Azithromycin and side effects - how l... - Lung Conditions C...

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Azithromycin and side effects - how long do they last?

dragonreborn324 profile image
61 Replies

Has anyone suffered from side effects of this medicineI am hoping that those who had suffered the side effects have recovered. Can anyone comment on their recovery? I took the 5-day course 2 weeks ago and I am still experiencing slight dizziness/unsteadiness when I walk, a strange fuzzy heavy head pressure, sporadic anxious/nervous feeling like I was going into panic attack mode, and also occasional stomach digestion discomfort. I hope none of this is permanent. I know that the drug has a long half life and it's probably still in my system or wreaking havoc. Can someone comment on their experience and whether these side effects will go away?

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dragonreborn324 profile image
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61 Replies

I would make a doctor’s appointment..It seems like a long time to me to have side effects from a five-day course. Maybe you are still tired from the infection you had antibiotics for?

jackdup profile image

I was on a 5 day course about three weeks ago and didn't notice any side effects. It seems odd you would still be having side effects but medication often effects differebpnt people differently So as HL suggested a trip to the doctor may be best. I usually take probiotics when I am taking an antibiotic, but again that is something to discuss with your doctor before you start taking them. They may help with digestive issues.

in reply to jackdup

I take probiotics yoghurts and rice help..plain food basically..

Maximonkey profile image

Hi Dragonreborn, I take Azith 3 times a week, I did have digestive and bowel problems for the first 6 weeks but with probiotics and yoghurt daily these problems subsided. I have had no problems since. As the others have suggested I think a trip to the GP is called for. Take care Maximonkey

daveymac55 profile image

Hello dragonreborn, I am unable to comment about the side effects you are experiencing, however I took 1x250mg every day for 18 months with no side effects whatsoever. I am having a break from them now, but this was my choice to see how my lungs cope. So far so good! Best wishes for the future.

Spanis profile image
Spanis in reply to daveymac55

For what you took it ? For acne ? Please tell🙏🏻

I too take Azith 3 days a week, permanently. I've never had any side effects with it. I use it as a prophylactic drug.

Shancock profile image

I was taking an ab called Erythromycin few years ago and that gave me similar side effects to what you describe, took a good month or so I'm afraid but it did go. I ate small regular meals, probiotics twice a day and lots of rest.

Recently I was on a different ab and got similar probs but not quite as bad, although very itchy skin and 4 weeks on it's not completely gone.

The side effects can last a long time but if it's tummy probs usually Omeprazole helps as that is very much for stomach problems like ulcers or lining damage.

It won't be permanent but may take a good few weeks till you back to normal, make sure your GP knows not to give you those again.

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to Shancock

I also had a bad reaction to erythromycin a few years ago. Started with a terrible headache, then my main muscles lost strength. Needed help to get out of bed or chair, climb stairs, even pushing the duvet down was impossible. I had nerve tests and a list of worsening symptoms that would need hospital treatment, especially breathing problems, when a tracheotomy was planned. Terrifying! I stopped the erythromycin after 2+ days and gradually the problem receded. Nerve tests clear by then, too. Took about a week or so, but the first three or four days were really a nightmare. Hospital still not certain it was erythromycin but no other cause found.

The good news was it passed and no symptoms since.....2010.

dragonreborn324 profile image
dragonreborn324 in reply to Shancock

wow around a month? Thanks for letting me know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I thought I was getting better then had side effects relapses...My stomache felt better last week but then nausea hit me again for the past couple of days. I'll be seeing a GI and a Neurologist just to make sure my head dizziness/pressure as well as my stomach problem are temporary and not permanent. It can be very scary when you aren't sure how long the side effects will last!!

Shancock profile image
Shancock in reply to dragonreborn324

I know I felt terrible, but it does subside just takes time so get rest and take your vitamins. In about a month get blood test done to make sure your blood count I okay as it can effect that too. Probiotics help with the stomach and avoid alcohol and spicy food or greasy foods till your 100% again.

vacalder91 profile image
vacalder91 in reply to dragonreborn324

I am going through the same thing right now after a five day course of Azithromycin. It's been about 11 days since I stopped taking it, and some of the side effects have subsided but they're definitely still there.

