People who have been abused psychologically and other ways when you say you are in pain they blame it on the past for me they did my back was killing me so much I ended up crying all the time and this one doctor told me it was all in my head all because I refused to lay down on my back and do the relaxation class it’s not fare as know I am know thinking it’s all in my head as far as depression gose you can not fake that either I had a second opinion and he told me it wasn’t in my head but because of the way I am I tend to think everything is
It is harder in life: People who have... - Lung Conditions C...
It is harder in life

Re' your back, first Dr told me to touch my toes I could only get half way down then he said your backs fine.I asked for second opinion and was sent for CT scan that showed 3rd vertebrae cracked 5the vertebrae compound fracture disc out of line bulge in spine and curvature in spine

It’s so hard to no you are in pain and for someone to say it’s in your head just messed me up totally
Ask for second opinion don't be afraid to annoy first Dr

I get on to them enough about the amount of pain I get into see not
Just my back I have arthritis in my hip curple tunnel in both hands knee burns so I am always in pain but
The pain killers work for a while then they
Get used to so I have to stop
Hi! My Mom went to the doctor because her back was hurting her so bad. I was in the room when he told her it was arthritis, ..I think he was looking for a fast diagnosis. Then I found a kidney specialist and he said she had a Urinary Infection! Gave her antibiotics and the pain was gone. Same thing happened to me after chemo. My back hurt so bad, they said it was from my bone marrow test. Not, I had a UTI also, antibiotics made my back pain disappear! I do not get the normal signs of a UTI. I do not burn when I urinate! Its higher up in the track! Worth a try! Janet127
a few year's back, while working on a building site i turned 2 pick up a block and my back locked, i could'nt move the pain was indescrible a couple of work mate's had 2 carry me across the site and put me in the back of the work's van then said they would drop me home, but i did'nt them to lose any wage's cause it was a 50 mile round trip 2 home , so i laid there 4 about 6 hour's to cut a long story short, got home wife called doctor, when he turned up he said what's the problem told him my symptoms, he said every picture tell's a story then he started 2 write me out a sick certificate for 2 week's without even examine me, i told him i dont need a sick note because i work for myself, so he left , i was laid up for 6 week's living off our saving's, doctor popped his clog's not long after, god bless him
. I have FM and scoliosis plus OA in my spine...If I get pissed off or mad or do to much I'm in pain.. . I"'m 61 been through hell and back.. .... Dr's when they don't have the answer they blame you..... But I have learned to push back they love to bring up your pass.. So if it is on record you are having problems mentaly they will bring it up...... I was having problems getting better from my lungs seen anther emergency Dr he asked me if I was over reacting..... I told him I"m 61 not 18 years old.... At my age I snap back they act like there above you.....I had lost over a hundred pounds have 70 to go ... I went to one Dr about my hands shaking he brought up my weight.... Because I was fatter than him I said when you figure out a diet for yourself e-mail me your plan..... I don't see a Dr above me I have learned to stick up for myself........ I will settle into the chair and debate them ..... I have been told I'm the worse patient they have.... But that is ok....