myself sick worrying but that has totally passed Good Luck to you I know it’s easier said than done but when my fear passed it made a huge difference

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Snop67


Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Lemon7

We're you moderate at diagnosis or mild stage then?

Snop67 profile image
Snop67 in reply to Lemon7

Moderate, hasn’t changed

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Snop67

I take it you don't smoke and follow exercise, good diet etc. Thanks so much for your reply. Best wishes

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Snop67

Were you moderate at diagnosis or mild stage then?

warbler profile image

I was diagnosed mild 5 years ago at 42 and I feel fine. I think quitting the cigarettes and getting active have definitely helped. It's so frightening at first but please try to stay positive. I'm sure you'll be just fine.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to warbler


Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to warbler

Are you still mild 5 years later?

warbler profile image
warbler in reply to Lemon7

Yes I am and feel fine.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to warbler

Thank you so much for your reply. All the best

warbler profile image
warbler in reply to Lemon7

You too Lemon7 look after yourself.

Kellso profile image

Hi r u smoker best advice I can give u is 2 stop I'm 44 moderate 2 severe stage now I was diagnosed at 36 my rite lung is more damaged than left I have a lot of scaring I have took pnemonia 6 times and plurcy once hav had a few hosp admission after collapsing and my neighbour found me she practically saved my life Thank god I did stop smokein 4 3 years then went bk on them heavy hav u any idea of Ur scores in Ur breathing chart I have nebulizer at home try and not and put Ur mind at ease stress can cause flare ups they can control the diease hav u been referred 4 excerices on Ur lungs yet it's a gd idea 2 mention 2 doct but because Ur only mild stage try and keep urself active hope I have gav u sum piece of mind u still can hav gd quality of life

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Kellso

Stopped smoking 19 years ago. Keep active. Thanks for your response. All the best

Ergendl profile image

I was diagnosed as moderate in 2015. At my last assessment in 2019 I had improved to the lower end of normal, after following a lot of the suggestions of the good people on here: getting active, doing a Pulmonary Rehab course, singing a lot, eating well, avoiding infections and things that trigger exacerbations, and taking the inhalers. I still have the condition, as I was reminded yesterday when I was labouring a bit walking around town in the rain; and I wouldn't try to climb a really high mountain again, but it normally doesn't limit me too much.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Ergendl


Jettace profile image
Jettace in reply to Lemon7

Hi Lemon I’m also mild ... Pls don’t stress stay healthy excercise live your live don’t be defined by this disease as my respiratory specialist said something else will kill you before Copd will ... Goodluck ... Cheers Wes

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Jettace

Not worrying about dying from it anytime soon. More worry about rapid deterioration with quality of life being poor then. Have you been mild for long time?

Jettace profile image
Jettace in reply to Lemon7

Yes I have been mild for 7 years I still don’t have to use inhalers I also have Bronchiectasis which doesn’t seem to bother me much other than bringing some mucous up ... I haven’t had a flu for 5 years now ... I’m 55 years old I excercise regularly lift weights etc ... my fev levels are pretty much than same as when 1st diagnosed... It should progress slowly if u follow everyone’s advice here... Our lung capacity will detoriate as we age with or without copd ...Hope this helps ... Cheers Wes

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Jettace

Thank you so much. Will exercise and eat healthy etc. Good wishes to you.

Kristicats profile image
Kristicats in reply to Ergendl

Hi Ergendl just wondered are your recent Fev1 scores after taking inhalers? Thanks Chris

Ergendl profile image
Ergendl in reply to Kristicats

I had taken Seretide in the morning as usual but did not use Ventolin before the test. I hardly have to use Ventolin at all at the moment - just for visits to the dentist and when it's very damp outside and I have to walk in it.

tracyball1 profile image

because you aren't smoking and keeping active it shouldn't progress very quickly if at all, just keep doing what your doing keeping active, eating healthy etc you should be fine x

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to tracyball1

Thank you. Have you been at the same stage a long time?

tracyball1 profile image
tracyball1 in reply to Lemon7

Yes I'm moderate and have been for a few years now xx

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to tracyball1

Thanks so much for your reply. Best wishes to you.

Abbo1621 profile image

I am 61 i was diagnosed severe 7years ago by staying as active as possible i have only dropped an extra 2% on lung capacity. I walk and kayak as often as possible in its when you become inactive that your problems start. So wrap up well protect your self against the cold and exercis e as much as possible.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Abbo1621

Thanks so much. I go to gym two times a week. Do gentle 30 min swim. Walking on treadmill 30 minutes. Not smoker for 19 years now. Normal weight. Diet not bad but will eat even more healthy now. You are severe but are able to be active. I will keep active too. Any other advice?

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Abbo1621

Btw your 2% drop on lung capacity do you mean the fev1?

sissy2 profile image

Hi, Lemon7, just relax, I live in American, but COPD is COPD. I was told I had COPD back when I was in my late 50's, but keep smoking, a die hard. It was not till a artery in my heart cause a heart attack, which I got fixed, did I slow up and stop working around 64. In 2016 had a gald stone, was really big, a doctor said had to come out(went on vacation lol). Doctors in the Hospital did not want to do the surgery because my lungs were so bad. I told them the Lord gave the wisdom to help me and if I did not make it, that was ok. After fighting finally did surgery, I am still here. I did go on oxygen after that and never even wanted a smoke after that. I am 75, you can have a life, it is a little different, but I live with my oldest daughter and we do fine. Smile it is not the end of the world, you can still do a lot of thing. hope this help, sissy2

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to sissy2

Thank you. All the best to you.

tomhatha profile image

I found the best thing is sing every day for an hour or two it stops the cough and breathing is better. it works for me and when I stop singing it starts up again after a few weeks. Just don't worry about it enjoy life

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to tomhatha

I don't have a cough or mucus. Just had shortness of breath on exertion and then airways tight hurrying or in cold air. Are you copd mild or something else?