Can I ask- how long did it take for them to go away for you? Did you find anything that helped? So far, my doctor is at a loss and basically just told me to give it time.

dragonreborn324 profile image
dragonreborn324 in reply to vacalder91

It took about a month and a half for the side effects to go away. I developed terrible anxiety from the medicine, and those symptoms got worse actually. My nerves and body shook a lot, and I walked feeling imbalanced. I had to see a neurologist to make sure I wasn't having "real" neurological problems. I'm still suffering from those symptoms but have gotten 5 months later. But if you don't have anxiety issues, then the other side effects "should" be gone in about a month or so, after your last pill. I hope you feel better asap.

vacalder91 profile image
vacalder91 in reply to dragonreborn324

I’m so sorry to hear that and I hope you begin to feel better! My anxiety was the worst the first few days but seems to have subsided about 80%. I can’t shake the very disassociative, fuzzy- headed feeling though and every muscle in my body feels like they’ve turned to wood. Hopefully will get out of my system soon....

Ghand profile image
Ghand in reply to vacalder91

Hi when you say every muscle feels like they have turned to wood, may I ask did you have any excruciating rib pain on the left and right?

Benzb profile image
Benzb in reply to dragonreborn324

Hello I’m 29 and was given amoxicillin, a steroid shot, and z pack within a 4 day course for a sinus infection. Finding your blog has been so helpful to me because the past 5 months I have experienced it all and I mean all. Anxiety, dizziness, loss of energy, loss of sleep, loss of appetite. Everyone around me is shocked because I’m not an anxious person by nature. I have had all the tests out there and seeing a neurologist this cominh month. My symptoms are all still with me:/

edwin1977 profile image
edwin1977 in reply to vacalder91

Me too is been past 14 days and my side effects is still there

Mechanic1 profile image
Mechanic1 in reply to vacalder91

Hi. Did your symptoms or side effects wear off? It’s only been a couple days since I stopped the pill. I’m getting headaches unusual tiredness like weakkkk. Difficult to breath. Like light hyperventilating. Did you have these effects?

Cass98 profile image
Cass98 in reply to vacalder91

How long did the anxiety/ trouble breathing take to go away? I just finished 10 days worth of azythromycin. I’ve never felt this horrible. Literally my body is shaking and I’m so short of breath. Please... desperate to know this will end someday!!

edwin1977 profile image
edwin1977 in reply to dragonreborn324

Me too they gave me amoxicillin and 2 week later zithromax for sore throat and my side effects did not go away I have stomach discomfort stomach cramps and little sore throat I have to use cepacol for I don't is still fighting in my system

Lafayette1960 profile image

Yes, im on day 8 of 9 day supply and i have the exact same side effects.

Mechanic1 profile image
Mechanic1 in reply to Lafayette1960

How did u makeout? Sorry to hear you’ve gone through this. Sounds like we should start a azithromax survivors forum holy. Did the side effects last a long time? I’m worried 😟

Lafayette1960 profile image

Yes i have the same side effects!

Lekz360 profile image
Lekz360 in reply to Lafayette1960

hello. did those feelings ever go away?

Pogi profile image

Is it long fever also a side effect of zithromax???

edwin1977 profile image
edwin1977 in reply to Pogi

I had zithromax and my side effects still there

Kkj98 profile image

I'm taking 500mg per day for 3 days. Super dizziness and tiredness attack me.Don't know when will it stop....

