I have just received my spirometry results and the only thing I can understand is that I have the lungs of a 90 year old...oh my word how do you begin to understand these results it's like a foreign language to me x
Results: I have just received my... - Lung Conditions C...

Speak to your GP for full explanation, which for reason only known to them they seem to always fail to fully explain the results or appropriate treatment.
Hi Kittyjack . I know how lungs of a 90 year old sounds. On my first test I had lungs of a 96 year old. 😐 Pretty scared I was. So, I understand your worry but do try not to panic. As Stone has said, you must get your medical team to explain your results and what the on going treatment will be.
Warm wishes to you,
Cas xx 🌸
Sounds like a popular lung age - I'm that too! But then I've had that lung age for 2 years, so my actual age is catching up with my lungs! Sounds terrible, but there is a lot of redundancy in lungs and the average person would live to 130 on average lungs. Of course, none of us is average and some start life with worse lungs than others. The main issue is how you feel and whether any medication improves any symptoms you may have. These figures are just a guide and should be used to improve your quality of life.
As Stone suggested your GP is the best one to go to for full explanation of your results but if you want to post the results here we can help you understand them until you see your GP.
Let me tell you a story about "lung age." I was diagnosed with COPD nearly 2 years ago by a GP. He is relatively young and I have since come to believe that he is the most patient and caring doctor I've ever seen. But early on in my diagnosis he told me that according to a computer algorithm I have the lungs of a 112 year old man. Yet, at the same time he told me that my condition was mild. Well, that 112 year old business turned me into a nervous wreck -- because, doing some quick math, I knew those were the lungs of a dead man. After that, this GP concluded that one of my worst problems with COPD was anxiety. Well, yes, having the lungs of a dead man might do that to you. He then referred me to a pulmonologist at the same hospital, and with the help of both of them I'm doing pretty well. All I really want to say is that I believe my GP knows he made a tremendous mistake when he told me that. I bet he never does it again. I still see him, and his caring and support have never wavered. One other thing. The first pulmonologist he referred me to was, to be frank, an a-hole. I mean, he literally got pissed off at me when I asked him a simple question. On my next visit to my GP I mentioned this. His reply: Let's change doctors right now. And he did. Right then. My new pulmonologist is a woman and I like her very much.