Waiting for emergency ambulance will contact when I can thanks for all your messages x
Ambulance : Waiting for emergency... - Lung Conditions C...

hope it goes well and you get home again soon. I'll be thinking of you
Thinking of you. x

Thinking of you Margaret, get well soon and get back home. Take care love Bernadette π³ xxx
You're in my thoughts Margaret. Take care, jean
Lets' hope this time they can get to the bottom of all the difficulties you are having. Hope things improve quickly and you can return home. Love Lilian xxxxx
I hope you are right Lillian I'm just so fed up and can't go on this way xx x
My thoughts are with you Margaret dear, the very best of luck
C.c xxx
Margaret, this time tell the Dr's that getting your oxygen really figured out is what is most important; getting you home fast is NOT what is important. All the Kindest Wishes, judg69
You are right need to feel better than I have Been feeling. Dreading them coming back with the Bipap x
Dear Margaret, I do hope they can help you xx
Thinking of you Margaret. Hopefully your problems will be addressed in hospital and they will be able to see how you have been suffering of late. Very best wishes Ann
I Do hope so I wish they would give me something to sleep I read a full Book last night But if I'm to go on the bipap won't be able to do that take care Margaret
Sorry to read that you are not too good, I hope things improve for you soon.
I don't know whether you are going on the hospitals BIPAP machine or a portable device which you will take home with you?
If it's any help to you, I am on portable CPAP a similar machine to BIPAP and can still read before going to sleep. The only thing I can't do is talk which really pleases my husband. I look like elephant woman with my 2 meter trunk however, I wouldn't give this up for all the tea in China. It has been a life saver, I feel so much better. In fact the pain in my joints and muscles halved after a few months of therapy.
Choosing your mask is very important, there are 3 main types: full face mask, nasal mask and nasal pillows. I have nasal pillows therefore can wear my glasses without any problems. Have a look on Resmed.com for more information. Trust me, you will get used to this very quickly especially when you start to see positive results.
Hope your feeling better.
Fingers crossed that they finally sort something out for you this time, Margaret.
Margaret, any news yet or even WiFi or else we're stuck eh? You're in the best place and the Doctors will sort things out this time.
Thinking of you and also your Frank, Cx
Frank says thanks he has brought his wifi in but taking home and bringing back tomorrow Don't suppose I'll be going home then The Doctor said I was near to collapse and my sats have been a lot lower than that hope you are ok xx
Oh I'm doing ok considering I'm literally full of gas!
I dont expect you will go home until they can sort out why your SATs keep dropping so low. Hospital is never nice but it sure would help you to get some answers,don't you think? I know lovely Frank will "connect you up" tomorrow, so until then, try and be gentle on yourself and let the Doctor's get you sorted out. Wishing you some sleep tonight, Cx
Hi there Time_2_drink - any luck with pain relief? Hopefully the ambulance medics will have given you something to make you more comfortable. Best wishes,Cx
They are pumping pure oxygen into me at the momment what is it with me hospitals and bank holidays just found out matron will have to re refer. Absolute fed up xx
I hope all is well with you Time _2_drink it's scary to hear about your trip to hospital
Dear Heart - you are in my thoughts & prayers to get well as soon as you are ready. Don't give up - we will be thinking of you every day.
Large hug, Mary
Just so hope they can sort out the oxygen and sleeping problems and they don't push you out too soon. With love and blessings xx