Hi everyone, I am Blueshoes, I have copd and feel that this is a good way to talk to people in a similar situation..it's also got to be a good place to learn about things to make life a little easier.
About me: Hi everyone, I am Blueshoes... - Lung Conditions C...
About me

Hello Blueshoes. Lots of friendly people here, and always lots of info and help. You will be made very welcome. x

Thanks everso
Hello blue shoes
Welcome...you will get lots of support and advice off the members on here, and a few laughs.
They are a great bunch of people, who have all sorts of lung problems., COPD being one of them.
Just post away
Hello and welcome from me too.
Thanks to all for the welcome, I look forward to a few chats
Hello Blue shoes and a big welcome from me too. I have copd. As everyone has said - come here for help and advice or just a chat. Everyone is very kind and knowledgeable about things relating to lung problems.
Hi Blueshoes a very warm welcome to our informative, supportive and friendly forum. I hope you get out of the forum everything you expect and make lots of new friends.
Regards. John
Welcome blueshoes
Hello Blueshoes. Welcome! 😀
Kathy x
Thanks for all the welcomes, feel good about that. Does anyone know the rules for taking oxygen abroad. Off to France at the end of August and although I have been before this will be my first time maybe needing oxygen. I have been told I can take the bottles also been told I can't take any. All very confusing. Any of you lovely bunch can unconfuse me?
Welcome to the forum blue shoes I found that knowing so many people were the same or worse than me encouraged me to not feel so sorry for myself. There is always someone you can identify with. Hope you are doing well at the moment.