I found out I had Allergies twenty years ago .. I'm allergic to all that is out doors and indoors.. I was suppose to move from the east coast to dryer climates and I ddin't.. They wanted me to build a home for allergy suffer do all this stuff didn't just did little things.. In the end ten years ago developed asthma then it turn to COPD.. Didn't know that could happen.. Should of listened there are other ways other than smoking I found out that can give you COPD... Now I'm doing what they say because my allergies are so bad I can't go out side during the summer ...If some one told me that one can lead to another I would of moved and listened....
Allergies turn to COPD ..: I found out... - Lung Conditions C...
Allergies turn to COPD ..

Nice picture..well it is a chronic obstructive bronchitis we say in French..Make sure you rinse your nose and sinuses with sea water or a special sinus mix..
take good care of yourself x

Thanks going to try it
Hi, I had asthma as a child and it went away for over 40 years until I moved into this house 15 years ago. Within 3 years I was hospitalized what is now copd, emphysema and ABPA (allergic bronco pulmonary aspergillus). Mold. This place is full of black mold and dust which were the major things I am allergic to.
So in my case too, I should have moved years ago but didn't, now Dr. is watching a cyst in my right lung which is highly suspicious of cancer. Can't do biopsy because of mold infection.
I'm scared too, this is such a horrible disease and i'm so tired of fighting to breathe and have somewhat of a good remaining life. Sorry to vent on all of you. Hope you are feeling better.
Its a rough one I was thinking how it would upset my family.. Moving and things costing money that we did have.. But all you can do is deal with things the best you can.. My uncle never smoked died of COPD ... Getting blood work done for that gene.. Last year went through the cancer scare so I know how you feel went on four trips.. Its scary I find not be able to breath...
They say hindsight is an exact science, Clamdigger. You did the best you thought you could do in the circumstances you were in then. Now is the time to deal the cards in your hand, not the ones you might have been dealt which are still in the pack. All the best, from someone else who made a lot of mistakes in the past too.
Hope the sea air helps. You might not have COPD, per se, but rather "fixed small airways obstruction", which I suspect is a more natural development of asthma causing the alveoli to become permanently less elastic. I was only diagnosed with asthma at the age of 66, but by then the fixed obstruction had reduced my lung function to 60%; it's entirely possible, of course, that my lungs were poor to start with, hence my legendary upper respiratory infections. However, I understand that, with treatment, further deterioration can be slowed or even halted; certainly mine has stayed constant over two years, so there may be some hope for us yet!
Hi Clamdigger, lovely picture. If only, if only, well we all say that when we have made a mistake no matter the problem, but this just leads to a life of regrets and makes us unhappy. Who knows, you may have moved and still had the same problems, allergies are a funny thing and can be related to all sorts of things. Try to stay positive and deal with todays problems as best you can. Irene x
Sometimes we have no control over what happens when a illness sets in and then decides to change its path and as Izb1 says thinking about what you could had done won't cue the problem. Take proper care of yourself, eat healthy food as much as possible, exercise even if is indoors.
Like you I am unable to spend time out of doors day or night and, summer or winter and indoors can be problematic. Hubby says that if we moved to the Sahara Desert I would be allergic to the sand. I don't like it but am determined to battle on.
When I did write the post I was shocked by everything.. But my uncle died from COPD lead a clean life ... I have to get blood work done to see if I carry the gene or not.. It seems some things lead to another ..I"m a artist and do all kinds of things I will go until I drop ...