Hi I've been recently told I have COPD at the age of 27..... I'll be honest I'm really quite worried. Never heard of it before last week and looking around the Internet it's highly unusual at my age?
Recently diagnosed : Hi I've been... - Lung Conditions C...
Recently diagnosed

Not nowadays because of technology we are being diagnosed much earlier and accurate ,I was told from my twenties I had asthma ? it wasn't until the 2000s when I changed GP I was diagnosed with COPD which I believe I had all along xx
Hi have you had your pneumonia and flu jabs. Very important that you do this. Fill in your COPD passport. This will help you to what treatments etc to expect.
Make sure you eat a good diet, if you are overweight or underweight ask to see a dietitian. This can be very important. Lastly start exercising this can be a great benefit to people with COPD. Lastly googling COPD can be frightening. If you need advice ring the BLF helpline 03000 030 555. They are very good.
I would speak to GP for more clarification, COPD is a umbrella term got emphysema and chronic bronchitis sone include chronic asthma.
You need to know the likely cause so you can be best treated.
More often than not it caused by long exposure to tobacco smoke, or long/short exposure to toxic fumes.
There is also Alpha 1 deficiency.
You really do need the correct answers which should have been given by your GP who is aware of your medical history.
At 27 it's a long blind alley.
Without wishing to throw spanners in the works, who diagnosed it and with what test? You are very young, and there may be other possibilities. Sorry, that probably doesn't help. GPs can be a bit cavalier about going too quickly down the COPD route.
All the best
Hello and welcome to the forum.
I was diagnosed when i was 48 and i was told by many doctors that i was very young so with that in mind i have to agree with you.
Hopefully your doctor also thinks that and will investigate further
Because of your young age there is a possibility it is genetic but this is rare. Your doctor should give you a simple blood test to see if you have the gene.
Also look at the link above.
Could it actually be bronchiectasis which you can have from childhood but which can only be correctly diagnosed with a ct scan. It is not the same as COPD although some GPs seem to think it is.
The doctor has given me the diagnosis had chest xrays and bloods down but is sending me for more bloods.
I am a baker could the dust from the flour ect be a contributing factor?
Hopefully should get some more clarification tomorrow.
Thank you all for your comments 😊
I've been told by my gp that they cannot diagnose COPD as a consultant has to do this and a ct scan will be needed to confirm as like others have said there are other conditions it could be that can only be differentiated by a scan maybe you need to push for a hospital referral? I'm 41 and I've been back and forth to my gp for over 2 years and I've finally got an appt with a consultant tomorrow!