No Weekend wit :P But I'll Be Back :) - Lung Conditions C...

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No Weekend wit :P But I'll Be Back :)

Plumbob profile image
34 Replies

Had a busy few weeks so not got around to weekend wit and apologise to that one person who likes it LOL :P

Been to a public hearing last week as builders attempt to overturn a 3rd refusal to build 300 houses outside my front window. It's not a case of 'Not in my back Yard' because there is plenty of brownfield sites around the village to accommodate the housing, but would mean less profit for contractors? Sadly they were successful despite the affect it will have on my life span, it will ruin what I spend 75% of my time looking at and watching wild life :( We have just read about a duty of care they have to provide under the Human Rights Act which they will be contravening so we are going to throw that at them -we may not win but we will certainly make them know we are here . Unfortunately the new road through the village is going to be 15metres from my front window at the moment we have a path which sees 3 people a day walk past.

On the health front I have just had my flu and pneumonia injections and bloods so walking around like Robo-cop ? I have just had my quarterly Full Lung Function Test and to their amazement its actually improved 75% FVC and 35% TLCO. I love to confuse them and keep them on their toes LOL. I have 3 medical appointments next week so that will keep me focussed.

A lady dropped in some blankets for the animal sanctuary I support and a young lady from HU said she would drop some blankets off when she was in the area (sorry I can't remember who it was) If it was YOU all I can say is a BIG Thankyou X

Hopefully weekend -wit will return next week -keep sucking it in folks and smile :) :)


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Plumbob profile image
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34 Replies
Ef0lumps4 profile image

How sad you may lose that fantastic view, so precious these days to have green space on your doorstep. Looks to be a beautiful well kept garden you have, they at least can't take that away from you. Good luck with the fight. 😊

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to Ef0lumps4

Ef0lump -The garden has been tended by my wife for the last two years and she does a wonderful job, she's even planted some plants in the field to attract the wildlife. In the spring we normally get up to 20 ducks and ducklings on the lawn waiting to be fed :P Best fed ducks in the area . We will loose all that and look at a hoarding where the fence is :(


sassy59 profile image

Good to see you Plumbob and glad the lung function showed improvement. 👍🏻

Trying to fight house building is a real uphill struggle. We lost in our area but did manage to get agreement for fewer houses. It's all change here and Pete and l are lucky as we are tucked out of the way. I do feel for you as your view is amazing. Hope your health doesn't suffer.

Take care xxxxx

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to sassy59

Thanks sassy but when it starts all I will be looking at is a hording where the fence is and the regular visit of ducks and ducklings will go :( It's disheartening :(


knitter profile image

I can sympathise.....the barns behind my house were converted, and the rest of the land sold for housing....big old beech trees with a protection order were felled. Now my view is straight into a neighbours bedroom.

I know we are desparately short of youngest daughter hasn't a hope of owning a place of her own.....but the houses behind me are big detached ones, not the sort that are needed. Money talks.

But a very emotive subject building....I would love a bungalow but they are so scarce and take up a big footprint of expensive land.

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to knitter

My sentiment exactly Knitter most of these are 4 & 5 bedroom houses which will redeem a healthy profit ?? There are other brown field sites in the village but profits wouldn't be so good :(


onamission profile image

what a beautiful view so sad I have a friend who is in the same boat they want to build all around his cottage you can bet some greedy councillor is getting a nice back hander.

where is all this rain going to go when we live in a concrete jungle best of luck plumbob

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to onamission

Onamission The Council will benefit from £3.2Million new house bonus and £0.5 million a year in council tax ? It's not affordable housing? as we live at bottom of the village we see the field flood every year but they say it's not a flood risk ? As you said where does the water go ? :(


onamission profile image
onamission in reply to Plumbob

So when they brought the posh houses and get flooded every year because it will be worse with house built the insurance will refuse to pay out because they are built on a flood plane.

Sickens me affordable housing is only affordable if you have the money.😞

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to onamission

Probably be us that get flooded as the new houses will be built to a higher standard and will prevent the water soaking away :P ?

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to Plumbob

I'm sure the councillor on planning wont give a dam so sad

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to onamission

I intend being a pain in their sides. there are 3 human rights laws they are infringing and though it won't change their minds I will certainly make them and the press aware :) Don't get mad but I do get even :)

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to Plumbob

what are these human rights acts wonder if they would help the old chap I know

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to onamission


The sections of the Human Rights act were

Article 2 ‘Protect Your Right to Life’

Article 8 ‘Respect for Your Private and Family Life’

Article 8 – Protocol 1 ‘Protects Your Right to Enjoy Your Property Peacefully’

Hope this helps


onamission profile image
onamission in reply to Plumbob

Thanks plumbob will pass this on

mmzetor profile image

such a shame if you lose that lovely view , what a waste to put houses there , think its getting the same every where now lots of big building projects planed in our area now , pity they are doing sod all to extended the services in the villages small towns our nearest a&e cant cope now with out 1000s more houses going up , several of the villages round here the sewers cant cope if we get heavy rain they have tankers pumping it out 24/7 but still keep connecting more houses to them .

