Is this all in one go eg once a day or 3 in morn 3 at night?ps they taste discuting
6 x5mg per day: Is this all in one go... - Lung Conditions C...
6 x5mg per day

Hi Anthea - you don't say which medication you are asking about. It sounds like it's prednisolone, which comes in 5mg tablets and the usual starter amount to take is 30mg a day which would fit the title of your post.
If so, then it's usual to take them all at the same time in the morning. Take them with food.
If it's not prednisolone, then I have no idea and you could ask your pharmacist if the instructions on the medication label aren't clear.
If refereeing to steroid tablets , all at same time each day, drink of water then nice cup of tea or coffee. They are terrible tasting.
I just wanted to add that Pete used to take the same amount of steroid as you and always all at the same time. Xxxxxx
Ho...yes i am refering to that just seems a bit rash taking it all in one go but on the bos it says take 6 daily i took three as i wasnt sure so im gonna take another three now as im on nightwork .everyone i spoke to say it seems too much but if its only 30mg total should be ok
You should have instructions on your med which says Take 6 in the morning as one dose You should be asking your pharmacist this question instead of hoping for a random answer
Hi antheabuttons65 you can get coated steriods which have no taste. I use these as the uncoated tabs give me terrible reflux and heartburn. Ask gp for coated steriods. Hope you feel better soon.