Telling my friends about a trip I was planning in the campervan, I happened to mention that because cold nights were expected, I must remember to take Midge's electric blanket. Whereby they fell about laughing! Although Midge is a Jack Russell, a pretty tough breed, I nearly lost her at the beginning of the year, so I take good care of her. (I bet George has one)
Creature Comforts.: Telling my friends... - Lung Conditions C...
Creature Comforts.

Midge is very lucky to have you and the pet blanket is a great idea. Enjoy your trip. Xxxx
They are our best buddies Don......we owe it to them to look after them as well as we can.
Have a great trip. Lovely weather for it, but cold nights are forecast.
Take care. Pam XXX
Hi Don
My hubby and I will hopefully be investing in a camper van shortly We are both very keen motorbikers and have toured Europe and parts of the UK on them.I wanted to know where you go in your motor home and are they expensive to run keep etc ..don't want a big one just enough for the 2 of us but comfy enough for long trips away many thanks xx
I am not the best person to advise you, Angie, my wife and I had caravans for 52 years. When she died 7 years ago I carried on with a caravan until 3 years ago, then decided on one of these: The best forum to visit is on Lots of friendly people there to set you on the right road. The are expensive to buy, but not much more than a car to run. They fit in a normal size parking space and I go wherever I feel like going, but not abroad anymore.
Many thanks for the links you posted will look at them enjoy your trip xx
Midge huh? Very cute Maybe we should get one for Dora.
Bracken doesn't need that yet, more a ball and chain! He is our 6 th dog and none of the others have been so bouncy - or are we just getting old? Hmm, probably
My two jrs had high tog quilts when we went away in our caravan, but we also had central heating which was a god send at the New Year gatherings 😀 Those were the days, we did 25 yes but put our legs up about 5 yrs ago, but it must have been time as we dont miss it, we are getting on now, 73,and 77😱
How big is this heated pad and how warm does it get? It might be just the thing for my sore back.
Nah, it's only 12volt for a start and you'd have a job curling up on it. We haven't been able to get away in the campervan this year as yet, bedevilled with health problems since New Year. Amazon have hundreds of good reviews which decided me to get one.
We have a 1970 vw booked up some shows hoping health is good enough for me to be able to away, didn't go away in it at all last year , far too stressful 😬
I saw the photo that you posted of your VW, very nice. I was in Lydney last month. A great Fish n Chip shop you have there.
Our jack russell Molly always comes first good thinking Well done,,,,🐾🐾