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to mmzetor

We are in the same boat mmzetor I struggle to park in the village and can only get up there by car ? on top of the 300 houses a 300 static caravan site opens soon at the top of the village ? that's a lot of cars ?? When it starts the view for the rest of my life is going to be hording where the fence is and all the wild life gone :( :(


scorpiolass profile image

Hi Plumbob, Great to see you, seems you have a lot on your plate. I am so sorry you stand to lose such a tranquil view. Some things you can't place a price on. Very good your health is on the up. Keep on confounding the Docs & don't let this get you down too much. X

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to scorpiolass

Cheers Scorpiolass I am so annoyed with decision when there are other brownfield sites available in the village and we will loose the ducks & ducklings coming around every spring as well as other wildlife. When it starts my view will be a hording where the fence is for the rest of my life :(


Hi plumbob that is so sad,if you lose that view,it's beautiful,the price of progress as they call it.😳

Your garden looks lovely too,very tranquil,at least you'll still have that to enjoy!

Great to hear you're giving the Doctors a run for there money,keep it up & don't let the bast.... get you down😉

Take care,Wendells xx

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to

Wendells-The garden has been tended by my wife for the last two years and she does a wonderful job, she's even planted some plants in the field to attract the wildlife. In the spring we normally get up to 20 ducks and ducklings on the lawn waiting to be fed Best fed ducks in the area . We will loose all that and look at a hoarding where the fence is for the rest of my life:( It's not even affordable housing but a good profit margin ?? I will still rattle cages to let them know I'm still here :) Ironically it's church land and when I invited them round they said sorry but we can offer you PRAYER ....Good job I don't swear :P :P

Take care of yourself


in reply to Plumbob

Oh goodness,I know what I would have said about the prayers😳

Your wife has done a magnificent job with the garden,she must be heartbroken,& to lose the wildlife is an absolute tragedy.

Obivously palms being greased(if I'm allowed to say that here😉)

Hugs to you & your wife,Wendells xx

I feel for you, after you have put so much into your lovely garden. As if there were no other spaces to use........sigh....bang goes more wildlife. They might as well just shoot everything and have done with it.

Am just pleased that your lung function has improved so much though:-)

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to

Thanks Jennifer-It's not even affordable housing ? The garden has been tended by my wife for the last two years and she does a wonderful job, she's even planted some plants in the field to attract the wildlife. In the spring we normally get up to 20 ducks and ducklings on the lawn waiting to be fed Best fed ducks in the area . We will loose all that and look at a hoarding where the fence is for the rest of my life

Take care of yourself


in reply to Plumbob

It may not be as bad as you think. It's not over yet - sympathetic layouts can make things seem not as bad as you originally think....If you keep in touch with the Planning Office you may find they can be helpful alleviating many of your worries as they have to liaise with the builders. You just have to not lose sight of the project if you can help it. There are things that can be done to lessen the blow horrid is it seems to be at the moment.


Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to

Thanks Jennifer I spoke to the planning officers and even the Government inspector has been round to our house but after reading his conclusion although he did mention me and my issues, it was basically 'lip service' and doesn't put any onus on the contractor other than the standard considerate contractors clause which doesn't really go far enough in helping me. The point of access into the site will run 15m from our window which will produce a significant amount of dust and pollution including noise,then on completion (though I won't be around then?) it will be the main road into the village . It's just annoying because it's against the villagers wishes, there are brown field sites in the village which were favoured by the villages and weren't so intrusive it's just not a case of 'Not in my back yard'.


in reply to Plumbob

Honestly - who can read the minds of Planners and Government officials...not even themselves obviously. They never take note of public opinion unless it is something like the Brexit vote where they had no choice and won't be allowed to cheat. Now we have the fracking controversy in Lancashire - where there is money there are conditions that can be manipulated....funny isn't it..

I can only wish you and your village all the best and there is always hope. You have to keep on plugging away. Just a thought - is there a higher authority?

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to

Your absolutely right Jennifer money does talk and the local voice becomes mute. just as you stated about the Fracking permission given :( .

Buzzytruk profile image

You have a lovely garden and view, so sorry you are going to have an estate on your door step. I know how we would feel if was here as we have farm land across the road in front and behind us a golf course .


Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to Buzzytruk

Thanks Buzzytruk -The garden has been tended by my wife for the last two years and she does a wonderful job, she's even planted some plants in the field to attract the wildlife. In the spring we normally get up to 20 ducks and ducklings on the lawn waiting to be fed Best fed ducks in the area . We will loose all that and look at a hoarding where the fence is for the rest of my life .


undine profile image

it is certainly a view to fight for not just for you but for all of us who love nature and do not want our countryside cemented over - so please keep fighting for all of us - you could try starting a petition through Care2 or 38 degrees I'd certainly sign it and might put pressure on your local planners enough anyway to get them to defend their decision in the light of public opinion - anyway good luck whatever, take car xxx

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to undine

Undine we have been fighting for five years and it had been turned down each time by the council but the developers went to the Government for a public enquiry and they overturned everyones opinions and granted planning so it will go ahead and I'll be looking at a hording for the rest of my life? We normally get ducks & ducklings on the lawn from springs as they know where to get free food :) That won't happen anymore :( they may have won but I will be a pain in their backsides as much as possible as the dust is going to crucify me :(


jackdup profile image

Wow what a change for the worse that will be for you. You have a beautiful yard and wonderful view with no traffic. Very sad you will lose your nice peaceful serene surroundings.

I can sure understand why you are trying to prevent the project and wish you luck.

Also glad for your improved lung function.

Plumbob profile image
Plumbob in reply to jackdup

Jackdup the decision has been made by the government after five years of fighting and local authority refusing planning twice:( The wild life will go the dust will cripple me and I will be looking at hording for the rest of my life :( But I intend to be a pain in their backside everyday :)


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