Does anyone know in laymends terms wh... - Lung Conditions C...

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Does anyone know in laymends terms why get the flu and pneumonia shot?Or does your doc like mine just say at your age you need our help.

Judybug212 profile image
16 Replies

Shots flu pneumonia

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Judybug212 profile image
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16 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

Because if you don't and you contract pneumonia or the flu it can hit you a lot harder because of your age and/or your medical history. It can be life threatening to some people and the jabs offer some protection. x

Robin77 profile image

My understanding is that older people in general have slighter weaker immunity and that any lung infection or viral infection can be more serious and lead to complications like pneumonia. If you have any pre-existing lung condition, infections can be dangerous. Then there's the question of protection of the wider community. Everyone in my house is under strict orders to get vaccinated and observe strict hand washing hygiene etc in flu season. If they catch something they're over it in a week. I'm seriously ill, further damage is done to my lungs, weeks till I'm OK again. Most people are OK with a flu bug. But babies, old people and vulnerable individuals like me are safer if healthy people get the vaccine and don't get the flu.

lungnorm profile image
lungnorm in reply to Robin77

The Flu vaccine did not work in 2017.

in reply to lungnorm

It worked for me so it must have worked for can’t cover all eventualities and a lot of rumours and defiance are going on these days about vaccinations as result TB is back in the country and some people are dying of chicken pox and measles.

Some people catch a cold and say I have the flu..there are thousands of winter viruses out there..

Anyway vaccination is not to be neglected, it has been a great medical progress.

Robin77 profile image
Robin77 in reply to lungnorm

Don't know anything about vaccine production except that an element of guesswork is always involved. The vaccine experts work with probabilities and predictions. They are creating a cocktail months ahead of the flu season based on past prevalence of several different virus types, which are also mutating all the time. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong! So it's inevitable that some years the vaccine is more effective and some years less effective. The 2017 vaccine may well have been less effective but that doesn't mean that vaccination is a waste of time. At least we will have been covered for some strains of flu virus.

peege profile image
peege in reply to lungnorm

Lungnorm, the flu and pneumonia vaccine is designed every year to cover the most expected viruses- there are many - it cannot cover every single one. It's also worth noting that it can't work for at least a week, so if you've had contact with the flu bugs before vaccination or during that one-two weeks after the shot then you can succumb to it.

Flu and pneumonia can be fatal, even in extremely healthy children, adults and elderly. That is why the lung health compromised amongst us have the flu jab. We prefer to live

andyrrc profile image

My experience this year is exactly what Hypercat and Robin say. You might still get it but it will not be as hard and should clear up a lot quicker.

I missed the FLU jab at the start of winter and when I got the flu in December it hit me hard. I felt as if I had been hit by a bus I was aching all over so badly. The upshot of this is that even now I have not been able to fully get over the issues although the flu has cleared.

lungnorm profile image

Forget the flu shot and just have the pneumonia shot. That what I did. [edited by moderator]

Ergendl profile image

I look on the flu jab as insurance against something much worse than taking 5 minutes out of my day and having a needle jabbed in my arm. What's more, because I'm in a vulnerable group, it's free. What's not to like?

Judybug212 profile image
Judybug212 in reply to Ergendl

I meant what does it actually due?lol I am not afraid of needles and ours here in the USA is free to.I wanted the doctor to really take his time and go over the meds with and the stats on them.Thanks for taking the time and answering my question.Judy

Ergendl profile image
Ergendl in reply to Judybug212

The jab prompts your immune system to build up antibodies against flu bugs with a similar make-up, using dead versions of flu bugs that were causing problems the other side of the world about 6 months ago. So if you then catch one of those flu bugs, your body already has the armed forces to wipe it out before it can take over your body. If enough people get vaccinated, those bugs can't cause an epidemic. Flu bugs can be cunning, though, and change physical characteristics, so the flu vaccine can't protect you against all flu types, just the ones included in the vaccine.

I would rather have the flu jab than risk getting those types of flu it proofs me against. It's enough of a struggle these days fighting off a cold, let alone potentially life-threatening flu. You know, more people were killed in the flu epidemic after the First World War, than all the people killed during it.

Hi Judy

If you have ever had flu or pneumonia, you know what it is like and you will be glad to have the jabs so to avoid catching them again.

I had both jabs earlier on in October because it takes a while to get in your system and I must say I am glad.

Take care x

Kernowflock profile image

Ergendl is right. A vaccine causes your immune system to create antibodies to what is in the vaccine. Your body is always creating TCells to fight infection but these have a memory of previous viruses. So by being given a new 'memory' to add to their list they are better prepared to fight off infection. These antibodies are transient in the blood stream and ready to tackle a similar virus quickly. You still get the virus but instead of taking hold quickly whilst your T cells work out how best to fight it, your T cells are ready and primed so that the virus cannot get a strong foothold. With measles the virus does not change significantly so your childhood vaccine is sufficient. But flu and cold viruses change rapidly and what was around 12months ago has adapted to a different makeup and so we need annual shots. Though I do believe the pneumonia vaccine is a one off as my doctor has said I only needed it once so maybe it is similar to measles.

Our bodies are wonderful when you think about it. Marvellous how that is going on all the time. We can only do what we can to help by making good choices. It's good to question what we are offered and why it helps, that way we are in better control and more aware of why things happen.

sagittar profile image

I have listened to the Documentary regarding the truth about vaccines, flu shot etc....opened my eyes quite a bit. I would really like to see the research and data to prove that it works. NO..... you can't use yourself as proof. Remember, your immune system probably is the one that prevented you from getting the flu. All I know is reason...."ONE'"...... it's not good for your immune system. You will have to decide for your self and research the findings. But, most people will not research it to determine the truth. Sorry had to share my opinion.

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to sagittar

Had the flu shot a few years ago and was very poorly and for the next 12 months i had terrible bouts of coughs and colds. I too read up the facts and wont be having it again, but as andyrrc says it is a personal choice, I just wish they would state the correct facts so it can be a proper informed decision. Lets just hope we all stay flu free this year, be well and healthy folks. Irene x

andyrrc profile image

Each person has their own needs and beliefs.

Personally I believe that it does help me. I have had the flu shot for the last 20 years and not had what I would call flu. This year I forgot it and got hit by flu badly. Now this maybe psychological in that just having the shot tricks your mind and body and the body does the business bg itself. But it costs nohing and if i dont get flu then i am happy