my husband has bad cateracts and copd so when he went to the eye dept they wouldn't do them as he couldn't lay flat and still he probably cant be put out as his lungs are too bad
has anybody had the same problem or got a solution
my husband has bad cateracts and copd so when he went to the eye dept they wouldn't do them as he couldn't lay flat and still he probably cant be put out as his lungs are too bad
has anybody had the same problem or got a solution
Hi I had cataracts removed with out any problem the don't usually put you to sleep for the operation. They give you an injection in your eye. To numb it. You are wide awake.
The trollies are specifically designed to cater for your head to fit into the head space to keep you more or less rigid during surgery .Seems a shame they can't see their way to putting the foot of the bed in a slight down tilt position so his head is slightly up keeping him rigid but he will be slightly elevated head end. But obviously your husbands health is paramount and they dont want to risk this maybe speak to your GP to be referred to another hospital that can maybe cater for his needs in relation to his copd if laying flat affects his breathing very badly xxx
I think I was lucky my surgeon insisted on me being KO'd around the time for the second eye the anaesthetist queried the general I just said that was prepared by my specialist and that I had faith and hope in them so I got the last one done, after that I have had a few procedures done under local and I find the theatre staff and Surgeon very accommodating with regards them finding the right position for me on the table so my breathing is not compromised.
First port of call in any theatre environment to ensure patients health and safety 😀
A solution - It can be done here in Norwich:-
"Upright seated positioning enables phaco in high risk, challenging cases"
"The technique enables comfortable surgery for patients who cannot lie flat."
Tom Eke, MD, FRCOphth, can be reached at Department of Ophthalmology, Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, Norwich NR4 7UY, United Kingdom; 44-0160-32-88-578; fax: 44-0160-32-88-261; email:
You got it all singing and dancing up in Norwich Pete lol
I just had one done and didn't have any problem I am sure they should be able to give him something to calm him down the surgery isn't very long. I have COPD as well.
Hi......hubby had both his cataracts removed earlier this problem at all .
He mentioned his copd to the surgeon ,the head of the trolley was raised a little and hubby
had no discomfort or shortness of breath. .......( The surgeon was ok as well ).
I've had both eyes done and normally sleep upright, but to assist in lying flat, they pumped high flow oxygen under the clinical gown and once I'd adjusted to being flat, everything went OK. I'm sure the theatre staff would help if they fully understand the problem.