😫 Horrendous AS I Can Only Describe ... - Lung Conditions C...

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😫 Horrendous AS I Can Only Describe As Norovirus Day

β€’12 Replies

For the last DAY I have spent on the toilet RANK then when not on there wanting to go Suffering fever HOT / COLD truly rank.

I don't know who or from what I got this gastroenteritis stuff from but is pits when lung diseased immune compromised.

I don't know if was this Norovirus but it was bad AND nearly had me in A+E as was feverish then my bp started and then breathing anxiety kicked in.

That's why am doing post AS I kept hydrated AND doubled up on my antibiotic for day and rested WELL had to given symptoms ... The worse part was fever and sore ass that last for 6 hours.

Currently am starving as you can guess and guts are tad tender and my ass is holding it's own after few near misses.

Am at doctors tomoz as clearly not impressed with hole epersode.


It's terrifying how quick sick can get


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12 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Hope you feel better soon JAS and your doctor can help.

We suffered Norovirus 4 years ago and it was horrible. I hope you don't have that. Take care. Xxxxx

in reply to sassy59

Hi Sassy cheers defo feeling tad better but still going toilet.

Ergendl profile image

Yes, hope you feel better really soon, JAS. I had a bout of norovirus on a river cruise in Germany, had to be given fluids in the local hospital, and didn't get back to normal for about 6 months. More recently, I also had something similar but not contagious when I ate a very high salt meal of heaped smoked salmon and anchovies in a pub meal out with others - after years of a very low salt diet, my body didn't know what to do with all the salt in the fish: I craved lemonade, drank gallons, and expelled the salt rapidly - but was fine the next day apart from feeling very tired.

in reply to Ergendl

Hi am feeling tad better i did was drinking lemonade to when it hit me proper.

Don't know if help me recover faster or out but glad am getting over it.

Pam1952 profile image

Hope you're feeling better really soon. Sounds nasty. Take care. XXX

in reply to Pam1952

Hi cheers thanks

SquirrelsHolt profile image

Oh dear JAS, I really keeping fingers crossed that you've not got the dreaded Norovirus- its a real nasty one. Hopefully your doctor will sort it out for you but glad to read you are trying to rest all be it mainly whilst on the loo!!! Only joking,any gastro probs are hell.

Hope you get well soon.

in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Hi cheers was defo pits . Glad am getting over that experience .. not one i would like to repeat any time soon.

Travelmate profile image

Poor you, Love the Cartoon tho thank you for sharing ! Hope you feel better very soon. Diane

in reply to Travelmate

Cheers thanks was defo a poor me :)

breatheeasy1 profile image


I'm so glad you're feeling better. I've had illnesses like that and its a living hell while you have it! It's like you're turning inside out...😷

Look after yourself xx

in reply to breatheeasy1

Hi cheers defo thought that would happen or i would pass out.

Hoping am over worse now and feeling bit better.

Cheers n thanks

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