Superzob profile image

Hi Lemon7. Interesting reading all these replies to you. It seems, like me, that many on this forum were diagnosed quite late with moderate/severe COPD, presumably because they didn't have any obvious symptoms whilst in the mild stage (I had incessant winter colds and mucous production). Other than the mucous production, I feel fine, don't get any breathlessness, although the asthma component of my condition can make it more difficult to breath if pollution is high. Also, with medication, I have found my lung function has increased by 13% so, hopefully, my lungs will keep going for some time.

I'm 68 with a lung age of 90 - that sounds bad until you realise that the average pair of lungs will keep you going until you're 130, and the treatment has stabilised that lung age over 2 years.

So, whilst I can't give a definitive reply to your question, I think the responses you've had give some indication of length of time you can carry on as normal even with COPD.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Superzob

Thank you. Is the 13% you refer to the fev1 measurement. How do you know your lung age?

Superzob profile image
Superzob in reply to Lemon7

I think it's the FEV1/FVC ratio, to take account of your lung volume - for instance, my lungs have over-inflated (bigger FVC) to compensate for the lack of small airways area, so the ratio is reduced. With medication, the FEV1 increases as it stimulates the alveoli to empty, so the ratio rises.

I got my lung age from the spirometry result. It refers to the state of the average lung at that age, though there is a normal range of + or - 20% so, being 68, I should have a lung age in the range of 54-82, so I'm definitely on the high side at 90.

Hope that helps a bit.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Superzob

My spirometry results didn't give a lung age. My FVC shows 156% of predicted level. Does this mean my lungs have inflated to compensate for small airways obstruction? It shows my FEF25-75 is only getting 39% of predicted and I am not certain but think that measures small airways obstruction?

Superzob profile image
Superzob in reply to Lemon7

Can't really get into detailed diagnostics online, but I think you are on the right track. There is a very good article in Wikipedia ( which explains all the terms and how they can be used to diagnose lung issues.

corriena profile image

I was first diagnosed as sever 25+ years later i am still sever. By doing as im told

Getting the meds right for me, not smoking, exercising reglarly and eating a healthy diet, not only has the progression slowed right down but i am able to do more than i could back then and i dont have as many exasperations. I hope this is reassuring. I know i am sever and fortunately you are mild but the same rules apply to keeping well.

Ps i was told 25years ago my lung age was 112. So i wouldent dwell to much on thoes figers 🙄

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to corriena

Thanks for replying. I am quite fit for age, not overweight active, diet good but will make it super good now. Quit smoking 19 years ago. (Not soon enough) 63 now. I will do as everyone says and try to avoid bugs (get colds, throat infections a lot) my sons are still at home and bring in bugs. So hand washing etc. Any other tips?

corriena profile image
corriena in reply to Lemon7

Extra vit c to boost your imune system. I believe you can get something to put up your nose to help stop infection like a barrier cream but im not sure what or if it works

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to corriena

Think I heard folk mention spray called first defence. Thanks

fritz18621934 profile image
fritz18621934 in reply to Lemon7

first defence is very good at stopping first hint of a cold! looks like you will be fine!

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to fritz18621934


Jehinch profile image
Jehinch in reply to Lemon7

I take Vit D every day, NAC (amino acid) daily, Echinacea for 6 weeks then stop for 2 weeks (Winter only) and a Probiotic yogurt drink daily. I use Vicks first defence when flying or when I've been in crowds, buses etc. I am severe level and have been for several years. No colds or chest infections for over a year. Wash my hands regularly and use antibacterial hand wash when out. Eat healthy diet, excercise regularly, take medication and enjoy life. Doesnt stop me doing anything.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Jehinch

Thank you so much for your reply. I will follow the advice. All good wishes to you.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Jehinch

Can I ask you a couple more things. Were you severe stage when diagnosed? Can you tell me about NAC (amino acid). What it does? Why you take it? Where you get it? How much you take etc. Thanks

Jehinch profile image
Jehinch in reply to Lemon7

Hi. Never given a diagnosis as such but moderate would be accurate about 9 yrs ago. Deterioration has been slow. NAC bought on Amazon. It was recommended on a copd forum. It is amino acid good for lung and liver function. I take one pill a day. I will try anything recommended if it helps tgis disease and its symptoms. Some work, some not so well but I persist. Had a very good year with no infections.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Jehinch

Is it for mucus clearing. What Is it supposed to be good for?

Jehinch profile image
Jehinch in reply to Lemon7

I sent you a link below

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Jehinch

Thanks for your response. Best wishes to you.

Jehinch profile image
Jehinch in reply to Lemon7

Badbessie profile image

I was diagnosed moderate 2016. I was 57. Since then my figures have improved.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Badbessie

Thanks. Any tips?

Badbessie profile image

First I gave up smoking. I then started exercising. My advice would be to see your Doctor and get checked over. Then join a local breath easy group. Or there are many exercises for COPD on YouTube. The more you do the less you lose.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Badbessie


Nik5769 profile image

I had emphasemia first I was smoking working 2 years later moderately severe copd still smoked 2 years again went by now its severe copd. I can't breath but do not have oxygen was told to try stay away from that. Finally I gave up smoking and its improving everyday and have a bit more life back. So the moral of my story is if you smoke with mild copd stop 🛑 right now it's not worth it. However my father never smoked he has classic copd. Not severe, I am worse. I think it changes every few years to different stage so if you can make changes get all medical help for better quality of life.

Lemon7 profile image
Lemon7 in reply to Nik5769

Thanks for replying. I stopped smoking 19 years ago. Will exercise, eat healthily etc. Best wishes to you.

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