Hi all and π happy new year, for a few weeks now my voice keeps going nothing new there its an on going problem but my swallowing also I'm having a bit of trouble with nothing major atm but enough to notice its not right feels like I have a lump in my throat and have to swallow a few times I'm presuming this is acid anyone else have this problem x
Happy new year : Hi all and π happy... - Lung Conditions C...
Happy new year

Yes and its acid reflux. First instance go to GP ask to try Ranitidine 150mg morning and 150mg evening (about 30mins b4 a meal). Then also try 10ml Gaviscon advance straight after each meal. Try that for 3 months as it takes a while to help.
Obvs if it gets really bad go back to the dr though.
Hi Dion, I never had any problems with acid reflux, voice or the odd throat lumps until my lung 'issues' began. I've found that, for me, these problems are all due to the inhalers that I now take. To try to reduce these issues, I'm religious about rinsing my mouth after each inhalation. When I told my doctor about my voice hoarseness, he told me to gargle, as well as rinse my mouth, to help rinse the voice box area. Finally, he also suggested eating a little something prior to using the inhalers. This helps coat areas where the medication may cause problems, as it works its way into the lungs. These tips have helped me. I no longer have voice problems. I do have occasional acid reflux and the funny lump feeling, but not nearly as much as previously. When I do, I take an over the counter acid reducer. Hope this is of some help, once you get your reflux under control. Take care.