Lekz360 profile image

Hello how are you? i recently took a trip with my family on vacation and ate some bad chicken and unknowingly caught a bacteria named campylobacter jejuni that after 3 hospitals and 6 doctors went undetected as my symptoms worsened. finally they took a stool sample and tested it only to find out it was that. long story short they started me on 750mg of Cipro twice a day for 3 days. By day 2 things took a turn for the worse and i started reacting severly to it. come to find out ive been allergic to it since a child. they immediately changed me to azithromycin for 5 days. the first day felt great but each day after the dizziness, anxiety and panic attacks become more common. Today was my last day and I'm terrified because the dizziness, anxiety, uneasiness and nervousness does not subside. my primary care doctor says its in my head and prescribed me Ativan for anxiety, but these feelings are all too real and its downright scary. please any feedback would be appreciated.

dragonreborn324 profile image
dragonreborn324 in reply to Lekz360

Hello, I’m really sorry to hear about all that you’ve gone through recently. I do hope and believe that you will recover from the side effects of the medicine. It takes time. The medicine has a long half life so even after you finished it the side effects will continue for weeks afterwards. Dizziness and anxiety are all side effects I experienced too. Maybe try to remind yourself that these are temporary so that can lessen your anxiety? Personally I picked up meditation and light exercise. It’s very hard but time will take these problems away eventually. But I would suggest keep following up with your doctor if you really feel unwell. I hope you get better and feel better asap.

RudyJP profile image
RudyJP in reply to dragonreborn324

HI There , Dragon reborn - It’s so nice to hear comments like yours because it assures me that I’m not crazy like my parents and relatives may believe I am. I just hit the two month mark and while some of the uglier side effects have subsided , I’m still dealing with a lingering severe anxiety that has developed into agoraphobia. Only place I feel safe and happy is at home and even here, i feel uncomfortable symptoms of brain fog occasionally, serious nervousness and tension feeling and an anxiety that drives me crazy. And I’m not a pill person either. They terrify me if the side effects and addiction risks but I’m told by other zanax users that if I start those , I would get my life back. It sounds so tempting but I wanna to get thru this naturally. What are your thoughts if you don’t mind. Are you better now. Are you recovered. How long did it take for you get back to normal. Did I try medications or is there a trick to getting better faster. Sorry for so many questions.

Cass98 profile image
Cass98 in reply to RudyJP

Hello. I have the same symptoms. I know it’s been some times for you. Please... do you remember how long it took for the tension and anxiety to go away. I shake uncontrollably too, comes and goes frequently:(

Hello Dragonreborn324,

Thank you for your post and input. Also thanks to everyone in this thread that has spoken about their experience using this antibiotic. I recently finished 4 courses of azithromycin (z pak) about 1 1/2 weeks ago for persistent sinusitis along with prednisone. My doctor had stated that it takes at least 2 courses back to back along with prednisone to knock out my infection. After little relief I had a follow up and he prescribed another 2 courses. I am all too familiar with the anxiety and the symptoms of feeling unwell that count as side effects of this medication. I have learned my lesson the hard way. My one question to you or any other members reading this post is...Has azithromycin affected your sense of taste or smell? I have an indescribable horrible taste in my mouth, almost metallic like. This is of course after I have stopped taking this medicine. Any input or experience from you or others members would be greatly appreciated. I am about at my wits end. Eating and drinking just isn’t the same. I hope for this to subside soon. Hope you are well.

cj1951 profile image
cj1951 in reply to

Have you had any blood work done since starting azithromycin? I was having side effects, dizziness, nausea, tinnitus, vision abnormalities and unfortunately many others. I reported them to my doctor and my blood test came back with stage 3 kidney dysfunction. I took the antibiotic over 3 months ago now. Some side effects subsided but many still remain. I wish I knew how long the side effects could last it seems like forever for me.

RudyJP profile image
RudyJP in reply to

I can answer your question by telling you that the taste and smell problem you’re having is extremely common from this antibiotic. Personally I didn’t go thru this effect but I’m nearing the 3 month mark and still dealing with a tough anxiety and some mild dizziness and shortness of breath. Blood work cane out normal and ekg as well. For now , I’m just praying every night to get back to my normal self again soon. The more Severe side effects have went away but the anxiety is severe still.

Cass98 profile image
Cass98 in reply to RudyJP

Hello. I know it’s been a while since the azithromycin misery for you. I am experiencing EXACTLY what you went through with the terrible anxiety. Please please please can you tell me if it ever ended up going away and if so how long did it take??? Thank you!

