Motivation.: I have a motivator With... - Lung Conditions C...

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32 Replies

I have a motivator

With four legs and a tail

Who gets me up and working

No matter what I ail.

There's no need for nagging

A look's all will it take.

Perhaps a poke with a cold wet nose

If I'm not quite awake.

We follow on through our routine

If there's anything I've forgot.

She just sits there and gives that look

Which says "You silly clot".

If folk ask me if I live alone

I answer "Yes that's so".

How untrue that really is,

Well, they will never know.

32 Replies
2greys profile image

So very true Don, we all need a motivator whether it be a companion who depends on you, or going to work where others depend on you. Without that motivation life would be rather a dull, depressing existence and miss out on a lot of opportunities by moping about.

in reply to 2greys

It's a shame that people living alone tend to think only of cats and dogs in that respect. But really any pet animal needing care would have the same effect, some needing only the minimum amount of care.

Carnival567 profile image
Carnival567 in reply to

My son introduced me to fancy rats. I fell in love with them, and decided if I was ever left alone I would have one. Feisty, intelligent, and easy to care for. As it is we have Bracken the cocker spaniel!

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Well you can't really take a bunny out for a walk and to chase the ball Don! :) x

in reply to hypercat54

I bet somebody, somewhere, does. 😂

lizzyw profile image

Dogs are wonderful companions and Midge has a very intelligent look . She probably understands every word you’ve written about her 😊.

Hacienda profile image

Morning to you Don and your Beautiful baby. My Girl is a Chihuahua, who is our Darling, though doesn't need much walking. She loves her life here as she was a Rescue dog. YES, Motivation is excellent for all people on their own, in some cases a Cat, or very small Dog is best when you can't move about much. We are thinking of getting a Kitten so our little girl has a play mate. We have had in the Past our wonderful Doggies and cat living in love and Harmony for near on 15 years. Thanks again Don for the Good Feel Factor. Love n Hugs. Carolina XXXXX

sassy59 profile image

It must be great to have the lovely Midge by your side Don. She definitely keeps you going. Xxxxx 😘💖

PastMeBest profile image

Hi Don, my motivation for getting a bit of exercise each day is walking to the Butchers to purchase a lovely Pork Pie. 😋

I am usually knackered when I get there and don't relish the thought of walking all the way back home. Fortunately a refreshing bottle of Guinness awaiting for me in the fridge gives me the motivation for the return journey. 😊

Glorious weather up here in Yorkshire. More motivation for doing a bit of work in the garden.😎

Have a good weekend.

John aka 🐑🐃🐑

in reply to PastMeBest

You are very lucky having a butcher that provides Pork Pies, I bet he does real Black-Puddings too. ;-)

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to PastMeBest

Cracking up John :D x

Fennella02 profile image

I have one of those too. A great big 7 year old Labrador called 'Floppy' who I walked religiously twice daily for miles across fields, whatever the weather. On New Years Eve this year, he prolapsed a disc and for 5 months has teetered on the edge of paralysis. We've finally turned the corner and he's very much better but he'll never go for walks again. I've kept pushing myself to go for a few bracing miles each day on my own but there's no doubt that my health, stamina and fitness have deteriorated whilst my pain levels have increased. Who'd have thought that 4 legs and a wagging tail could make such a difference? Xx

Hacienda profile image

XXXXX Mwarr to Floppy, Stay well Big Girl. keep going Clare, as Floppy is your Motivation. XXXX Love n Hugs XXX

Fennella02 profile image
Fennella02 in reply to Hacienda

Thanks Hacienda. I’m just heading out for a pipe opener now! Xx

I can’t telly you how much I missed Twinkle when I was away. Although I don’t think it was the same for him as he had a lovely lady living in his house with him and pandering to his every need. She made a much better servant than me! He is currently very fed up because I have had some kind of tight chested virus and fever for nearly two weeks now and he hasn’t been having his walks, let alone the exciting trips she took him on.

skischool profile image

Dear Don ,

If Scruffy cat was in your verse

the language used would be much worse

hard to laugh at that wet nose

whilst scraping cat poo from your toes

and if you are all looking for motivation

i've packed her bag she's at the station

love Ski's and that dammed moggie xxx

in reply to skischool


Fennella02 profile image
Fennella02 in reply to skischool

Ha ha. I love it x

hypercat54 profile image

My sister had a wonderful dog called Millie. She was a black lab cross border collie but looked like a small black lab. She had the typical collie behaviour - ball obsession, barking, and the intelligence.

My sister is disabled so I walked her virtually every day for 7 years and we went everywhere, to the parks, the beaches etc. She was my motivation for getting out and about and having lots of exercise. Unfortunately last year at the age of 7 she just dropped dead one day and we never knew why. She hadn't been ill or anything. I miss her so much.

I have always had cats but she was the first dog I had known intimately and you are never the same when you love a dog and they love you back. She worshipped the ground I walked on and we were so close. x

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to hypercat54

Oh hun. So sad, when they go without warning. You gave her 7 great years of love. You have to be Brave. We Grieve our Pets so much as they are Family. Our baby is our little Girl. I have lost my pets in the past due to old age at 15 years. We love them

in reply to hypercat54

That’s sad Bev. 😟xx

Fennella02 profile image
Fennella02 in reply to hypercat54

So sorry to hear about Millie but it does sound as though she had the best 7 years a dog could possibly dream of xx

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Fennella02

She did! Thanks. x

PastMeBest profile image
PastMeBest in reply to hypercat54

Hi Bev, a Black Sheep makes an excellent surrogate dog. It has loads of benefits that you don't get with dogs.

Being vegetarian they don't eat Pork Pies.😳 They don't annoy you with endless barking. 😬😂 They make a usefull pouffe while watching TV.😳😂 You get a yearly crop of wool that you can use or sell for cash (to purchase Pork Pies).🙄😬😂😂😂 They save me the effort of getting the grass cutter out by keeping the lawn in good trim and they don't chase cats.😳😂😂😂

John aka 🐑🐃🐑

in reply to PastMeBest

I’ve never understood how they get them black sheep into them bottles they sell. 🤔

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to PastMeBest

PMSL! I don't eat pork pies either so we would get on well :)

I don't fancy a sheep sleeping on my bed at night though :) Bev xx

Pretty girl Midge I wonder what you are thinking. Majt 🐶🐾🐾

in reply to

Midge is female, a Spinster of this Parish as they used to say. 😉

Sorry Midge I've now put it back to a little girl. Majt 😀 😍

Lovely rhyme as usual Don..

We love our pets 💕

Aria 🐱sitting on my breakfast papers this morning, all wet from the grass outside, rolling and stretching on my clean tablecloth, shedding hair everywhere but I love her that furry ball..

Have a good day Don x


Shirleyj profile image

Sounds like my girls x🐶🐕

MoyB profile image

Keep 'em coming, Don! I love reading all the banter. xx Moy

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