Hi I'm new to forums. Not long been home from over a 2 week stay in hospital from copd. Was discharged with oxygen n home care put in place. You like to find similar people with this illness for ongoing advice and support. Be nice to hear from other sufferers
New here , hello: Hi I'm new to forums... - Lung Conditions C...
New here , hello

Hi lovely to meet you and welcome to the site, you will find lots of lovely and supportive people on here. We are one big happy family who are always there for each other. Please post as often as you like even if it's just rant. Hope you are ok now, nice to know you are back home. Take care.
Bernadette π xx
Welcome Lungspls, I care for my husband Pete who has sarcoidosis and COPD (bronchitis).
Hope you enjoy being a member of HU. Take care xxxx
Welcome to this forum. It is very supportive and there are many who have the same as you. All the best
Hello and welcome .. x
Hello and welcome. I hope you're starting to recover from your stay in the hospital.
G'Day lungpls...that is a great handle and I relate...On one had I wouldn't mind some new lungs but on the other just gotta try and make the ones I've got to work as well I can get em to do!!...Its a bit of a shock to the old system after being placed on oxygen. Are you on oxygen 24/7 or ?? Just curious. I too have the dreaded copd and am on oxygen too for when I exert myself which means walking, lol!! Oh well!! So when you feel up to it get yourself to a Pulmonary Rehab course coz they will give you heaps of info and show you good exercises to do to get those lungs working to their best. Just a suggestion. You may already have been told about this. Those courses can be a real universe send!! Anyways all the very best. Oh and diet is so so important too. Good luck kiddo. Jules
Hi. I was taken to hospital last year I have COPD but m breathing sent to good after 2 days came home with oxygen in place and smaller bottles for when we are out and about. and hubby has a wheelchair for me. I have towear a mask in bed overnight I retain CO2. So good job I have a understanding hubby with all the noises it can make. We take each day as it comes I dd have to give up my work. I try to keep going pottering around the house. See the consultant every so often. Think my worst part is anxiety I am not good in the morning with breathing and i get panicy with my breathing but hubby here to help.jow long have you had copd for.
Hello and welcome you will find lots of help and advice on here. I too have COPD and am on oxygen just about 24/7 now. You will quickly get use to it and find you can do more with it than without. Best of luck
Hello and welcome. It's good to be among people who understand. I hope you go on OK now you are home.
helo,and welcome to a realy good and geniune web site, i have been realy helped by other members
best wishes brian
Hi Lungspls, welcome to the site, you will gain lots of knowledge on here as well as making friends. Hooe you feel better soon. Irene x
Hello and welcome Lungspls