Don't you just hate....: ... - Lung Conditions C...

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Don't you just hate....

Symes profile image
16 Replies

....condescending, know-it-all doctors, who think they know our bodies better than we know them ourselves?

And doctors that have an issue with those of us that are carrying a few extra pounds, and blame everything thats wrong with us, and I mean everything - from diabetes to lung problems to brain tumours (yes, really. It's a real case look it up) on the fact that we're overweight and refuse to see past that.

They refuse to look at other symptoms or causes. Because you're a fat bugger, and a diet will solve everything.


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Symes profile image
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16 Replies

Dear Symes,

it's awful how our doctors can make us feel when really they are covering up for their own inadequacies. If you made yourself into a 'bag of bones' it wouldn't cure your bronchiectasis. I have had it all of my life. I AM a bag of bones and am sick to my back teeth of being told by well meaning strangers, friends, insensitive doctors, even family - that if I put weight on I would be better. ggrrrrr.

Symes profile image
Symes in reply to

Thanks, Still. In a funny way that made me smile, and I needed that today :)

I think its new NHS drive social services think diet can help cure symptoms of alzheimer s

They wanted to refer my dad to diet guy SO they got sent on there way again with bug in the ear.

Had few people say can relive strees and be quite empowering throwing people out house.

Have to give it try Symes :)

in reply to

Oh that's funny Jeff! Love it.

Symes profile image

Thing is Jeff, I've been heavier than I am now, and had no problems whatsoever. So that argument doesn't hold much water for me I'm afraid!

(And to be fair, I was in his house. Couldn't really throw the guy out his own hospital now could I lol)

in reply to Symes

Yer can thats whats great about forgetting.

Am always telling me brother all throw him out of his own house lol

Sheilab123 profile image

You certainly do Symes, though I must admit my GP is very good (when I see him, which is rarely) Might be a different scenario next time, put on loads of weight, but trying to get some of it off! Xx

sassy59 profile image

The doctor that Pete sees is also overweight so can't say too much really. Xx🍐🍉🍒🍌🍗🌭🍕🍟

HampshireLass profile image
HampshireLass in reply to sassy59

2 of the docs at my practice are grossly overweight and also one of the nurses. Wonder how they tell people to lose weight? Noticed also when last in hospital many of the nurses were very weighty. Just shows it is not so easy to lose it. Think if you have COPD then a bit of weight is good, when I was undiagnosed I was underweight as I couldn't eat and used too many calories to breathe.

Symes profile image
Symes in reply to HampshireLass

I had a GP like that once 20 years or so back. He was easily about 3 or 4 times my size. Real big old fella (think actor Richard Griffiths from Pie in the Sky) yet he was always on at me.

Is it any wonder I didn't listen back then, as he obviously didn't take his own advice!

Lisahelen profile image

IF ONLY. !!!!!!!!!!😂

Lyn5 profile image

Dear Symes,

Had the same problem, I was told by doctor at the Brompton, that I had put on 2 stone since being put on steroids, so as my condition has deteriorated it's my fault and I should lose weight. Easier said than done, left hospital feeling desperate and depressed. Thank you Brompton.

Symes profile image
Symes in reply to Lyn5

I'm sorry Lyn. It's horrible isn't it, how bad those who are supposed to care for us make us feel. Steroids actually make folks put on weight, so I'm pretty sure your condition deteriorating is certainly not your fault. ((Big hugs)) x

Been on daily steroids for 3 years, with occasional heavy dosage from rescue packs, still to get up to 7 stone.........

Nottobad profile image

Hi I used to have a weight problem through taking steroids. I went from a size 12 to 16 managed to loose a lot. Throug eating healthly now my weight is 68kilos. And although I am slender I look like I am pregnant bloated stomach. Think that has to do with steroids too. Now after being dx with psoriatic arthritis I have to take medication one of the side effects is weight gain. So I try to eat little and often mainly healthy things.

5`3"................My "usual" healthy weight was around 8.5 stone, and I usually hit the ideal spot on the BMI for what it`s worth............

Seeing dietician in the pulmonary rehab session next week, already on fortified yoghurts and drinks, 300 calories a time, eat quite well, inc fryups, cream buns, chocs, whatever I fancy.......but put an ounce on?? Hardly ever.

Don`t half feel the cold though, dreading winter..............

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