Hi: Hi all my name is Jill I was... - Lung Conditions C...

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Jill777 profile image
21 Replies

Hi all my name is Jill I was diagnosed with COPD just over a month ago. Think I am still in a bit of a shock over it. I'm wondering if stress/anxiety can trigger breathlessness. I have found today pretty stressful for various reasons and at the same time I have found I'm having breathing problems. Thanks for any answers. Jill

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Jill777 profile image
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21 Replies
Shancock profile image

Commonly stress and anxiety cause you to be short of breath. Try taking some slow deep breaths and try relaxing. If it doesn't stop go to GP.

Jill777 profile image
Jill777 in reply to Shancock

Thank you for reply. I must start being more aware of situations that cause me stress. I just wasn't sure if both were related.

Pam1952 profile image

Hi Jill. They can be. Try and be aware of what your shoulders are doing. If they're tense and rising up to meet your ears, let your arms drop and shake out the tension through your hands. Then, take several deep breaths....in through the nose and out through the mouth. It's always good to do this several times a day. It wouldn't hurt to keep a diary of when these episodes occur. If you're really concerned, it wouldn't hurt to have a chat with your doctor. Good luck. XXX

Jill777 profile image
Jill777 in reply to Pam1952

Thank you for your reply. Good idea with a diary . x

hypercat54 profile image

Hi I agree with the others that stress and anxiety can cause breathing problems or make existing ones worse. Have a look on Youtube as there are lots of breathing exercises you can do. If you start practising them you can then use them for when you are extra breathless. x

Jill777 profile image
Jill777 in reply to hypercat54

Thank you for your reply. I will check out YouTube that's a good idea, many thanks x

Hi Jill welcome

Stress is definitely not helpful and does exacerbate symptoms. Ask your doctor for a referral to a pulmonary rehabilitation programme, its an education and exercise programme which gives you the tools to help and manage your symptoms. One the course you will learn the different breathing techniques which can help in stressful situations and in shortness of breath.

Best wishes to you.

Jill777 profile image
Jill777 in reply to

Thank you for your reply. I will check out a pulmonary rehabilitation programme,

Caspiana profile image

Hello Jill. Welcome to the forum. I'm my opinion, yes, stress and anxiety can cause your heart rate to increase and breathing gets a bit harder. Please do try and take things easy.

Best wishes to you.

Can xx ❄

Jill777 profile image
Jill777 in reply to Caspiana

Thank you for replying. x

Pentreath profile image

Welcome to this friendly site Jill. You have already had some good advice from members and more will come. My contribution is for you to look up ‘pursed lip breathing’ on YouTube - there are a number of videos that will demonstrate this technique that will help to steady your breathing and lessen your anxiety. You could also ask your GP to refer you to a pulmonary rehabilitation course. The waiting list varies around the country but generally they are run over a period of a few weeks, once or twice a week, with one hour of supervised exercising and one hour of presentations and discussions on aspects of living with a respiratory condition. Keep in touch with us and let us know how you are getting on.

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Pentreath

👍😊 Hello Pentreath . I hope you've been doing okay. xx 🍀

Jill777 profile image
Jill777 in reply to Pentreath

Many thanks for advice. I will look into a pulmonary rehabilitation course. I have heard of pursed lip breathing and will do that more often now. I work at the moment but intend to retire next year June/July time. I will have a lot more time then to go to various programmes for help . Also stopping work will help me enormously as it can be stressful there and I'm finding I'm coughing and breathless there more than at home. Even travelling there makes me breathless some days as I have to get two buses. Thank you for your reply.

Catfinger77 profile image

Sorry for your problem. I have had panic attacks in the past and found that breathing in and out slowly through my nose, (keeping mouth shut) helped. There are many breathing exercises, though, of course.

Jill777 profile image
Jill777 in reply to Catfinger77

Thank you for your reply I'm going to look more into breathing exercises on YouTube as they have been suggest to look at on there.

Catfinger77 profile image
Catfinger77 in reply to Jill777

You're welcome. I found by chance a technique called the Buteyko method of breathing techniques and it seemed to help me.

Juliette011 profile image

Hey Jill777...Happy new year...sorry to hear you have this thing called copd. If its due to smoking please do all you can to stop..the sooner you stop the better your road on this copd journey.

Everyone has provided you with great tips...all of which I practise and do, the pul rehab, the purse lips breathing (this can really help when needing to clear the crap from your lungs), ensuring you have the good puffa's, having a healthy diet...and exercise honeybunny. With copd its important to do at least 30 mins a day where you exert yourself....this helps heaps for all with copd, that is if you aren't experiencing an exacerbation...most times this requires antibiotics...well with me it has and is!! The exercise can curb any sadness or depression...its good!! lol!! I don't always manage to follow my own advice!!!

various seasons can affect too....

and yes, destress...try and hand the stress over to the universe...she will take of the worry....and breath!!

all I have written of course is from my perspective and my experience...I hope it sheds some light on your journey.

all the very best to you and yours, now and in the future. Have a great 2018.

Jill777 profile image
Jill777 in reply to Juliette011

Thank you and I'm grateful for your reply. Yes I stopped smoking a few days after finding out. Which amazed everyone not more than myself. I think I was scared into it by the words COPD. I am much more aware of myself now with it i.e. keeping warm, wrapping up, slowing down etc. I was a bit embarrassed to use my puffer at first at work. But getting used to it now.

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to Jill777

good work You...so be aware of your triggers and if you get some sort of urge distract, delay, drink water or orange juice, brush teeth etc etc!! Its a bloody horrible drug nicotine...those tobaccy companies, well...what can I say?? TOO MUCH!!!! lol...too too much!! so I shan't!!!

so keep a handle on your anxiety and stress....meditation helps heaps, using your breath. you can do short meditation sessions....really short!! with a good affirming statement such as Breathing in I feel calm, breathing out I smile!

yes copd is a scaring thing when you hear it for the first time...I freaked out totally to the point I had to have cigy!! lol!! oh what was I thinking...obviously I wasn't, lol!!

all the very best.

Jill777 profile image
Jill777 in reply to Juliette011

Your last sentence did make me smile lol x good luck to you.

Amsbli profile image

Jill can you tell which lung you have COPD? Mine is localized in my lower left lung I was thinking of getting a bullectomy to get rid of the damaged lung lobe. If you think about it it is aggressive but damaged lung tissue cannot expell mucus and that’s the main issue with COPD so you get an infection and have an exacerbation and the issue grows. To me my thoughts it’s like a cancer that’s growing. So why not get rid of it I say unless you have it in many areas of both lungs. You also have one lung diaphragm and when one of the two lungs is not working right it puts resistance on the other lung to work properly. When the damaged tissue is taken out the lungs can expand and contract more FYI. Hope this is informative :-)

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