As. Anybody been to a breath easy meeting if so what are they. Like do your partners carers go if have them are they friendly what do they do do you just turn up or make appointment mind whirling with questions I live in Teesside wonder if any one been to meeting there I can't drive so hubby wold need to take me sorry just trying to workout how I can get a life
Breathe easy : As. Anybody been to a... - Lung Conditions C...
Breathe easy

No need for sorry time2drink!
Yes, carers do go, sometimes on their own if the sufferer can't make it. They are support groups for patients & carers/family.
Went I went to one in Suffolk it was a great group of friendly people, meeting up in a hotel's meeting room, a couple of Ā£Ā£Ā£ for coffee/tea & biccies. The arranged outings & also interesting speakers from time to time.
They vary from group to group. There's only one way to find out , take the plunge! Phone numbers and addresses will be on the breatheasy website.
When I feeling bit better and like the cowardly lion get some courage I will seriously give it a great deal of thought just a bit worried about seeing others makes it all seem a bit daunting but I know I need to do something
T2d: just put one foot in front of the other and GO!! You'll feel much better when you have and all the groups are so friendly. There's usually a contact number so that you can talk to someone first so they will be looking out for you. Your husband will be very welcome too - most people bring a partner or friend with them, its the norm. We will all be sending you strength and courage to cope. Don't worry about going - you can overthink this - just get your courage in gear and pitch up. And let us know how you get on. Take care
Come on, you don't need courage, you're as good as anybody else. Give it a try, I'm sure you won't regret it, if you do you don't have to go again. If I lived near to you I'd come and collect you but unfortunately I don't. Looking forward to reading that you've given it a try x
Hi, I can only tell you what happens at our Breathe Easy
We have a meeting once a month for 2 hours, we have a speaker at most meeting Consultants, Pharmacists, Pulmonary Nurses, Relaxation techniques we have had talks on Oxygen Therapy and also the Fire Service and many others.
We have a good old chat and tea, coffee and biscuits and of course the obligatory raffle (which is a pretty good one)
Anyone with a chest problem is welcome to come and bring someone with them.
Over the last 10 years I have made a number of firm friends and have seen others do the same, its a great place to go where others understand each others problems and if you want to have a good cough no one bats an eyelid.
I know each Breathe Easy Group is different some just sit and have a coffee and a chat others do lots of outings.
I hope you are able to go if you feel better by contacting someone first there are probably contact details on the BLF site.
It would be nice to know how you get on.
take care
polly xx
There seems a lot going on just have to take that first step I would need my husband to come because i don't drive something I regret never learnt but then again never could tell my left from my right if they are informal I should be ok maybe I could give it a try when a bit brighter I will let you know if I do
You can put your postcode in here to see where your nearest one is:
We are lucky to have a breath easy group in my area they are good you meet people who understand and they all meet up for meals and day trips
Sounds like what I need to get a social life
I go to the Breatheasy group in Eastbourne and it's been a lifelline. Most of the good information I've had has come from the meetings and, without that information, I believe I would have become very poorly indeed. It's a friendship circle as well as informative and the more often I go, the more people I am meeting.
We usually have an informative talk or activity, a cuppa, a natter and a raffle.
I can't drive now so my husband drops me off and I've now had the offer of a lift home from another member which is great as it saves me waiting for my husband to come back - he chooses not to stay. The meetings usually run for a couple of hours.
It's good to meet with others who understand what you're going through.
Hope you manage to get to some meetings - go a few times so you really get a feel of what it's about.
All the best,
xx Moy
The meetings here in Portsmouth are very friendly and you will meet some lovely people. I have learned so much from going - much more than the surgery has ever told me. Thoroughly recommend them and yes you can certainly take someone with you.
Hi Time-2-drink, I too live between two Breath Easy groups and I attend both! They meet on different days, obviously, so it gives me an outing at least twice a month. I attend on my own, at one group partners/carers go along too but not usually at the other. At one group there's several people reliant on oxygen but none at the other. So all groups of people are different but both groups have tea/coffee, cake, biscuits and somebody to chat with and, of course, a raffle which helps to raise funds as all small prizes are donated. At both groups Ā£1 is charged to cover refreshments. The raffle, that you don't have to take part in if you'd prefer not to, is Ā£1 for a strip of tickets. We have guest speakers, more at one group than the other and the odd lunch outing and coach holidays if you like that sort of thing,
Please give it a try, I'm sure you wont regret it and, as I said, it's something to write in your diary and any reason to get out and about is good. x
Thanks They sound just the thing I need just need to take a deep breathe ha ha I wish and give them a try just wish I had someone in my area to go with like I said to pa ma ba worried about my hot flashes and panic attacks as well as meeting strangers as well as other things like being in pain and also not being able to get my breathe when I there seems possible then I change my mind but never know one day x
I suggest that you give it a try and you could have a very rewarding experience. Unfortunately, I went to a Breathe Easy group who were not welcoming at all and only went a couple of times then gave up. They didn't seem to even be speaking to each other! That is the only experience I have but it could be that in another area it would be fine. Where I live is one of those places where you almost have to have lived there for 100 years before people accept you! I can't move because I can't afford to move! I feel awful saying this but this was my experience and I could see things were not going to change!
I belong to the Breathe Easy Bromley group which is for anyone with a lung condition, including carers, friends and family. I look forward to attending every third Tuesday of the month from 2-4pm. Everyone is so friendly and we have wonderful guest speakers and refreshments. You are welcome to join us at meetings if you live in this area. Its at Victor Childs Room at St Paul's Church, Crofton Road, Orpington BR6 8JE. Ample parking either in the church car park or in the side road adjacent.