Pjgentry0824 profile image
Pjgentry0824 in reply to RudyJP

how long did it take for your anxiety to return to normal

Cass98 profile image
Cass98 in reply to

Hello. How long did it take for the anxiety to go away? I shake and feel like I can’t breathe? Thank you for your time.

Cass98 profile image
Cass98 in reply to

Hello. I know it’s been quite some time since your azithromycin situation. Did you ever get answers? Are you back to normal now hopefully? I am going through severe anxiety so bad to where my body starts shaking. I get short of breath and can barley eat. Every time I do eat it intensifies all these side effects. I am afraid this uncomfortable feeling will never end! Did it for you and if so could you please try to remember how long it took. I am desperate for answers. I really hope there is a true end to this feeling someday.

Cony12 profile image
Cony12 in reply to Cass98

Hi I'm experiencing a racing heart after azithromycin. It's been 2 weeks since I'm off that. But still no improvement. My hands are shaking. My heart rate is 130 bpm at rest. Please do help me. Does this ever go away

Movingman profile image

I have been going through this for 3 weeks and can't even explain how scared I have been with multiple trips to the hospital!! I hope I am going to be ok!!

Cass98 profile image
Cass98 in reply to Movingman

How long did the anxiety and trouble breathing take to go away? I’m scared too

Xiou profile image

I took Azith ( the 5 day pack ) and I experience horrible indigestion, bloating, loss of appetite, and acidic reflux. It’s been 8 days since taking it and my stomach pains are slowly residing, but my diet is very limited now. I eat soft foods with lots of probiotics.

After reading all these comments I’m hoping with more time my stomach will go back to normal.

Mavabatarini profile image
Mavabatarini in reply to Xiou

Though its long ago but can you remember how long it take to digestive system comes normal nd gain normal appetite? I am suffering from indigestion after taking azithral

edwin1977 profile image

I took amoxicillin and two weeks later zithromax but the problem is I took amoxicillin before eating and zithromax after eating but my is how long my side effects last please God I have a DAUGHTER that I love😥😥😥

Mechanic1 profile image
Mechanic1 in reply to edwin1977

How are u feeling? 48hrs or so now for me since I stopped pill. Still getting headaches weak tired short of breath diarrhea. No wheezy cough or anything. So it’s panic probably. Keep me posted. I’m worried too.

Cony12 profile image
Cony12 in reply to edwin1977

Hi please let me know what side effects you have. I took amoxicillin and azithromycin together and I have a racing heart of 140 bpm for 2 weeks. Please help

Harriethk1 profile image

You got away lucky. I have been having horrible stomach pains and my lungs swelled and were pressing against my rib cage for 5 days. It has been 48 hours since last dose and I can't wait to feel like me. I wish I knew when I would feel better.

Ghand profile image
Ghand in reply to Harriethk1

Did the rib pain ever go away? I've been on these for 3mnths and I'm stsrting to wonder as I have all symptoms of Costocondritis a severe rib pain issue where the ribcage freezes and then you get inflammation of the cartiledge.I'm wondering if it's not actually costochondritis but in fact this antibiotic causing the side rib pain on both sides, it's agonising that's for sure.

I'm going to stop taking, and see if any these nasty pains go away.

Did yours eventually go?

Cass98 profile image

Hello. I just finished taking 2 Zpacks and I am experiencing the worst anxiety, trouble breathing, body shaking a lot. Comes and goes, but it’s bad. How long do you think this will last? I’ve never felt anything like this in my life

dragonreborn324 profile image
dragonreborn324 in reply to Cass98

I’m so sorry to hear that you are experiencing these difficult symptoms. Shortness of breath sounds scary and I would consider calling your primarily care doctor just to follow up and make sure it will be okay. It will probably be okay but just be on the safe side. It took me a few months for the symptoms to subside. But I did develop anxiety which I had never had prior to taking it. My anxiety caused a lot of bad effects like trembling nerves and tight neck muscles but these are not effects of the medicine anymore but ratherfrom the intense anxiety I developed. I would suggest exercise and meditation and also focus on other tasks to avoid dwelling your mind on the medicine to help ease the stress. I was so focused way too intensely on my health effects that it caused the anxiety to get worse. I hope you will feel better soon - I cant speak for everyone but personally all the side effects got better after a few months. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. All the best!

