sorry to be a pest i tried walking havent been doing much for months does it take awhile to get back into walking over again i am winded some not bad if i slow down its winter still here though mild how can i get back to where i was before i still have cold but feel fine can it turn into something worse?
cold: sorry to be a pest i tried... - Lung Conditions C...

Hello homegirl59 .
Not a pest at all. Please never think so. It always takes me ages to get back into walking , especially during or after a cold . To make it worse, winter makes it harder.
Baby steps, a little a day. Be kind to yourself. Feed yourself hot, healthy food, ( I make a big pot of vege soup and it lasts for a week) , lots of water and hot drinks, plenty of rest.
Monitor your cold. If it feels worse, more coughing, mucus, fever, rattle in your chest then please do follow up with your doctor.
Sending gentle hugs and good wishes.
Cas xx 🌻🍋🍊🍏🍇☕🍜
A lot of hot drinks and fluids with your cold will help. Keeping active around the house if you feel you can’t go out. Having a good nap to recover.
You will not lose what you started because you have built muscles and you have a will but don’t let that cold linger.
Go for a check up if you feel breathless and take your inhalers 15mn before physical activity.
All the best x

i dont take inhalers yet
I have had a couple of chest infections over the last 3 months and they do slow your performance. I was about 200m slower on my Six minute walk test when I started exercising again. If you think about it they do not recommend doing spirometry until six weeks following an infection so it will make a difference. I tended to do more stationary exercises whilst recovering. There are lots on YouTube. Take it gently at first and build up.

Yes, build up gradually is good advice. When I have to be indoors because of not being well or it is too cold to go out I try to make sure I walk about 250 steps every hour. It is surprising how that adds up and keeps everything moving. I have bronch and asthma too and if I sit for too long then the mucous builds up but this interval walking helps to keep it under control.