Cony12 profile image
Cony12 in reply to dragonreborn324

Hi did you ever experience a racing heart? My heart rate is 130bpm at rest after the medication. It's been two weeks since my last dose. Was hospitalized , they took each sent to ER. Did ultrasound. Doctors couldn't find anything. But no improvement. Please help

Maricopa profile image

I’ve never had any side effects to this antibiotic.

Cass98 profile image

Thank you for your reply. I went to urgent care and they blew off my shortness of breath after the chest xray was okay. The uncontrollable shaking and anxiety is something I am not used to. I hate this feeling. Hopefully I can get through these next few months. Thank you again

keeny_a_ profile image

I took azythromycin for 6 days. Since the 3rd day I stopped getting smell completely (No my taste has not been affected though). Today is the day after I have already finished the sixth day course and I still cannot smell anything! Just nothing!

I'm panicking and I have completely lost hope. Is this loss of smell permanent? If no, then how long will it take for my sense of smelling to get restored?

SunnyGlen profile image

Hi I was searching the internet to find side effects of Azithromycin as I'm on a long-term course (3 a week) as I'm prone to chest infections but I recently had an episode of dizziness that woke me from sleep and also have continual pressure in my head with brain fog and sometimes a headache that lasts all day. Not sure if its connected but have also had both Covid vaccinations.

in reply to SunnyGlen

Hi and welcome. You might get more joy posting this as a new thread? This one was originally started 3 years ago. A good number of the members here do take prophylactic ‘Zith (the term for when you routinely take it 3 days a week), and although it’s generally very well tolerated, some people have had difficulties. From what I’ve seen, mostly bowel and abdo related, but definitely worth an ask. You could also try putting azithromycin into the search box.

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to SunnyGlen

I can't answer your question but just wanted to say hello and welcome 😊 You could do like Charlie suggested and start a new post 👍

Cony12 profile image

Hi I was prescribed amoxicillin for 2 weeks and azithromycin for a week. Having a racing heart and shortness of breath since I took it. My heart rate is 120bpm even when resting. Doctors don't think it's the azithromycin. It's been 2 weeks now. Hospitalized for a week. No cure. Hoping they go away. So tired with dizziness and a a shaking body. Please do try Ayurvedic suplements. Search for Ayurvedic cure on the Internet. You'll find something. I hope I and who ever is experiencing side effects gets better soon!!

Pjgentry0824 profile image

I know this post was from a long time ago but I have your exact same symptoms how long did it take for them to go away? Were you able to calm yourself down during the anxiety attacks?

cinammony profile image

Hey i just started taking those pills for 3 days now for twice in a day which the doctor prescribed for me since i had this really bad flu, so i basically finished 6 anyways i have seen a lot of side effects like i’ve been feeling tightness muscle around my neck, shortness of breath, dizziness, loss of memory aswell i forget what i have to do and why am i doing it, loss of energy to do stuff, very very anxious and nervous that is a very big thing that came to me fast while taking those pills, i noticed that when i go out in public im so nervous and feel like everyone is looking at me the anxiety increased through the roof for me, i tried to go to the gym and i couldn’t handle it because i felt like i hated everyone in the room and too anxious to be there, it was a bit odd because i never act like that until i took these pills. that’s so weird im usually never anxious, while walking today to just get some groceries i couldn’t even get out like i was trying but then i eventually did and it felt so awkward like as if everyone was looking at me i felt targeted and made me question myself like why is this happening to me? these pills seem a bit off to me but it helped me cure my horrible fever. i’ll do an update on day 4

Patk1 profile image

I'm not aware of having side effects and I take 2a day for years,as a may well be from Yr exacerbation.u do need checking out by gp to rule that out,and also to rule out sinusitis/ ear infection etc x

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